Talk:Flowers of Disease

From The Urban Dead Wiki
Revision as of 09:34, 23 October 2008 by Project K9 (talk | contribs)
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Here you will find our communications with other groups, friend and foe alike. If there is ongoing discourse, the discussion will get it's own archive. Everyone has a say here, whether we agree or most often, disagree. If the conversation sinks to a war of profanity, the diplomacy ends and the comments erased. Enjoy!


XIII has recently created a list of survivors who spend their time shooting zombies outdoors while their suburbs crumble around them. Please feel free to use and contribute to it at your leisure. --William Told 03:26, 26 September 2008 (BST)

I second this. Even though it's a DEM-variety flotsam suggesting it. --Jen 07:32, 26 September 2008 (BST)

A good idea's a good idea. Thanks for the suggestion William, I'll stick it up on the forum (the talk page doesn't get checked much.) --Ben Harding 05:54, 20 October 2008 (BST)


Please join us in participating in Malton's First Player Killer Olympic Games!

Check out the wiki page: HERE--Squid Boy 18:16, 26 August 2008 (BST)

Dunell Hills Police Department

We're coming for you guys. --Bulldog C6 06:50, 31 May 2008 (BST)

Really? could have surprised me. Also Bulldog keep all chatter concerning anything on the wiki here or we'll have to send Aesir out again. Sincerly -- Kalenium  FoD 02:28, 6 June 2008 (BST)
Understood :P --Bulldog C6 03:41, 7 June 2008 (BST)

Bandit Queens

I notice that under news, you said you dragged us out of the warehouse. Technically, you left us to rot inside. And whoa, Rupert's gonna have to do a lot of cleaning to get the smell out. Gwendolyr 02:44, 25 February 2008 (UTC)

Hmmmm....well we can't let this discrepancy stand. I will make the change right away. :)--Hibernaculum 22:21 EST, Feb 25/08


KAL HERE! Sorry that I have not been able to get a message through to anyone at all, but my internet dropped out last week and I'm still waiting for them to send out someone to fix it >_< So REALLY sorry guys. PS:I'm at work so I can't acctually access the forum or ANYWHERE, work is also blocking proxy sites so they're out of the question. PPS: Whats this about the group disbanding? Oh my god... seems like alot has happened.. wow... well I hope it's fixed soon so that I can talk with you guys!-- Kalenium  FoD 06:13, 24 January 2008 (UTC)

Good to hear from your Kal. Sadly, the group has disbanded. We just didn't have enough active members anymore to be effective. Those of us who were left weren't on the same page as to the future direction of the group. So as the last remaining 'founder', I closed the shop rather than have us continue on in such a dilapidated state. I know Roly and Boots have started up a new outfit involving contract kills. They have said any of the active ex-FOD are welcome. --Hibernaculum 22:01, 25 January 2008 (UTC)

Thank you for informing me Hiber, it has been truely excellent working with you. I hope you go on to greater things, speaking of that. What are you going onto? I may join onto Roly and Boots but... I'm not sure. We'll see how things pan out. Yours sincerly -- Kalenium  FoD 06:36, 26 January 2008 (UTC)

Hello Kal good to hear from you. As Hib said Bootsy and I have started a small group The Forgotten.--Roland 00:42, 29 January 2008 (UTC)

Tis a pity that a combination of events led to the disbanding. A great group, one of the most co ordinated in the game brought low by real life, rogue ISPs, and wot not. Nee mind, my fervour had diminished whilst I was offline and I was thinking about retiring in any case. As it is I will retire all my characters (maybe one day............) and leave Malton. A good time lots of great memories and a member of two of the best groups in the game (co-founder of FoD and zed in FU) All the best with the new groups, if there is ever a last hurrah PM me via the FoD forum and I should get an e mail. Thanks to the FoD members, you were all ace. I is now retired. Rob Collick/RC Zombie. Thanks to all I killed and all who killed me. :D]].--Rob Collick GMT 17.53

AW, screw retirement! ]].--Rob Collick

  • Thats too bad that you guys came back from "retirement". And when I say "retirement" what I mean is "Softcore Leaving of the Game Because We Have No Gimmick And Can't Keep Our Membership Up". Letting this train wreck you call a group fizzle off into the void would have been the first victory that you would have scored. The first time you try and do something worth doing and what do you get...? FAIL. And now you find yourselves in Pwnsville, a suburb of Fuckoffedyland. Population: the Roses of Athlete's Foot. You chumps can't even quit the game without sucking at it! Hahaha. --Dhavid Grohl 00:55, 22 June 2008 (BST)










Your group is hilarious, thank you for an entertaining read :D. 'arm. 10:37, 26 September 2007 (BST)

We aim to please! :) Glanced at your profile. Good to see another Pelican fan out there. What do you think of Mono?--Hibernaculum 23:22, 26 September 2007 (BST)
Just got one of their albums the other day "One More Step And You Die", and I've got another one winging it's way to me from Amazon right now (can't remember which one though). They're very good, but lack the heavy undertones that Pelican somehow slips in. I swear I listened to City of Echoes on repeat for 2 or 3 weeks when I first got it. I just got a Red Sparowes ablum (Every Red Heart..), and that's pretty damn amazing too. 'arm. 09:56, 27 September 2007 (BST)
Check out the song COM(?) from 'one more step'. I liked "The Fire in Our Throats Will Beckon the Thaw" better than 'City of Echoes'. Found that one to be a bit of a letdown. --Hibernaculum 16:53, 27 September 2007 (BST)
Indeed, COM(?) is one I like, thought as I say - I've only had the album a few days. And the other Mono album arrived today: 'You Are There'. TFIOTWBTT is a fantastic album.. it was a grower for me though. I wasn't impressed by it, having liked Australasia so much. But then I got the 'Marching into the Sea' EP and loved that extended version. I went back to TFIOTWBTT and discovered actually how good it is. City of Echoes: it starts fairly poorly, but 'Dead between Walls' really stands out for me.
At the moment I'm really liking Cult of Luna. The songs are long and often chilled but still very heavy, yet the vocals are very harsh. If you're not into that then it may put you off, but if that's not a problem, you should check them out! 'arm. 17:04, 27 September 2007 (BST)
Just gave Cult of Luna's album, 'The Beyond' a listen. Good first impression. I'll have to play it a few more times but so far, it's good!--Hibernaculum 23:39, 29 September 2007 (BST)

Angels of Mercy say hello

Thought I'd throw a greeting your way, what with us going toe to toe with your former enemies, Blackhawk Nation. --Aom 15:36, 20 May 2008 (BST)

The BHN learned a great deal during our Campaign against them. They now reside in the "Neutral" area of our wiki. I should think that they will give you a run for your money so to speak.--Roland 01:58, 25 May 2008 (BST)

FOD Tinyurl


TZH Stuff MOVED HERE. Anything else concerning TZH written in this spot will be deleted

Hey this is Duke Cage. Just wanted to let you guys know that I respect you for always keeping your group affiliation on. So many pking tards tend to hide their group name and such to avoid the inevitable ass bruising from Those who rock your shit 24/7... but you guys got some balls... or Pistils and Stamens shall I say?


Greetings from the Saints

Ah yes, there is apparently much to discuss as your comment on our wiki had several mistakes, or shall we at least say, misconceptions.

Firstly, we were not trying to spare TZH in any way, we have no love for them so do not assume that just because some of our members killed you while you were killing them that we were doing it to help them. In fact it was because of the large PKer presence killing TZH that we had people in the area to begin with, such a thing was too good to pass up, and so in a way, your death at this time was your own fault.

There was also nothing unprovoked in the attack, you are not without sin because you've killed so many innocent survivors, it really is as simple as that.

We look forward to seeing you again. - Lynch 23:21, 8 July 2008 (BST)

There are survivors and then there is flotsam. We kill the latter. Any survivors we killed were not innocent. As for you BH types, what to make of you? You'll notice over our time here, we have rarely bothered with your kind. We look at BHer's like failed Pker's. Like stars that didn't quite make it. You work on the fringes, trying to satisfy your darker natures without taking the full plunge. You kill and then refuse to accept the consequences, hiding behind whatever measure of justification you believe the RG gives you for your cold blooded murders. You wish to have your cake and eat it too. Low but not quite flotsam. However, taking advantage of the situation in the Blyvilles while a true survivor group like the FOD tries to clear out the detritus from the area is a most dishonorable act worthy of flotsam. I am sure our paths will cross again. --Hibernaculum 20:36, 27 July 2008 (BST)
Aside from the fact that anyone who has a cake and doesn't try to eat it is a fool, saying bounty hunters are failed PKers doesn't really make sense; PKing is easy, you just kill anyone you see while bounty hunters only kill those who have been deemed to deserve it by the most impartial source available. Bounty hunting is more challenging and more rewarding. - Lynch 22:22, 28 July 2008 (BST)
Read our wiki. We don't just 'kill anyone'. In fact at times we have been quiet as we haven't found a suitable target. We are pro-survivor, we just have a different method. One that has actually met with success. more so then the life of the BH. Groups change for the better when they come under our scrutiny. You guys kill a PKer, get your bounty and then move on. Achieving naught, no PKer is worried about the odd bounty. The RG is a mess in any case. I guess we can agree to disagree and will take a swipe at you sooner or later. We're busy at the mo though. --Rob Collick

The Great Suburb Group Massacre

Check-Mark-Reviewed.jpg Group Confirmed.
This group was confirmed active. Thank you for your reply.

Currently the suburb in question is Dunningwood but one response to this query will be all that is needed to protect your group link on all suburb pages. I know this is a may seem a stupid request but it’s for all groups regardless of size. Thank you. --Adavastor 04:32, 31 July 2008 (BST)

Dunningwood is our birthplace. We pop in now and again. --Rob Collick

Message To The FOD

Mostly a message for Rob Collick in response to his statement when he Killed me... Hey Rob you claim I was "dropped by my betters" by my Count I "PICKED" 3 of you Flowers already! Puki, Hibernaculum and Skilbey. So yeah you guys got me but soon I'll add a 4th flower to my collection a flower by the name of Rob. As soon as I find you, and we will meet, I'll show you who is better. --Josh Clark 00:25, 5 August 2008 (BST)

{Sigh}....So much Flotsam. So little time. --Hibernaculum 22:03, 8 August 2008 (BST)
Ah the old 'I don't have a good reply so I'll just insult him' line, it's great to see it. Hypocritical of me to do the same thing you say? no, because I'm doing it...ironically :D - Lynch 02:25, 10 August 2008 (BST)
I'm sorry. I guess after sifting through TZH gruel for so long, I'm all replied out. ;) --Hibernaculum 20:26, 17 August 2008 (BST)

The SKorpions

Hey there hipsters! Not really into pickin' flowers, but ones that got the thorns? I want those on my side. Come check us out:

Let us know on our forums if you wanna roll with us.

Yo, cats, I'll be glad to join a rumble on your side. I dig your style: Jumpin' those jive actors who take up our breathin' space. But if you do mess with the Cobras, we ain't about to say which side we'd pick when we haven't fought next to either. You wanna hear the word from the bird? We'd pick the side we work with best. Since we haven't worked with either, I can't say which side that is. --TheUnremarkableHulk 06:07, 22 October 2008 (BST)

A message from a friend

A friend of mine told me to leave you this...

Karth.jpg Karth Salvage
is not a myth
I've seen him.