
From The Urban Dead Wiki
Revision as of 20:41, 15 April 2009 by Trar (talk | contribs)
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Why hello! Welcome to my userpage! I just recently started playing after a sojourn of around 6 months. Since i'm a Fallout 3 fan (And I believe the people of Malton need a voice), i've allied myself with Malton Galaxy News Radio, and will be helping Three Dog with helping the Good Fight. Well, I was going to, until I found out the main station in Tollyton is abandoned, and Three Dog is nowhere to be found! Maybe i'll take his place...

My multi, IBETHISNAMEISTAKEN, is a zombie working with the ACTIVE zombie group Zomburbia! in Dentonside.

McZeds is my favorite restaraunt, and always will be! They always deliver quality meals right to us(if they have a location in that suburb), so we all may feast on prime, tasty zeds!

McZeds.png McZeds™
This User or Group eats at McZeds™. They also support the Use of Corpses for High Quality Processed Fast Food.
Sgpicon1.gif Sacred Ground Policy Supporter
This user or group supports the Sacred Ground Policy and acknowledges that all Cemeteries in the city of Malton are considered Revivification Points.
Fortcreedyruined.PNG Destroyer Of Hope
Trar had a hand in the First Ruining of Fort Creedy since Kevan fixed the forts. 'Twas a great day. Survivors screamed, zombies feasted, and murderers bathed in the blood of the innocent. Barhah! Praise be to Zeko!