User talk:Defender811

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(UTC)My Profile[1]


The name of our group (feel free to add and/or edit):

"FIRE (Free Indie Repair Enthusiasts)"
"The Survivor Janitor Crew"
"The Supercool Survivor Janitor Crew"

I also like "The Survivor Janitor Crew", I know it doesn't have a supercool acronym like Jupiter's, but thats my 2 cents.--Cernunnos72 18:53, 26 December 2008 (UTC)

That's cause I started with the acronym then worked my way down to what it meant :) I added your suggestion, and heck, let's add a bunch of them, then we'll make up our minds... or not. Who cares. Let's have some fun -Jupiter --Icerom 15:56, 27 December 2008 (UTC)

Our motto:

"Where there's smoke... FIRE's long gone."

Our credo: Stay hidden, stay alive, keep moving, repairing, cading, & stocking up.

1) We don't defend things, we defend our lives. Our goal is to be the last human presence in Borehamwood... and then we'll keep on staying alive as long as we can, hoping someone High Up will notice us and maybe tilt the odds in our favor.

2) We repair and cade so zeds never know which building to attack. When there's danger, we run. We always have a fallback point thanks to our professional group of scouts.

3) We never stay in resource buildings, as they are obvious targets. Our safehouses never have generators either, as they draw the immediate attention of the zombies.

4) It's a good idea to have axe proficiency, as PDs are a luxury, and powered up PDs, a delicacy. We should always have some live ammo on us in case there's an unexpected break-in at the safe house.

5) We can free run into ruined buildings to hurt ourselves, or have a chap chop us a bit so we can heal each other and get some XP. Of course, you should always agree on this before you actually do it.

6) Be very careful when attacking zeds! If you leave them alive, they may be able to follow your scent back to the safe house. If this happens, you should head to another, well-caded, nearby location instead.

7) As a misdirection strategy, or simply to gain XP, we can attack zeds and let them live, and then head to a well-caded location that ISN'T the safe house. That might help to drive a zed away from our doors, or simply allow us to get some quick guilt-free XP without endangering everyone.

Our latest messages:

Next building Hannam Towers is repaired and baracaded. Still no Zeds about. Camacan 03:58, 24 December 2008 (UTC)

Four Zombies outside Toop Court PD right next door. One outside Clare Hosp. Didn't expect the area to heat up so quickly. Camacan 23:49, 24 December 2008 (UTC)

hum where was hannam in relation to stokell? Christmas alcohol kinda made me mix up west and east I think. I'm lost in the middle of a bunch of ruined buildings near the rail tracks with zombies on the loose. First time I been thinking "OHNOES!" in Urban Dead.-mrs Boreham the parking attendant --mrs boreham

Good to see you made it Mrs B. Camacan 23:08, 25 December 2008 (UTC)

Whythank you, dear lad. It was quite a close call with only 3 HP left.mrs boreham

Cleaned page up a bit and organized the info we've agreed upon. Hope everyone likes it! If not, edit away. -Jupiter --Icerom 15:44, 26 December 2008 (UTC)

I like what you did Jupiter. Just a note everyone, do not add this group anywhere on the wiki, less people who know, less zeds know. Also where is the next safehouse?---Defender811

Hey peoples, havent had a chance to edit this for a few days, i've been on the road traveling for the holidays. I edited a few things in the rules, like the mass suicide thing, i dont want anyone gettin any crazy ideas lol. Next fallback point is Augustine Towers. I think a good idea would be to keep moving in a wide circle around SW Borehamwood w/ established safehouses so we wont be moving at random across the city. As of now, everyone should be making their way to Augustine Towers. That should throw Z off our trail even more. Keep em guessing. Stock up on FAKs and Ammo when u can, otherwise, lets keep scouting,repairing, and cading. --Cernunnos72 18:53, 26 December 2008 (UTC)

Personally I don't agree with the circle plan. i think we should try going east so we go around them. if the suburbs over there are trashed they won't be looking for us there, giving us an advantage.--Defender811

Augustine Towers RPed and barricaded. I too think we should move east: there are a lot of active Zeds in the SW. If we can work our way behind their lines things should be a lot safer. Camacan 00:16, 27 December 2008 (UTC)

Augustine Towers has been RPed since Slim Cessna's comment of it being ruined. No zeds around. I suggest we head to Radlett, since that's the last place the BPC has hit, or northern Borehamwood. Any information from zombie groups should be used to find out where they're going, as its our best bet for survival. I repeat, Augustine Towers is safe for the moment. --Ralort 02:04, 27 December 2008 (UTC)

Thanx Ralort, change of plans again. Seems East is a better idea after all. Tatum Towers, 4SE,4E is clear of Z for now, we could head there, but it needs repair and has been ruined for some time. probs 14AP or more to rp. PD and Hosp. nearby, and we'll keep headin E, or wherever it seems safest from there. So scratch Augustine Towers, Tatum Building, 4SE,4E is new fallback pt. --Cernunnos72 05:10, 27 December 2008 (UTC)

Could someone make a list on this page of the members of the group? I ran into this fellow called Agenor 2SW of Tatum, and I don't remember that name. He's about to get whacked, too, if he doesn't get out of there quick. - Jupiter --Icerom 15:50, 27 December 2008 (UTC)

A zed's taking down the barricades at Hannam. I did some repair before I came over to the new fallback. I hope the remaining guys get out. Camacan 15:58, 27 December 2008 (UTC)

Hey remember that pker group Game Over that got mentioned? Well all the members were killed about a week ago. One less enemy to deal with. Check their wiki page out its pretty crazy how they took out Galaxy News Radio.--Defender811

Four zeds outside the club 2SW. -- Camacan 09:53, 28 December 2008 (UTC) (Rough Lee Hune)

Definitely time to move on: many Zeds around our current position. I've RPed Foley 3SE 1E as a stepping-stone. It's difficult to RP more distant buildings because the RP cost is so high: these are long-abandoned buildings. Part of the reason why this area is so hot is that we are close to Elstree Studios. (Rough Lee Hune) Camacan 05:22, 29 December 2008 (UTC)

Use War Towers as entrance point guys---Defender811

Well it turns out BB's house -the Elstree Studios building- was only a few blocks away from our position in Tatum. I found it while scouting my way to Foley. One zed in it, nothing more of interest in there. I did take a picture of me and the zed, seeing as he was asleep, before leaving. --Jupiter XII 20:03, 29 December 2008 (UTC)

I've repaired Wason Towers: 1SE 6E from Foley: eastward near bottom of map like suggested. I'm hiding there with my fingers crossed: not enough AP to get back! There are some single zeds scattered between Foley and Wason. (EDIT: I'm back :) ) Rough Lee Hune Camacan 05:58, 30 December 2008 (UTC)

Hey everyone,finally bak from traveling, should be able to chek more often now. I posted message ingame listing lavis building as fallback pt. before i read this post about wason towers. thats my bad. at least thats one building rp'd in meantime. i know all these buildings take alot to rp, but i just also spoke to 8 survivors in club middleton that hopefully should join us, making rp work alot easier. For now lets work on lavis building, 33 AP to rp,nearby buildings would be good, if someone rp's them, someone else can cade, as long as we post progress. wason towers, alt. fallbak pt if it gets too hot for now, we'll try and keep moving E to avoid Z near elstree. On another note,if anyone has any word on mackie von messer, that would b good,i fear he may b lost, but hopefully can b found,maybe still alive near augustine towers in SW borehamwood.its far so im not askin anyone to go look,but keep ur eyes open for any movement.its all we can do. --Cernunnos72 08:32, 30 December 2008 (UTC)

You know to make sure we don't lose anybody else, everyone should add everyone else to their contact list and we should get a club fixed up so people can get phones.--Defender811

thats a good idea defender. club middleton could b rp'd, the group there might join us if we do,since they would b lighted,but also in contact w us. right now im restin in a garage in SW borehamdwood,went lookin for mackie, but all i found were hungry Z.not hurt,just restin to come back. Everyone else, head to Wason Towers,we gotta keep Slim alive till Saturday, since he wont b on. We can repair club middleton and nearby buildings, will take alot of AP,but its pretty quiet here so far. --Cernunnos72 18:05, 30 December 2008 (UTC)

Well,im writing from beyond the grave, so to speak... stupid me got killed restin in SW borehamwood lookin for mackie, didnt even find him or anyone else. at any rate, we know what to do, and i can still scout for everyone and follow the group, albeit as a zombie. :( Ill be bak in our area by tomorrow, and ill keep lookin for Fallbak pts for us, postin them here, or tellin chooch where to go, so he can tell yall... sory guys, but lets try and make the most out of this... :( :( :( --Cernunnos72 23:23, 30 December 2008 (UTC)

Oh man that blows Cernunnos. Make sure you catch one of us outside so you can click RAGE button to get lerching gait. Also think of it this way, you have kept nearly 10% of the survivors of Borehamwood alive for 2+ months. (Begins Slowclap). We'll make sure not to headshot you if they start causing permadeath.--Defender811

Dang: bad luck Cernunnos -- thanks for everything. Happy new year everyone :) Rough Lee Hune Camacan 12:21, 31 December 2008 (UTC)

Damn. We were doing so well :( I hope evreyone stays together, now --Jupiter XII 15:42, 31 December 2008 (UTC)

Keeping with the plan of going East and staying close to the edge of the map I've repaired the Waddams building in SE Borehamwood: 9E from Wason Towers. (When we're ready to move on.) Rough Lee Hune Camacan 23:57, 31 December 2008 (UTC)

Waddams is all caded up. Enter through Tipton Way School. Alistair Darling and I holding the fort there so it will be safe when you need to run. I discovered another survivor group in Brashier Bank! Five people; I said hello: perhaps we could join up? Rough Lee Hune Camacan 13:43, 1 January 2009 (UTC)

any survivors u see, tell em the plan and get em to join us. Wason towers is bein attacked as i write this. Save up all ur AP to cade it and defend the 4 or 5 people still in there. Tronton killed 16 level Z that broke in. good job, lol. Help everyone at Wason, while they move out.--Cernunnos72 21:07, 1 January 2009 (UTC)

9 zeds in front of Wason. Currently only Mrs. Borehamwood, Ralort, and Slim are only left there. Also where is everybody? only Rough Lee Hune, Alistair Darling, Alexia Orosco, Jupiter XII, Hal O'Ween, Chooch72, and Tronton Foosh are at Waddams.---Defender811

What Time Do You Usually Go on (all who visit fill in)

Defender811---Usually around 2:30 p.m. EST

Jupiter XII --about 10am ET and then again at 8 pm ET, aprox.

Cernunnos72 --morning and nighttime, usually a few times throughout the day

Mrs Boreham -- about 1 am CET usually.

Aldus Bishop --Frequentlly, typically between 1:00 pm - 12:00 am EST

Rough Lee Hune (Camacan) -- About 8 P.M EST. Varies a lot.

Ralort -- Once or twice a day. GMT+10.

List of Fallen Comrades :'(
