Compulsory Execution Unit

From The Urban Dead Wiki
Revision as of 10:44, 12 June 2009 by Exiledlast (talk | contribs)
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Ceu banner.jpg
CEU small.jpg
Abbreviation: CEU
Group Numbers: 2
Goals: The execution of all zombies in the Penny Heights area.
How to join: Edit the wiki and add your name to the list of members. Also come give us a hand fighting the zombies in Penny Heights.
Contact: [N/A].
Activity: [N/A



Group name: Compulsory Execution Unit

Goals: The execution of all zombies in the Penny Heights area.

Future goals: Expanding to other suburbs.

Membership: Humans only)

Notes: put more text here...


We the CEU are a sub organisation of the Public Heath Services. Our purpose is to purify the current zombie threat.


Ceu zombies.jpg
Those that are treatable should be revived, however there are many cases where the subject cannot be revived. In this case the zombie must be destroyed as quickly as possible.


exiledlast, DizzyFizzy13


Timeline of Important Events

June 9th, 2009 2nd member joined.
June 9th, 2009 Group created.