Malton Maulers

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Revision as of 16:43, 7 September 2008 by Ryannx25 (talk | contribs)
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Malton Maulers

For now, nothing is much known about this mysterious group. All that is known is that members of this group have been spotted ravaging through the suburb of Chancelwood. They were most recentally seen rebarricading and providing fuel and generators for Kempe Way School and The Harenc Building. As recent zombie activity have left those buildings and others south of them in ruines.

Recruitment Policy

As of this time, the Malton Maulers, have only recentally opened a Forum in which to contact them.

Be warned that: Your message might not be read for some time as we are not fully up and running with the use of the forums. Just give us some time and we should have everything situated.

Malton Maulers
Abbreviation: MM
Group Numbers: Unknown
Leadership: Neice, Hagee and Tobi5792
Recruitment Policy: