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Joined: 2007-06-04
Character class: Military Private
Favorite equipment: Firearms and Medipacks
Character profile: Urban Dead profile
Current status: Alive
Character group: None
Character stats: Active
Journal: No journal for Petrelli


Petrelli is now 23 years old. He is approximately 5'9" and is of athletic physique. He is trained in martial arts, arms, free running and is extremely fit. He is usually quite laid back, and prefers to do things alone although there has been a rumour that he joined the Malton Rangers at some stage, although recent sightings suggest he isn't part of that group. The only person Petrelli trusts is his friend Kojj who he has known since he was young. Petrelli has the tendency to be quite opinionated, and will not be easily lead as he likes to think for himself.

After a year and a half of being dead, Petrelli is an altered and determined man. He is rarely seen without a fully loaded shotgun, and a cigarette dangling from his mouth.