Order of the Black Rose

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Order of the Black Rose
Black rose.jpg
Abbreviation: OBR, but spell it out in your profile for easy ID
Group Numbers: Currently recruiting
Leadership: Maverick Farrant, OBR Field Commander
Goals: The rebuilding and safety of SouthWest District 2
Recruitment Policy: We need all the able hands we can get. Survivors of all skill levels are encouraged to apply.
Contact: Maverick Farrant can be contacted via mobile phone in game. You can also find him on the Brainstock forums and via email (Aerthos@gmail.com)


The Order of the Black Rose is a pro-survivor group that understands that some suburbs are harder to keep safe than others. Typically this is because of active and organized zombie groups in the area. But in the southwest corner of Malton, in District 2, zombies are only the beginning of the problem. Why? Because in all five of the suburbs that make up SW District 2, there is only one NecroTech building. That's right, only one. Which naturally poses some unique obstacles for survivor groups operating in Crooketon, Grigg Heights, Lerwill Heights, Mornington, and Reganbank.


Because of the unique circumstances surrounding SW-2, the Order of the Black Rose is a very mobile group. We are based in Mornington, but we have plans to establish safehouses in each of the five suburbs that will serve as staging grounds for our activities within that suburb. Activities include rebuilding, reinforcing, reviving, and reasonable maintenance.


Many survivor groups tend to avoid SW-2 because of the lack of NT buildings (and some suburbs lack other TRPs as well). This makes survival in this district more challenging and also means a small survivor population to rebuild after hordes come through. Rebuilding, therefore, is our primary objective in all suburbs.

Members should plan on carrying a toolbox, until such time as the Order of the Black Rose has enough members that duties can be divided up among members.


The Order of the Black Rose lives in a rough part of town, so we know the value of allies. We will readily go to the aid of any of our allies, just as we would expect them to come to our aid if we were in dire straits.

There is only one exception. In such circumstances where there is only one surviving member, that lone member may choose to defend an OBR safehouse and maintain the radio transceiver there. Since this circumstance will be exceedingly rare, all members are expected to aid our allies and the general survivor population whenever possible.


Just because life can be be rough in SW-2 doesn't mean that it should be. The Order of the Black Rose does its best to maintain a revive point in Mornington and to respond to revive requests in Crooketon, Grigg Heights, Lerwill Heights, and Reganbank.

NOTE: At this time, the Order of the Black Rose is not maintaining a RP in Mornington due to insufficient members. As this situation changes, both this page and the Mornington suburb page will be updated to reflect the location of our RP.

Reasonable Maintenance

The Order of the Black Rose pledges to the survivors in SW-2 to do its best to maintain barricades at levels agreed upon for that suburb and to keep as many TRPs powered (or at least not in ruins) as possible. In order of priority...

Priority is also given to keeping mobile mast buildings and safehouses powered for radio broadcasting. Communication (both in-game and meta-game) are huge tools that many survivors are either unable to use do to lack of power or choose not to use. By keeping these options available, we can only benefit the survivor effort.

Obviously we are still a small group and can only do so much, but as we grow, so too will our ability to restore some sense of safety to a little patch of Malton.

So How Do I Join Up?

Joining the Order of the Black Rose is quite simple. The long-and-short of it requires you going to your UrbanDead profile and putting in Order of the Black Rose as your group name. This is obviously the most important thing, because the more people we have, the better we can reach out to other groups and suburbs and get the job done. That of course, is the job of being awesome and helping out survivors in SW-2.

Other details involve you moving to one of the suburbs of SW-2: Crooketon, Grigg Heights, Lerwill Heights, Mornington, or Reganbank. We also do not support acts of PKing or GKing. ZKing, however, is left up to individual members and may be encouraged in areas where there is a strong zombie presence. Zerging is also extremely frowned upon. Do so, and not only will you catch a horribly swift case of DEATH, but we will also contact the Protoss to fry your no-good zerg arse. That being said, the Order of the Black Rose is entirely okay with its members having alts. Survivor alts, zed alts, PKer alts... whatever your pleasure. As long as you play nice and don't use the information obtained from working with us to aid Zombies or PKers, you're good to go.


The Order of the Black Rose is a pro-survivor group and is happy to help out survivors in their area to the best of their abilities. We are proud to count the following groups and individuals amoung our allies:

Those groups & individuals who would like to call the Order of the Black Rose an ally may inquire via email with Maverick Farrant.

Supported Policies

Malton is a tough place to live in, and even more so for those new to UrbanDead. We do our best to keep our areas UBP compliant.

Ubpicon1.gif Uniform Barricading Policy Supporter
This User or Group supports the Uniform Barricading Policy by actively maintaining barricades according to local plan or UBP standard.

Not everybody wants to be a shambling corpse.

Sgpicon1.gif Sacred Ground Policy Supporter
This user or group supports the Sacred Ground Policy and acknowledges that all Cemeteries in the city of Malton are considered Revivification Points.

If you poke three people, and each of them pokes three people...

Handinhanddp1.png Pay It Forward Supporter
This User or Group Pays It Forward.
Get a revive, give a revive.

Whenever necessary, we will defend ourselves and our territory from the zombie hordes by making them fight for every inch...

UwarS.GIF Supporter of Urban Warfare Doctrine
I fight block by block

...but flexibility and adaptability are key to survival. So when that isn't an option, let the alternatives prevail.

River.gif River Tactics Supporter
This User or Group supports River Tactics.