Human Resistance Preservation Group

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Human Resistance Preservation Group
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Abbreviation: HRPG
Group Numbers: 1
Leadership: Aion
Goals: 1.To reclaim or defend every building that has ever been a sign of strong resistance against zombies and help rebuild them.

2.To help defend any and all buildings under attack by hordes, depending on the horde size. 3.To gather as many survivors willing to help achieve our goals as possible.

Recruitment Policy: Fill out the survey below and send it to
Contact: Please send me a message to inform me of how to create a group contact. The first person to do so will be another Group leader.
 Congradulations, you've found a new group, which I have deemed "Human Resistance Preservation Group, or HRPG for short. Our #1 goal is to reclaim buildings that have once been the site of resistance to zombies, such as Caiger, and/or have supply buidlings nearby. We also want to help defend and supply any standing buldings, forts, mansions, Nechrotech buildings, etc.
 Currently, the HRPG stands at 1 member, due to it being created only recently.


Please fill out the survey below if you wish to join.

1.(Answer one of these two in this 1 question, not both.) Are you a new player? What level are you?

2.Have you been associated as an ally with a zombie horde, and/or engaged in any attacks on human buildings?

3.Are you a zombie?

4.Have you ever been a zombie?

5.What class are you ingame?

6.Do you have Guns, or do you have melee weapons?

7.Do you have a toolbox?

8.What skills do you have that you think would be useful?

9.What suburb are you in, in-game?

10.Are you a PK'er, Death Cultist, or zombie spy? (I don't expect you to answer this one truthfully.) If you answered questions 3 or 4 with yes, would you be willing to spy on other zombies for us?