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Revision as of 19:39, 6 July 2009 by Hawx (talk | contribs)
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Brief history

Hawx was born in Boston to a family of twleve being the youngest of 10 older brothers he was small wiry and fast, he spent most of his childhood outrunning and outsmarting siblings and bullies alike he loved baseball as a kid he was a big fan of the red sox and played little and minor league baseball as a kid. He joined the military at age twenty just to get away form his still large family he was placed in the special forces as a scout and accelled as one. he was sent into malton late. years after the outbreak and was seperated from his team with nothing but his flare gun his binocs and his ability to run like the wind he refused to give in to the elements of the city he found a new group of soldiers to call his comrades and is now a proud member of the Soldiers of Crossman.

In Game descrption

A small, scrawny man stands before you, he puffs his chest out and srikes a defiant pose. He stands in a wirey but firm staure, he wears a constant smirk and talks confidently declaring his statements with a strong boston accent. His eyes glimmer with naive youth and gritting determination as well, He sleeps lightly, leraning to keep one ear out to alert him of trouble. He wears a dark browm sports cap, and a one piece headphone and mic. He also wears a red sports shirt topped with a flak jacket, slung across his back is a sports bag where he keeps his baseball bat, a fire axe, extra ammo, and other sentimental things. His silver Dogtags hang loosely around his neck, all that left of his sevice in the military besides the gun he jumped with. He slings a twin barreled boom stick over his shoulder gripping it tightly awith his gauze covered hands. in his other hand he holds his service pistol at his side, still shining like the first day he was issued it. It's twin sits doemant in its waist holster, He wears a baggy pair of brown grey baseball shorts that go sown to his knee and long white socks that go up to them. lastly are his running shoes, black, white and as sleak and smooth as the day he put them on, they are his most prized possession.


If you havent already noticed my character is based directly of the scout from Team Fortress 2 for all of you out there without imaginations this is who I am talking about:
