Death Crew 78

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Death Crew 78
Death Crew Captain.jpg
Abbreviation: DC78
Group Numbers: 3
Leadership: PirateRoland
Goals: Gather a Mass of Zombie Kind into one Zombie Crew
Recruitment Policy: Contact PirateRoland
Contact: (PirateRoland)group forum

Wandering the streets for years Roland's pirate instinct began to take over again. He has begun to form a crew unlike any Malton has seen before.

Death Crew 78

We are a crew of Zombies, looking to pillage, ransack and kill all those who call themselves survivors.


Our Final Goal is to take and permanently Giddings Mall in Pitneybank and the surrounding area. However, to do this would require a massive crew.

To obtain this crew Death Crew 78 will begin sailing across the suburbs of Malton gaining new crew members and forming bonds that only a Pirate Crew can.


Just message PirateRoland on MSN at or in game PirateRoland although texts will have trouble reaching him being he'll be dead most of the time. You can also drop by our Forum and drop a message there and you will be accepted as soon as possible.


Death Crew 78 would like to acknowledge that several of its policies have been taken from RRF policy.

Death Crew 78 is strongly against spying and/or Zerging of any sort.

Rules Regarding Alts

      1. Never, ever specifically coordinate your alts to individually help out Death Crew 78.
      2. If you're part of another zombie horde that is working with Death Crew 78, while you are allowed to help, you must keep your alt 10 blocks away at all times.
      3. If you have an alt in a group who's either being ordered to an area where Death Crew 78 is or Death Crew 78 is going to where your other group is, you must choose to play with one or the other until the groups have parted ways. 


      1. Warnings will be issued to crew members who have served for less than 3 months if a rule is broken.
      2. All senior members will be given a chance to explain themselves and then be put on trial by their fellow crew members.
      3. Zerging (two or more alts in the same area hitting with Death Crew 78) by anyone will result in a public walking of the blank and the member being permanently branded by the black spot.  They will never be able to join the crew again.

In addition no scouting tools will be used by Death Crew 78. If scouting needs to get done we will send out scouts and do it the good old fashioned way.

Regarding Combat Revives

All those who combat revive a member of Death Crew 78 will be permanently branded with the black spot.

Sacred Ground Policy

Believe it or not we respect the sacred ground policy. All members caught interfering with cemetery revive points will be severely punished in a manner chosen by his or her crew members.

Black Spot

All those Branded with the black spot will never be able to join Death Crew 78. In addition if they are seen by pirate raiding parties they will be killed on site regardless of Zombie or Survivor State.

Current Black Spots:



Current Captain and Founder - PirateRoland

First Mate - CuthbertGunslinger

Helmsman - Brad Vickers