Dunell Hills Police Department/Archive/Charlie Squad

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Click here to join the DHPD. Read the DHPD Testimonials for an inside look at the DHPD.

Squad Recommissioned

Charlie Squad
Abbreviation: DHPD-CS
Group Numbers: 6
Leadership: Pault
Goals: To act as the long arm of the law for DHPD, carrying out counter-siege operations in the DMZ and around Malton
Recruitment Policy: Membership in the DHPD is required as well as official confirmation on the DHPD forum
Contact: Radio Free Dunell Hills


Siege Occupation and Defense

Charlie Squad works closely with other squads and strike forces to deal with siege situations. Risking life and limb to occupy and maintain the most contested buildings in Malton, members of Charlie Squad require nerves of steel, and a will and desire to turn defense to offense.


Charlie Squad is always recruiting! We are looking for officers with Free Running, Construction, and combat skills. Position of Squad Reviver is also available. To apply, simply join DHPD via the HR and Recruitment Office, join our secure communications forum, and say hello! -- Ezekiel UK

(link of secure comms forum edited) --Bulldog C6 01:38, 26 August 2008 (BST)


Squad Leader: Pault

Squad 2IC: Can o' Whupass

Members: Boris Vorobyoff, Jonathan Osterman, Front Row, Pocari Sweat

Want to Join?

Join the DHPD forum, fill out the new recruit paperwork, and get yourself trained with our training squad!

Former Personnel

  1. Sgt Lipton (683398) - Squad Leader
  2. Kerry Brown (710282) - Recon
  3. Cerrus (444612) - Combat Support
  4. Fr4nk Castle (274719) - Heavy Support
  5. braunwyn cleanslate (1043875) - Squad Medic
  6. Chase Edmunds (325512) - ?
  7. Papa Roge (551926) - ?
  8. Adam Weishaupt (?) - Heavy Support
  9. Handlersix (?) - Squad Chaplain
  10. Wolfy06 (?) - Combat Support

Mission Report

Current Mission: Retaking Dunell Hills


Our Forum! http://dhpdforums.proboards67.com/index.cgi

Know what you are talking about.
Malton Citizens Broadcast
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Radio Transmission Conduct Protocol

Balance scale.jpg Coalition for Fair Tactics Group
This group has ratified the Coalition for Fair Tactics Group Pledge.

Sgpicon1.gif Sacred Ground Policy Supporter
This user or group supports the Sacred Ground Policy and acknowledges that all Cemeteries in the city of Malton are considered Revivification Points.

Dhpd.jpg Dunell Hills Police Department Dhpd.jpg

DHPD Main Page

DHPD Departments: Comissioner's Office | Internal Affairs | HR and Recruitment | Field Operations | Research Sciences | Internal Communications | Public Relations | Resource and Supply | Interdepartmental Relations | Medical Services | Chaplain Services

DHPD Precincts: Broadbelt Grove | Bunter Street | Burrell Way | Cottam Way | Cotty Street | Kenefie Lane | Ruggevale Walk | Rodwell Row | Swinnerton Square | Uppill | Yea Drive

DHPD Squads: Alpha Squad | Bravo Squad | Charlie Squad | Delta Squad | Dixie Squad | Ghost Squad | Omega Squad

DHPD Allies: Special Tactics And Rescue Squad | U.S. ARMY INFANTRY | The Crimson Clan | The Veterans | Umbrella Corporation | CMS-Meta | Malton Rangers | Zombie Squad

Other: Radio Free DHPD | DHPD Forum | Department Archives | DHPD Policies and Procedures | DHPD Most Wanted | Rogues Gallery | DHPD Testimonials