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About me: Bah, I'm too tired and filthy rich to write a description....tell for yourself.....

I'll get cool animated gif soon, though....if my computer's wireless doesn't kill me first...

I got disconnected half a dozen times writing...




Rule number one?

When out of ammo and faced with a sea of lovable bobbing undead faces, remember to have your personal swear dictionary in hand. A good taunting never hurt anyone, except a ravenous zack.


Bah. I got sick of having to search up all the FAQs in the wiki so I decided to put it all into one neat box in my page. Well, it's not really appropriate, but rather than giving the wiki admins some grief over a new wiki page for my group's FAQ, I decided to set up shop here. Gee, why didn't anyone think of this before?
Like, whatever. Let's get down to the nitty gritty.

[[| The nitty gritty

  • ZomG! The search rates at the NTs suck! But I was doing SOOOO well yesterday!!! Like, 1 syringe with my first AP! What HAPPENED?!
  • Hmmm, maybe this will help: The success rate of finding your trusty needles depends on the current survivor/zombie ratio. Translation: The more zombies there are in Malton compared to 'harmanz!', the better your chances of finding a syringe without desperately pounding your keyboard. Next question!

  • So, I enter a building, right? And then I see everyone with these boxes around their names! Some are red, blue and green! What do they mean?!
  • No biggie. It just depends on your character class. Green = military, Blue = Scientists, etc.

  • There I was, bored outta my mind, and I was scanning the UD stats page. AND I SEE SOME LVL 43s!!! Is there some secret bonus that special players are getting?!
  • Nope. The stats page works in mysterious ways. Sometimes even I have trouble understanding it. For some weird reason, it counts 'infected' and 'revivifying' as a skill level. So congrats! If you got bitten by a depraved infectious zombie, you are unofficially one level up! (And, by the way, you're also dying).

  • I want to start a Comm Platoon! How do I know which frequencies aren't being used?! And which ones are being used in a certain suburb?

  • I have no idea where I'm going. Please HELP!
  • Ah, finally a newbie question! You might want to use this in the not-so-distant future. It helps heaps. Before going anywhere, I suggest looking up suburb danger stats, and make sure you find the most recent report (well, duh). As for barricade policy...Who bothers to follow those anymore? There are enough pro-zed humans trying to cade entry points to EHB as it is. Which brings me to...

  • Um... What skill should I go for first? And what are all these EHB and VSB talks I keep hearing? QSB? EP? RP? ...Graaagh!
  • Patience, o' bewildered one. Every mmorpg game makes up its own terminology as it grows. Some are universal, like PKer. In Malton, you'll get acquainted with GKers ('Genny' killers), RKers (Radio Transceiver Killers) and of course, bounty hunters (To use a "Terminator 3" analogy: An anti-PKer PKer).
  • EHB, QSB and VSB are barricade levels: Loosely Barricaded, Lightly Barricaded, QSB= Quite Strongly Barricaded, VSB = Very Strongly Barricaded, VHB = Very Heavily Barricaded and EHB = Extremely Heavily Barricaded, in ascending order of strength. Get the construction skill to start cading a building.
  • EP = Entry Point. A building kept at VSB +2 or lower is an EP. Players who have the free run ability may use EPs to get into more heavily barricaded buildings, such as malls. This is why Free-running should be one of the first skills you purchase when starting a new character. If you're stuck outside wondering why no one lets you in, there's a good chance there's a zombie horde coming your way. If you do get killed, and you probably will, look for an RP, Revive Point, which is usually the nearest cemetary; others are indicated with graffiti.

  • I'm going on a three-week hiatus (Woohoo! Tahiti here I come!). What happens to my character?
  • Ah! This is one question that the UD FAQ actually DOES have an answer to! If you don't log in for five days, your character becomes 'hidden'. That's to say, your character effectively disappears from everyone else's scope. Effectively, you can't be killed or hurt in any way. Don't believe me? Try the UD FAQ. And for the record, you can have an active character in the same suburb as an inactive character. This is because you might forget where all your inactive alts are. Just make sure you don't accidentally log in with your inactive alt.
  • PS: With the way things are going in Malton, you might find yourself logging back to an inactive character surrounded by a sea of ruined buildings. That's quite a surreal experience. I've been there. And by the way, you can only go inactive in Malton. It doesn't work in Monroeville.

  • What is CRing? It sounds cool.
  • Well, you're welcome to try it, although it is frowned upon. CRing refers to Combat Reviving, which is reviving a hostile zombie. Why Combat Revive? It takes only 10 AP to kill a zed who will most likely not be able to enter the building you're defending (Unless they have the necessary human skills). Why is it frowned upon, then? Zombies develop countermeasures, of course. We (Yes, I've been one) save up enough XP to purchase free-running and combat skills, and then go into your building and butcher you and maybe half of your friends too. If we feel like it. In the end, you'll have to kill us with guns anyway. One last thing: Combat Reviving zombies gives 'em the chance to find a flak jacket. So don't do it.

  • Parachuting? I heard it's a zed tactic; Gee, I don't think I have an umbrella strong enough to protect me from a falling zed!
  • No, no, no... Parachuting is when a recently-revived zed takes advantage of the fact that it can enter barricaded buildings as a human, and then it will somehow die (maybe through infection) inside a target barricaded building. Any zed that practises this technique is known as a paratrooper.
    So don't be surprised if you wake up next morning to find a zed inside an EHB building. More info can be found here. The paratrooper can effectively bypass any long AP-consuming EHB barricade smashing! One more thing: you might not witness the log-off technique so often. It only works when the paratrooper has one AP left with active survivors trying to kill him/her.
    How do hostile zeds get revived in the first place? Well, this might be by a confederate reviver, or (you guessed it) combat reviving (So DON'T DO IT!!!)
  • Side Note 1:
    This tactic is hardly ever used anymore. PKers fill in the shoes of paratroopers quite nicely.
  • Side Note 2:
    Here's some Useful info on large-scale pinata tactics I can't be arsed about typing out yet.

  • What is a pinata? Do I get candy?!
  • A pinata is a ruined building kept at EHB. Basically, it is less AP efficient for a zombie to tear down barricades than it is for it to parachute inside. Once inside, the paratrooper ruins the EHB building. Effectively, survivors can no longer free-run into the building from an adjacent structure, and cannot enter the building from the outside. So usually the only way for humans to break into a pinata is to take a crowbar ('the stick') and tear down ('break') the cades to get to the waiting zed inside ('candy'). Hence, pinata. And no, there is no real candy. Just an annoying zack. Also, besides beer, there's really nothing you can eat in Malton, so, um, yeah.

  • What?! MORE UD terms?!
  • Oh, get a grip, will you? Yes, here's a few more words coming at you:
    Zack/Zed = Zombie
    Confederate = Pro-zed human, from what I keep hearing.
    Cading = Barricading

  • Me and a group of buddies want to retake a mall (Booyah!). How do we find info on that mall?
  • Well, that's obvious: Mall Status Map. Remember that rules of real life apply here: Zeds usually try to confound reports by using surprise attacks, although that's pretty difficult if they're using a large mob. Sometimes they could use a vanguard like the good ol' days.

  • I want to send Kevan a suggestion! What do I do?!
  • Oh, we've been through all this before. Here's one reasonable suggestion I came up with: "The d@mn zeds are always blocking me every time I try to cade! It's just too hard for a survivor to hold anything anymore!!! Realistically, wouldn't there be more than one entrance to a building? So one zombie can't possibly block ALL my cading efforts! How about having a minimum amount of zeds (like, oh, I dunno, maybe 30-ish?) before they "lurch into our way" like a bunch of happy-go-lucky gits? It might overhaul your precious UD coding, but right now mall sieges aren't what they used to be!". If you've got those sort of queries, go to the UD main page and drop Kevan a line by email. I'm not going to do it. Sooner or later my ideas will be shot down by someone with a lame and downright idiotic excuse.
  • Well, I'm not one for much template abuse. So:
01 AIRBORNE RECRUIT.png I'm from the 82nd!
This user is from the 82nd Airborne Division
Sgpicon1.gif Sacred Ground Policy Supporter
This user supports the Sacred Ground Policy.
Omg! Mel Gibson!.jpg Mel Gibson is a woman!!!
This user or group supports the theory that Mel Gibson is a woman!

Just look how gorgeous he is in a skirt! No man can do that!
