Edward General Hospital (East Becktown)

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Edward General Hospital

East Becktown [22, 39]

Templeton Park the Hutchinson Building Barbara General Hospital
Haslock Walk Edward General Hospital Club Normandare
Jensen Boulevard Police Department
Rousel Road
a carpark

Basic Info:

  • Excellent place to find first aid kits. Zombies frequently check inside.
  • Portable Generators have a use other than powering the lights and increasing search probability in hospitals. Players with the Surgery Skill can heal for 15 HP if the Hospital has a fueled up Generator.
  • Hospitals can be barricaded normally.
  • Among the internal descriptions found in Hospitals:
    • "...its wards and corridors blackened with the soot of a recent fire"
    • "...its empty wards criss-crossed with snapped quarantine tape."
    • "...one of the city's psychiatric hospitals."
    • "...dark corridors leading through abandoned wards."
    • "...its emergency room in disarray."
    • "...its lobby covered with quarantine posters."
    • "...a children's hospital with bright murals across the walls. "
    • "The main lobby is riddled with bullet holes."
    • "It was one of the last to be evacuated, and seems to have been cleared out in a hurry."
    • "...a derelict hospital that was closed down years ago."

Edward General Hospital (East Becktown)

Template:CMS Controlled


Once a state of the art facility, Edward General has deteriorated severely and it now serves as a first aid station for injured survivors, rather than an actual hospital.

Edward General Hospital is currently run by the Central Medical Service, and now has a doctor present at all times, though is seeking more medics and doctors to improve service.


On February 7th, 2008 the Central Medical Service assumed responsibility for the management of Edward General Hospital, and began to provide immediate medical treatment to the desperate survivors of East Becktown.

Barricade Policy

VSB +2 at all times

Current Status

As of February 20, 2008, Edward General Hopsital has been ruined, and Central Medical Service staff are forced to evacuate, though medics now operate in the local area.


This Hospital is actively maintained

This Hospital is actively maintained by individuals and groups in the local area

Hospital Staff can diagnose patients

Hospital staff are able to diagnose and cure injured patients

Entry Point
Entry Point

This building is barricaded to VSB+2. No free running? No problem.


February 7th

February 8th

  • Edward General Hospital is overrun by zombies, though CMS staff remain on duty.

February 9th

  • Edward General Hospital is left in ruins by zombies - staff attempt to establish an aid post nearby

February 11th

  • Staff & survivors abandon Edward General.

Safety Standards from the Malton Hospitals Group

  • Try to keep this hospital powered at all times.
  • Keep this hospital at VS+2. Those without Free Running need FAKs too. If the hospital is a key building in a battle, and it's a complete emergency, barricade to EHB. Don't try to say you didn't need FAKs at lvl 1.
  • Keep this hospital zombie-free. They're nothing but trouble.
  • Repair damage when possible. If you're alone against 9 zombies, don't even try, but if you can, just spend the darn 1 AP.
  • Keep at least one doctor at this hospital.
  • Nobody is low priority. Unless in serious conflict, nobody in your hospital is higher priority than another. We're all in this together, the level one you save today, could be the one to headshot the zombie chewing on your arm a few months down the road.
  • If you have some people to spare, set up an ambulance service to support survivors outside the hospital.
  • Keep a radio inside the building, and please transmit on the hospital frequency, 28.26 MHz.

Redcrosssmall.jpg Malton Hospitals Group
This hospital has been registered on the Malton Hospitals Group database, and can be guaranteed to have a doctor present.
Generator.JPG Needs Generator
This building requires a generator for maximum usefulness.