User talk:Selena

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Revision as of 01:56, 25 September 2008 by Sazahn (talk | contribs) (Selena)
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Job and Greeting

Hey, this is Sazahn. It is a pleasure to meet you. So Chris' friend huh? Well a friend of him is a friend of mine. I have watched Naruto once or twice if I ever see a TV screen, but I know who you are talking about. Blind? Do not worry, if anyone is trying to bring you harm, I will be happy to help, with a great discount of course. 90% seems right. Hmmm white eyes? *peaceful smile* That is nice, mine are the color of a black hole, well one is at least. Well, I am glad to know that you can't see what I look like, but I think you are nice so I will explain as well as I can. As you know my eyes are black, but I lost the ability to see through one of them from a stray bullet. My right eye to be more presice. Well, with the tech I found on my wandering I built a cybernetic replacement and implanted it within my very eye socket and nervous system. To be honest, I was afraid of doing this, but it was for the right cause. Anyway, my left arm is also cybernetic, but I lost this when I first arrived here in Malton. A group of hungry undead broke into where I was hiding out and ripped my arm clean off. I fled to Roftwood from there and using the supplies from a nearby Necro Tech, I built a cybernetic arm that, as I stated before, connected with my nervous system... You know, I could give you the ability to see once more... But to be honest, I do not wish to mess with your eyes. *clears throat* Anyway off that topic, I have talked to the one who Chris said he was attacked by, and from what he has said he was no where near there. He said, if there is someone that has almost an identical name, he will be happy to dispose of him. As far as I know, Paradox is a survivor group with no intention of bringing other survivors harm. If Chris was able to give me some more proof like a screenshot or maybe the profile of the attacker, I could be able to look further and take him down, but right now it's like an attorney going into a court room without evidence. And my job is to not look like a PKer and act too rashly. I am the tactician of my group and I do not wish to kill that title. If you ever wish to meet, you can come find me. Around Roftwood I wouldn't wonder. To be more precise, I'm usually either in St. Ethelbert's Hospital co-ordinates 66,50 or the factory (my merc base) 67,50. It's not the safest place at the moment, but it's home to me. Only if you want to, not saying you have to. Tell Chris if he has any other job for me, I will be happy to do it. Oh and East Grayside is up and running from what I have seen. *pats you on the shoulder with a smile* See ya around.

--Sazahn 04:17, 26 June 2008 (BST)


Well, I actually have a task to take care of Down in East Grayside, if your in the area let me know, we can end up meeting hopefully. And I could help train you. Only if you want to though. Anyway, I will be moving out soon. Hope to hear from you.

--Sazahn 07:01, 30 June 2008 (BST)

On My Way

Dead huh? Well, I will be bringing supplies but with the siege conditions my travel time is shortened. So far I am in Edgecombe taking a rest, but I will be there soon to help you out. We will worry about the fee later, right now you need my help.

On another matter... You think my arm is cool? *saddend chuckle* I really don't think that. Yes I wear a mask, well a hlaf face mask. Kinda like the phantom of the opera. Touch it..? Well uhhh... I errr.... Oh why not, go ahead. *scratches back of my head* Well, I really don't think I could bring myself to tampering with your eyes with the optics I make. They are still experimental. If they were to malfuntion during the surgery you could wind up dead. I know I could have, but I took the chance. *sighs* Chris talks about me? He gives me too much credit, I am just doing my job of helping whenever I can. *smiles* Chris has told me about you. You two really close? Anyway, I will be there soon, just hold out a little longer ok? *trecks through the ruins and hordes to reach you*

--Sazahn 07:19, 1 July 2008 (BST)

Man, you are one crazy soul to fight against one of the worst hordes known to exist in game next to RRF. They are called Extinction. My group has been in combat with them many times and my confrontations have been rather rough. They usually own all of the North Western section of Malton. To be truthful, this mission is WAY out of my league... BUT, I will help you no matter what. Besides, I'd hate to see you walking among one of them. Hold out a little longer ok? I'm in Shearbank resting up and supplying myself to help you. You will have to promise me one thing incase this goes completely bad when you and I are alive. I want you to retreat to a safe haven. You are no match for anyone at the moment and I would hate to see you fall again to these monsters.

--Sazahn 04:13, 3 July 2008 (BST)

Almost there, made it to Yagaton with Daren Elaine. Just a little bit longer. What is the status and you are gonna have to stand up so I may revive you.

--Sazahn 01:28, 4 July 2008 (BST)

We are in the Lock Boulevard PD with cades standing at Verts Strongly. I was going to revive you, but you weren't stnading. So far, there are only 4 zombies outside at the moment. Daren Elaine and myself do not have much supplies to hold, but we will do our best... In order to get the first half of the mission done you need to stand up. So I may revive you. Let me know when you stand ok?

--Sazahn 09:21, 5 July 2008 (BST)

Change in Plans

-gripping my severe wounds- Damn them, they got me good... Such small numbers yet they got us. Sir Elaine is sleeping, I was able to fight and take down1 but the poison has spread too fast through my body... Holding the Police Department won't work, we don't have sufficient supplies nor able bodies. My mission is to rescue you though. Please stand up so I may be able to save you. *coughs up blood* Damn it, don't give out on me now body... Please hurry... --Sazahn 02:01, 7 July 2008 (BST)

-calm voice- Where are you, you just disappeared. I am not pointing gonna accuse, but if this is just a set-up, then everyone has some explaining to do. I will not stop working until I find it ridiculous. But Sir Elaine may retreat soon. Please hurry.

--Sazahn 07:10, 11 July 2008 (BST)

I would like to know as well, I nearly lost an arm and a leg coming here, and we can't even reach you on your cell phone. If you disappeared, we need to know where you are. I've had more close encounters in this red zone than I really care for. What in the world is going on? --Daren Elaine 04:57, 14 July 2008 (BST)


This is Sazahn. I will be glad to help you, but I can't leave my post... If you can, work your way down to Crowbank and tell me when you are there. I will revive you ASAP. Please don't go missing again, our last mission was a total disaster since it got us killed... If you really wish to stand again then I will see you in Crowbank. --Sazahn 02:56, 25 September 2008 (BST)