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Developing Suggestions

This page is for presenting and discussing suggestions which have not yet been submitted and are still being worked on.

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====Discussion (Suggestion Name)====

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Timestamp: Zombie Lord 22:24, 11 March 2009 (UTC)
Type: improvement
Scope: everyone
Description: New Item: Lumber. Found in Factories, Junkyards, and Warehouses. 20% Encumbrance.

To build a Barrier you need the Construction skill, a Toolbox, and at least 1 Lumber.

When outside you have a new button: Build Barrier, if you have all the above requirements. The buttom will have a drop down menu with the options North, South, East, and West.

Clicking the button costs 10 AP and builds a Barrier along the side of the block you are in along the direction you picked in the drop down menu. Now as long as the Barrier is in place no player, Zombie or Survivor, can cross the barrier, directly or diagonally.

Barrier Levels: Barriers come in 5 levels. You can keep building on an existing Barrier up to Level 5, but each level costs another 1 Lumber and 10 AP to build.

L1: Weak Barrier

L2: Barrier

L3: Strong Barrier

L4: Heavy Barrier

L5: Extremely Heavy Barrier.

Barriers exist on the line between two blocks, so you can't "double up" a barrier by building along one blocks South border and the block belows North border. Only one Barrier can exist on this line, but you could build on this Barrier on either side.

Attacking Barriers: Barriers can be attacked, if a player is on one side or the other. Barriers have HP equal to their level times 15. Only Hand to Hand Weapons or Claws effect Barriers. Guns and Teeth have no effect. Flavor text changes to reflect the new levels as a Barrier loses its HP to attacks.

Barriers inside buildings: You can build a Barrier inside a building, but in this case it only blocks FreeRunning.

Discussion (Barriers)

They have way too much health, for starters. 10 AP barricading only gives 10 HP cades, at most. And what about diagonal movement? Blocking Free-running is also a big no-no. It's basically a way to make something non-ruined a ruin with spies or whatever. Not only that, getting into EHB and Barrier'd buildings would be impossible, say, Malls for instance, right? --Bob Boberton TF / DW 22:48, 11 March 2009 (UTC)

1. I was thinking Barriers would be attacked using regular combat. So, no "half attack value" like barricades, but you would just chew threw them normally. So a zombie would need to land five Claw attacks at normal hit rate to take it down one level, or 25 successful hits to bring an Extremely Heavy Barrier down to nothing, so at 50% thats about 50 AP, vs the 50 AP that a survivor would need to put them up. Not including searching for the Lumber.
2. A Barrier would block direct movement and diagonal movement. So if facing a Barrier to the North, you couldntt move N, NW, or NE.
3. I didn't think about Big Buildings, but I think you would only be able to build Barriers along the outside of those, like only the N and W of the NW Square of a Mall, only N and E of the NE square of the Mall, and so on. As if it were one big Block instead of four separate ones. You could still freerun into a building like that though as long as no Barriers were built inside. But then youd need to build Barriers along 8 different sections and with no Lumber inside as a resource that would be hard to keep up. I'm assuming you can Attack "inside" Barriers from adjacent buildings.--Zombie Lord 00:10, 12 March 2009 (UTC)

Unless used with setting up 4 barriers around each side it is useless. And when it does get barriers blocking each side it becomes over powered. Probably a dupe aswell, good thinking thou --Athur birling 23:36, 11 March 2009 (UTC)

Well, not so much 4 sides of one block, but think if you strung a line of them up along several blocks, on only the West side lets say. You'd have a wall that would have to be smashed through or gone around. You could set up "fences" around areas. Not so useful for a single player, but Groups could organize fence lines around as large an area as they think they could maintain. --Zombie Lord 00:16, 12 March 2009 (UTC)

The last think this game needs is more barricades (which is all these are), especially insanely overpowered ones like these. --Papa Moloch 00:07, 12 March 2009 (UTC)

Insanely? come on, you need 10 AP AND a resource item that weighs 20% just to get 15 HP worth of Barriers. 15 HP that can be taken down with 5 Claw attacks at 3 Dmg. It would let Survivors block off sections from each other more than anything.
And Barricades isn't "all these are". Check my response to Athur.--Zombie Lord 00:14, 12 March 2009 (UTC)

OK. 1: Lower their health. 8 HP should be fine (2 axe swings). 2: You can only block diagonal movement if you have barriers on both the directions involved (to block NE, barricades are N and E for example.) 3: Extra levels add a fraction of the original's health (4 HP) --Blake Firedancer T E RNL? P.I.S.I.T. 03:54, 12 March 2009 (UTC)

Isn't 8 HP three axe swings, with 3 damage per swing? I think Zombie Lord also need to clarify whether this gives XP like doing HP damage (lots, easily) and whether or not crowbars get the bonus here as they do when attacking cades. --Bob Boberton TF / DW 04:49, 12 March 2009 (UTC)

This has been suggested before. This is a wee bit better than in the past, but still significantly overpowered. Imagine you enter square A to find a barrier with 75 HIT POINTS. Then square B with another....on and on for several squares. Maxed out survivors would have little reason not to do it. Why? Nothing else to do and many like screwing with others. There are also some zerge issues. 200 XP is NOT that difficult to acquire for a character to create zerge barricaders. Most of all, this would just hurt zombies and newbie players without Free Running.--Pesatyel 04:12, 12 March 2009 (UTC)

Dark Building Anonymity

Timestamp: LaosOman 00:03, 9 March 2009 (UTC)
Type: Building change
Scope: Survivors in dark buildings
Description: With the lights out, you can hardly see anything.

So how is it that you can still identify other survivors when in a dark building? I propose that instead of Also here are <person X> and <person Y>, it will read There are two survivors here. If a person is in your contact list, you will be able to identify them, since you know them well enough to know their voice - There are four survivors here. You recognise two of them as <person Y> and <person Z>.

If the persons are not in your contact list, and it's really important for you to know their identity, one could use Feeding Drag as a zombie, or install a generator as a survivor. Any interaction with you that they have in the darkness, (with healing being the most obvious example), will show A survivor healed you for 10 HP, with a link to the profile in A survivor.

Diagnosis would no longer work in dark buildings, since names are not portrayed. Healing will be done like DNA Extraction, but if you heal a survivor who is not yet at full health, they will still be next up for healing. Attempting to heal a person with full health or bringing a person to full health will move the stack.

If a zombie has Scent Fear, the attack order will be grouped in "dying, wounded, normal", but order within those categories is random. A zombie with Scent Blood has a more advanced attack order, with the least healthy survivors getting attacked first. If a zombie does not have Scent Fear, attack order will be determined like with other zombies.

Discussion (Dark Building Anonymity)

I appreciate the realism but dark buildings were enough of a pk buff. This is too far.--xoxo 01:19, 9 March 2009 (UTC)

How would interacting with non-contact-listed survivors work? Like zombies? Or would it work at all? --Midianian¦T¦DS¦SP¦ 09:08, 9 March 2009 (UTC)
Re:Interaction would work the same as with zombies: You heal a survivor for 10 HP. The Diagnosis skill would not work for obvious reasons, but if you heal somebody who had full HP, the next person in the stack will be the next to be targeted. Attacking order is determined as usual for survivors, you just don't see the dropdown box.--LaosOman 14:20, 9 March 2009 (UTC)

Zombie identity can be revealed by scanning and this would need some sort of similar process. A torch might work for this purpose:

  • "You shine your torch into the dark corners of the building and reveal 'survivor x'"

Preferably this would show the description from their profile page and the link so you can see skills or add them as a contact. It could work really well but I have to ask what it would add to the game other than making it harder to hunt down PKers? --Honestmistake 13:07, 9 March 2009 (UTC)
Re: Survivors can already be identified by fueling a generator or by using Feeding Drag on them (takes them outside into the light). If they interact with you, for instance with attacks or healing, the a survivor in a survivor healed you for 10 HP will be a link to their profile, like with zombies.
As for your second question: this adds only "realism" to the game. Or rather, more logic. As side effects, PKers may become harder to hunt down, but one can simply add known PKers to a contact list to avoid that.
...I actually think this may shift balance to the zombies more than to pro-survivors or PKers. A zombie with Scent Fear will attack in order of "dying, wounded, normal", while a zombie with Scent Blood will actually attack the survivor with the least HP first (they work with scent, rather than sight, so naturally it still works in a dark building). Basically, this makes dark buildings just a little less attractive to the survivors, who are generally considered as the "overpowered" side.--LaosOman 14:20, 9 March 2009 (UTC)

I like this. ᚱᛁᚹᛖᚾ 13:45, 10 March 2009 (UTC)

Wow! This seems like a great idea, and besides, why would you wast ammo on a Pker hiding in a dark building? While some will say no, I think this is a necessary evil for the sake of flavor/realism, and also, you could just as easily hide from PKers there too! Kinda. Keep! --S1leNt RIP 05:02, 12 March 2009 (UTC)

Rubble Usage

Timestamp: =Col Noonan 11:38, 6 March 2009 (EST)
Type: Improvement
Scope: Humans
Description: I had the idea for a quick and easily available weapon for humans that I read was used in a four hour long skirmish in Stalingrad. Add a brick to the weapons list. It would have to have a low accuracy rate and damage dealt, so that it isn't too cheap. It would be available in EVERY square, and would deal one more damage than a punch, with a little less accuracy rate. It's just for those that, say, run out of ammo and absolutely need a weapon.

Discussion (Rubble Usage)

I'm not arguing against your suggestion exactly, but your logic. When you "run out of ammo" that is what tennis rackets, baseball bats, pipes, knives, axes, hockey sticks, fencing foils, cricket bats, crowbars, golf clubs, and ski poles are for. As for the suggestion itself you really need to be specific with your game mechanics. "A little less accurate than a punch" is too vague.--Pesatyel 04:33, 7 March 2009 (UTC)

Either way, it's a dupe. _Vic D'Amato__Dead vs Blue_ 07:52, 7 March 2009 (UTC)
And humans, by definition, means zombies too. Man, I'm such a perfectionist, I even make myself proud. DANCEDANCEREVOLUTION (TALK | CONTRIBS) 10:50, 7 March 2009 (UTC)
Since I created the entry being cited above, you have my endorsement if this makes it to Peer Reviewed. Bear in mind, however, that you'd have to satisfy the critics when I couldn't. -CaptainVideo 04:17, 11 March 2009 (UTC)

Fence Repair

Timestamp: Super Nweb 07:11, 6 March 2009 (UTC)
Type: Skill
Scope: Humans
Description: Ooh about to get flamed again, I just know it. As of now fences are useless (Along with wire cutters). Now I think the idea of all the fences in UD magically repairing themselves is stupid so why not let the humans do it, this is a spin on an old suggestion. New skill under construction "Advanced Construction" basically it allows you to take an area that previously had a fence and if you have a lead pipe in your inventory you can cade it up to VSB+2 for 5ap. This is balanced by the fact that you need lead pipes to do it, and wire cutters would be useful again, but it wouldn't be invincible to zombies, just an easy barricade.

Discussion (Fence Repair)

  1. Dupe.
  2. Game breakingly overpowered since wire cutters can't be found any more. -- To know the face of God is to know madness....Praise knowledge! Mischief! Mayhem! The Rogues Gallery!. <== DDR Approved Editor 07:15, 6 March 2009 (UTC)
  3. . This honestly doesn't make sense. -CaptainVideo 04:14, 11 March 2009 (UTC) EDIT: I realized that this needs clarification. Even if wirecutters were reenabled, the idea of fences healing themselves is what gets me. 04:18, 11 March 2009 (UTC)

Incomplete: you haven't explained how wire cutters would be useful again; also, as Iscariot says, wirecutters can no longer be found. As-is, this is broken due to buffing what's already one of the biggest survivor AP advantages. ᚱᛁᚹᛖᚾ 09:28, 6 March 2009 (UTC)


Timestamp: Kamikazie-Bunny 13:57, 2 March 2009 (UTC)
Type: Flavour
Scope: Profile checkers
Description: In addition to the wearing section of the description page there should be a "Carrying" section with two slots, one for hands and one for back. Objects being carried have no effect on game play and are purely for flavour. As with clothes different items are available in different places and some are available in a range of colours. Feel free to suggest additional items to the example lists below:

Hand objects:

  • A Wrench
  • Some Frankincense
  • Some Rosary Beads
  • A Broken Torch
  • A Shovel
  • A Safety Sign
  • A Fire Hose
  • A Broken Assault Rifle
  • A Stethoscope
  • A Bucket
  • A Car Tyre
  • A Plastic sword
  • A Generator Parts
  • A Traffic Cone
  • A Stereo
  • A Football
  • A Hockey ball
  • A dead rat

Survivors can also equip an item from their inventory to display the sort of roll they are currently fulfilling, if the equipped item is dropped/used/etc. then it is removed from the description.

Back Objects:

  • A Child's backpack
  • A Back pack
  • A Rucksack
  • A Sleeping bag

In addition to these objects for survivors there are several objects only zombies can pick-up in the presence of dead bodies... Hand Objects:

  • 01+ bodies - A Bone
  • 05+ bodies - A Human liver
  • 10+ bodies - A Severed arm
  • 15+ bodies - A Human heart
  • 20+ bodies - A Human head

Although these objects will have no effect on the game, I and (I'm assuming) other players enjoy reading the colourful descriptions of the mostly silent population of Malton. These objects will help people better define their characters appearance and possibly provide an idea of the players mindset. I am aware their is a description section but there is only so much room in it and this allows us profile readers a little more fun and to use our description to better express our characters personality.

Discussion (Carry)

I don't really feel this is necessery, but I don't have any strong objections either. The back space seems to have too little in it. I suppose you could add a bum bag to the back space! Carefull with the wrench - it looks like something that should have an in game effect, such as smashing someones skull in. The Mad Axeman 14:35, 2 March 2009 (UTC)

I admit it's not necessary, it's purely flavour and has no in game effect. I know the back list is a little empty, feel free to suggest as many things as you can think of that are appropriate. I'll update the list later. If Kevan ever implemented one of these objects as an item I see no reason why it can't be on both choices, there's no harm in showing people what you are carrying. --Kamikazie-Bunny 15:24, 2 March 2009 (UTC)

"In addition to the wearing section of the description page there should be a "Carrying" section with two slots, one for hands and one for back. Objects being carried have no effect on game play and are purely for flavour." - Take it to Clothing Suggestions. -- To know the face of God is to know madness....Praise knowledge! Mischief! Mayhem! The Rogues Gallery!. <== DDR Approved Editor 18:00, 2 March 2009 (UTC)

Its not a clothing suggestion though and should certainly be here, if implemented it could best be improved on that page though. --Honestmistake 20:26, 2 March 2009 (UTC)
Necklaces are not clothing, medallions are not clothing, 3D glasses are not clothing, goggles are not clothing, and gas masks are not clothing. And this isn't even one third into Clothes. This is essentially a clothing suggestion, even if they aren't exactly clothes. --Midianian¦T¦DS¦SP¦ 22:01, 2 March 2009 (UTC)
those are all worn items though, this deals very specifically with things being visably carried which i personally see as being a distinct enough change to be discussed here.--Honestmistake 08:06, 3 March 2009 (UTC)
Objects with a distinct use and the require a failure possible search = items. Objects with purely flavour reasons that appear in the 'character is wearing' pane = clothing. Which part of this logical progression escapes you? All this does is spam up this page because you can't be arsed to take it to the correct page. -- To know the face of God is to know madness....Praise knowledge! Mischief! Mayhem! The Rogues Gallery!. <== DDR Approved Editor 08:24, 3 March 2009 (UTC)
Your complaining about spam? 90% of your comments are non-constructive and spam up idea discussions (And just to ensure you don't start on some stupid debate about this being a spam comment) I've removed the backpacks from the idea to account for the "It's there so it must do something" mentality that some people adopt and made a change to items that can be shown... --Kamikazie-Bunny 09:49, 3 March 2009 (UTC)
Iscariot "In addition to the wearing section of the description page there should be a "Carrying" section" ...which part of this led you to believe these are worn when it clearly states they will be in a seperate section called "Carrying"? No where does this suggestion say you can place searchable items in these slots, that is my addition to the discussion. Nowhere do I say that these searchable items would no longer require searching... in fact i clearly state that they should be in your inventory (hence you would already have to have searched for them!) Saying you don't like an idea is fine, saying you don't like it and that means it has no right to be here is not.. even if this should be on clothing suggestions when complete it is here for discussion and development which is very definitely the purpose of this page.--Honestmistake 10:06, 3 March 2009 (UTC)

I don't like idea for a slot for the back as it can only mislead folk into thinking they can carry more. As for the rest I think the carry object should also allow any item in your inventory to be selected.--Honestmistake 20:26, 2 March 2009 (UTC)

Midianian is right this really IS a clothing equivalent suggestion.--Pesatyel 04:58, 3 March 2009 (UTC)

It is essentially a new clothing slot in many respects, however given the very nature of the slots they could be seen to act differently. There would be no point posting these onto the clothing page as the slots do not exist, also, because any sort of bag is going to suggest improved carrying capacity it deserves discussion (and i believe killing) Finally the "item" slot could and probably should be expanded to allow the display of a favoured "useful" item as well as the purely decorative. If it gets accepted then it would deserve space on the clothing page but at the moment it is a developing suggestion to iron it out and gauge support for the extra slot/s --Honestmistake 08:06, 3 March 2009 (UTC)

This is a clothing suggestion. New clothing slots have been suggested before, guess where they went? Clothing suggestions. If it has an effect, it's a suggestion. If it does nothing but appear in your profile, it's clothing. I repeat, this is a clothing suggestion. ᚱᛁᚹᛖᚾ 07:36, 4 March 2009 (UTC)

If he includes my suggestion to allow inventory items to go in this slot it would have an in game effect. If you place a syringe, toolkit, FAK etc there it shows people what you might focus on. Sure you could just type that into the description but this would do it better.--Honestmistake 11:52, 4 March 2009 (UTC)
I'm actually going to try re-work this suggestion into two parts in a few days... The first being the "adding a carry slot to display an item in your inventory" and the second being a "list of flavour items that can be found in buildings for the carrying slot"... the boys and girls can bitch and moan about the new flavour items option all they want but the first part should be 'unique' enough to satisfy the nit-pickers. --Kamikazie-Bunny 21:49, 5 March 2009 (UTC)
Dupe. Also, don't connect suggestions. --Midianian¦T¦DS¦SP¦ 22:09, 5 March 2009 (UTC)

There is already a clothing suggestion nearly identical to this one. I voted no. --William Told and Co. ಠ_ಠ ಠ_ಠ ಠ_ಠ 09:53, 5 March 2009 (UTC)

Kick Out Skill

Timestamp: Close to death 20:00, Monday, 2nd March 2009
Type: Skill
Scope: Survivor.
Description: New skill, Civilian skill, 35% Chance of hit, 2 Damage

This is a skill that will even it out a bit, the zombie skill "Feeding Drag" lets the zombie player drag helpless survivors outside for the kill, right? well this is a skill that will let you kick them out before they can drag you out. Practicaly it is a skill that lets you kick a zombie that just entered the building, out again, Condition for skill to work: The doors still have to be open, the baracades have been destroyed. This is a skill ment as a last ditch efforts to save the building while dealing some damage in the process. Cost 5AP, Cannot be used against other survivors.

Alternate is this skill adds "Kick" as an attack with the same parameters as punch, but with the chance of kicking the zombie out of an open door.

What it will say if you miss "You attack the zombie but miss" What it will say if you hit "You kick the zombie for 2 damage. They drop to x." What it will say if you hit and zombie gets kicked out "You land a kick on a zombie and it gets forced out the open door for 2 damage. They drop to x."

Discussion (Kick Out Skill)

Well how does this sound?

Moved from Category:Current Suggestions. Linkthewindow  Talk  10:11, 2 March 2009 (UTC)

Sounds pretty pointless to me. You might as well finish the zombie off and dump the body. And you want to be re-barricading if possible, which conflicts with kicking the zombie out. --Explodey 13:46, 2 March 2009 (UTC)

I dunno. It saves a step, and when you're down to your last couple of AP points, that matters. -CaptainVideo 05:06, 4 March 2009 (UTC)

Terrible for many different reasons, not the least of which is that zombies have to gravely weaken survivors in order to drag them. Add into that the massive AP cost of getting a zombie into a building as compared to the minimal AP cost for a survivor to do the same and I think we can just say that this suggestion isn't workable. --Papa Moloch 13:48, 2 March 2009 (UTC)

Dupe. -- To know the face of God is to know madness....Praise knowledge! Mischief! Mayhem! The Rogues Gallery!. <== DDR Approved Editor 17:58, 2 March 2009 (UTC)

From where? -CaptainVideo 05:06, 4 March 2009 (UTC)
From the brain of everyone's favorite wiki-bigot. --_Vic D'Amato__Dead vs Blue_ 21:53, 5 March 2009 (UTC)

As Explodey said, it doesn't really have much relevance or point to the current game system. Also, you should elaborate on what is considered a 'recent' break in. Can you kick a zombie till ten minutes after he has gotten inside the building? Or what? --Happy doodle 18:47, 2 March 2009 (UTC)

Overpowered. Feeding Drag has a the requirment of the victim being 12 hp or less. With this, I could, conceivably, kick out 9 full health zombies, then spend the last APs to barricade (or run). Maybe if there were significant penalties you would do better. Maybe there is a chance of you going out with the zombie. Hell, maybe there is a chance of getting infected (kicking knocks something of the zombie or something).--Pesatyel 04:53, 3 March 2009 (UTC)

While I don't seem much use other than flavor from it, for balance you could fix it to better balance with Feeding Drag by only being able to use it on a zombie at 12 hp or less and not doing any damage. --Maverick Talk - OBR Praise Knowledge! 404 06:55, 3 March 2009 (UTC)

Hell no. There'd be no point to killing zombies at all (other than XP). You just get them down to 12 HP and kick them out. If they try back in, you could kick them out immediately. A zombie at 12 HP is already much worse off than one that's dead, this would make them almost completely powerless. The zombies would have to start killing eachother if they ever wanted to get anything done. --Midianian¦T¦DS¦SP¦ 18:14, 3 March 2009 (UTC)

Ok, so the main thing that needs to be changed is that this has to only be affective against zombies with "12 hp or less", i'll just see if there are any more suggestions by you guys and then i'll edit the skill to better match what the players want. --User:Close to death 19:20, 4 March 2009

No. Read Papa Moloch's comment. This is overpowered no matter what. It takes a lot of effort for zombies to break into buildings, and survivors shouldn't be able to just kick them out. --William Told and Co. ಠ_ಠ ಠ_ಠ ಠ_ಠ 09:56, 5 March 2009 (UTC)

Suggestions up for voting