Knights Templar

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Knights Templar
Knights Templar
Abbreviation: KT
Group Numbers: 40+
Leadership: The Council
Goals: To keep the survivors of Malton safe and provide a nice, warmly barricaded place to stay with free heals and revives. Not to mention taking out those pesky zed hordes!
Recruitment Policy: Membership by invitation (see below)
Contact: Our group forum

"Out of the dust a valiant group rides, death on their heels, as they scour the lands. No one knows who they are. They just exist. No one knows where they are. They just are. How to become one has yet to be seen. Only, those who seek us may find more than they bargained for. Looking to right the wrong, kill the unjust, and retake what once belonged to the rightful."

know what you are talking about Short-wave Radio Info
This group or location has a dedicated radio frequency.

Frequency: 27.55 MHz
Transmitter Coordinates: Everywhere in Kempsterbank

Knights Templar

We are a group of survivors who, rising from a defunct forum, have organized and dedicated ourselves to helping those survivors that we come across. Arriving from Yagoton to Kempsterbank to help rebuild after the Big Bash had ransacked the whole of the suburb, the Knights have worked with the KNW among many others to help bring life into this suburb once more.

Quite Simply, we are an Urban Dead group dedicated to defending Kempsterbank from zombie threats.


We intend to maintain the whole of Kempsterbank along with all of our allies by:

Supporting other survivors by offering heals and revives to those who request it.

Scouting and alerting the inhabitants of buildings threatened by zombies outside to take cover and pointing them in the direction of a secure house.

Securing buildings under our care and maintaining the barricades and generators to help give those who are less skilled a better chance to get equipment for survival.

Finally, the goal of every survivor in Malton, and the ultimate goal of our group, survival.


Why join the Knights Templar?

Why NOT join should be the question. We are a highly active, very effective, and very close knit group of people who have come together to rid Kempsterbank and surrounding suburbs of the undead threat. We work close with our friends and allies. If you wish to delve deeper into the world that is Malton, the Knights Templar is the group for you!

How to join the Knights Templar

Joining is simple! Look for any of our members inside the Whitenoll Building, and they can help you out from there. If you want to be a little more formal, or just cut right to it, visit us at [1] and ask to be a part of our illustrious group!

Upon joining

All new recruits, regardless of level and experience, will at first be a part of the Grasshoppers Guild. Newer players will be trained in any and all aspects of the game and will be helped to level up quickly. A minimum set of skills will be required to move up in the KT ranks, and the Guild is where you'll get them.

For more experienced players, your time in the Guild will be spent getting to know your fellow Knights, aquainting yourself with our policies and procedures, and participating in operations in and around Kempsterbank, giving you a chance to show us what you've got.

Group Structure

The Knights Templar is divided into three specialist groups. Upon completion of your time in the Grasshoppers Guild, you'll be asked to choose which specialist group you would like to take part in.

The Order of the Archangel Michael (OAM)

This team patrols Kempsterbank, runs strikes on known zed hangouts, and generally protects K-bank from hostile forces within our borders. This is probably the group for you if you like to play at your own pace and work a little more independently.

The Hospitallers

This is the medical specialist team within Knights Templar. This team is charged with maintaining all NT buildings in Kempsterbank, running the revive points, and healing anyone who needs it.

Cleansing Fire of St. Charles (CFSC)

This is the elite fighting force of Knights Templar. CFSC operates wherever help is needed in Malton. This team consists of our most experienced and trustworthy Knights.

Revive points

We run revive points at Ebbutt Road (57,76) and Ware Walk (51,74) in Kempsterbank. And, as of February 2009, we have begun operating a revive point at Trivola Street in Wray Heights.

If we do not directly know you, wait a little bit while we check your profile for PKing, GKing, RKing, or other offenses. For faster service, please request a revive.

Contact us

Please feel free to drop us a line via our wiki discussion page or on the KT forum to contact us. Or stop by our stronghold at the Whitenoll Building normally staffed by a handful of members. Our radio frequency is 27.55, which you can also use. If there is ever anything you need, please feel free to use any of these methods to get a hold of us. Thanks.

Always at your service, the Knights Templar

The KempsterBank Journal

This is a public forum for the whole suburb that we created.


Knight.jpg Knights Templar
This User/Group is an ally of the

Knights Templar!

{{Knights Templar}}

{{{User}}} is a proud member of

Poor Knights of Christ and the Temple of Solomon

{{Knights Templar Member|User=Your Name Here}}

Major Events and Victories


June12 Due to recent, semi-annoying attacks by the newbie PKer group 'WHYTRY' the Knights Templar have officially declared a Kill On Sight order against any members of this group. All of our allies and friends in Kempsterbank are asked to please let us know their whereabouts either on our discussion page here, or preferably on our forum. Thank you. Roddy Winters 05:27, 13 June 2009 (BST)

June 6 With the seige of Neot Hospital repelled successfully, things have settled down for the Knights in K-bank. The CFSC has moved out to yet another fight in a distant burb. Always looking for action they are! Roddy Winters 04:53, 7 June 2009 (BST)

May 29 The Knights and their brave allies have repelled almost constant attacks and break-ins from the horde outside Neot General. It is a pure battle of wills at this point. Roddy Winters 01:05, 30 May 2009 (BST)

May 23 After several weeks of relative calm in Kempsterbank, a large number of zeds from various groups begin lurching into Kempsterbank from the north the previous few days. Today, it is reported that 33 zeds are now standing outside Neot Hospital in northern K-bank. Calls are made to all survivors to come and help. The Knights, Boardsies and Dr. Steels Toy Soldiers all band together, and formulate a defense plan.

May 18 After nearly a month of vicious, back and forth battles, the allied groups pull out of Fort Perryn. The rest of the Knights gather many bottles of champgne to shower our returning heroes with. Well done CFSC!

April 19 By request from the Fortress and the DEM, our mobile team, CFSC, heads to Whittenside to help a coalition of allies take back Fort Perryn.

March 30 Despite everyones best efforts, Pole Mall falls to the tour. The Knights fall back to Kempsterbank to begin preparing for massive revives and healing to all who may need it.

March 24 Hot on the heels of the MOB invasion, Mall Tour '09 hits Pole Mall today. The Knights are asked by Pole Mall Security to help in defending along with other groups and survivors. We gladly accept the challenge!

March 13 After the Knights and their allies in the DEM (amongst others), and the loyal unaffiliated citizens of Kempsterbank give the MOB one of the more heated and longest battles this year, the horde begins moving east, out of our burb. Several days of re-building efforts are sure to follow.

March 7 The Whitenoll Bldg. has been ruined and is filled with 22 zeds. We will not stand by and see her defiled. All Knights are giving everything they have to get her back.

March 6 The MOB has spread through much of central Kempsterbank. The Knights begin a long struggle to keep possession of both Jillard NT and the hallowed halls of Whitenoll. Occupation goes back and forth constantly.

March 2 The MOB once again enters Kempsterbank from the west. Dobbs NT is the first of many battles for the Knights in the coming days.

Feb 27 Finny McGee is sworn in as the newest Grand Council member, replacing a pit bull.

Feb 11 Council member, and mentor to so many Knights, A pit bull announces his retirement from UD today. The search for a suitable replacement commences.

January 7 - Skirmishes with the dead holding out in Styles Bank as well as fighting with local zombie group St. Ferreol's Hospital Noise Abatement Society have provided the valiant Knights with fights on two fronts. Though normality is slowly coming back to Kempsterbank, there are still small irregularities, and cries from help still come in from all over. With more members coming in, and more to hopefully be trained to be amongst our ranks, the Knights are stronger and more determined then ever. (Robert Shadow)


In order of encounter:

Kempsterbank Neighborhood Watch

Tactical Strike Force



The Randoms

Tactical Area Rescue


Ghetto Cow

Alpha Elite Squad


The Crimson Clan


Detulux Inc

The Fortress


The Blackhearts


The Imperium

Anti-zombie squad

South Malton Watch

Umbrella Corporation

Dr Steel's Toy Soldiers

Pole Mall Security

Order of resistance



Special Tactics and Rescue Service

Supported Policies

Redcrosssmall.jpg Malton Hospitals Group
This user or group supports MHG in their attempt to restore health care in Malton.
Police Helmet1.jpg Malton Police Departments Group
This user or group supports the MPDG in their attempt at restoring law and order in Malton.
Revive.gif Revivification Requests
Undead? Want to breathe again?
Make a Revivification Request! (Dead Link)
BadgeDEM.jpg DEM Ally
Knights Templar is an ally of the DEM
Syringe.jpg Planned Revivification
This user or group supports
organized revivification.
Know what you are talking about.
Malton Citizens Broadcast
This user or group follows the
Radio Transmission Conduct Protocol

Ubpicon1.gif Uniform Barricading Policy Supporter
This User or Group supports the Uniform Barricading Policy by actively maintaining barricades according to local plan or UBP standard.
Sgpicon1.gif Sacred Ground Policy Supporter
This user or group supports the Sacred Ground Policy and acknowledges that all Cemeteries in the city of Malton are considered Revivification Points.
RiverlogoS.gif Supporter of River Tactics
I flow into the void.
FortressMAIN.jpg Friend and Partner
The Fortress officially recognizes this UD group as a Friend and Partner.
Fatmommazombie.jpg Who Want to be a Superhero?
This user or group wants to eat
brain-filled donuts with Fat Momma.