Indian/Pakistani Leftovers

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Indian/Pakistani Leftovers
Still need a good image here
Abbreviation: I/P L
Group Numbers: Channah Dal Samosa
Leadership: Channah Dal Samosa
Goals: Take revenge upon the filthy harmanz for always eating our friends and loved ones and to feast upon their tasty BRAIIIINNNZZZZ to show them what it's like
Recruitment Policy: Open to all partially consumed foodstuffs of Indian or Pakistani origin
Contact: On the discussion page


The Indian/Pakistani Leftovers were formed when Channah Dal Samosa, previously head and sole member of the Indian/Pakistani Delicacies, was overtaken by zombies in Aelred Hospital in the southwest corner of Central Borehamwood. Upon his partial consumption, he awoke with the desire to feast upon human brains. Gathering his crumbs and piecing his remains together as best he could, he rose and attacked the hospital's remaining survivors. His goal now is to unite fellow fallen foodstuffs of Indian and/or Pakistani origin and take revenge upon the harmanz for untold centuries of their smugly savoring his defenseless ancestors. Following the demise of Channah Dal Samosa, the leadership and sole membership of the Indian/Pakistani Delicacies passed to his dear friend Malai Kofta, but he too fell eventually, and now they roam Borehamwood separately, with Malai Kofta usually remaining centered near his headquarters in Elstree, occasionally venturing forth in search of sustenance, and Channah Dal Samosa roaming far and wide to wherever sightings of harmanz may take him.

Current Objectives and Methods

January 7, 2009 With Borehamwood in ruins and the remaining survivors desperately running and hiding as best they can, the Indian/Pakistani Leftovers have settled in to a pattern of randomly wandering through the suburbs, searching everywhere, making sure to search clubs, cinemas and banks since they're favored survivor refuges due to the defensive bonus they convey, but also being sure to search buildings and towers since survivors might favor them due to the ability to use binoculars to scout nearby areas easily. Really, they're searching everywhere, through everything, playing Infection Tag with anyone they find and documenting the carnage as best they can. Headshotters are still the most prized targets, and are enthusiastically bitten, while all survivor sightings are documented on the survivor sighting page for their respective suburb to assist other zombies in finding and snacking upon them. --Necrofeelinya 21:01, 7 January 2009 (UTC)

December 24, 2008 The Indian/Pakistani Leftovers have begun wandering around North and Northwest Borehamwood, searching ruined buildings for lurking survivors and upon occasion, finding them. --Necrofeelinya 05:21, 25 December 2008 (UTC)

December 17, 2008 The Indian/Pakistani Leftovers are currently headed toward Radlett, but in truth the Borehamwood Party Crew appear to be crushing that 'burb so quickly and thoroughly that it is questionable whether there will be any brainz left when the I/P L arrives. The I/P L seems to be morphing into a headshotter hunting group, though naturally other snacks are always greeted with enthusiasm as well. The I/P L generally functions by moving quickly through a suburb, focusing on resource buildings and attacking other buildings only as opportunity presents itself. This will naturally change when the resource buildings are all ruined. --Necrofeelinya 23:16, 17 December 2008 (UTC)

!!!NEW!!!Borehamwood Zombie Coordination Center

Established July 21, 2009 to aid in the coordination of zombie strike groups in Borehamwood.

Profiles of Known Living Harmanz

Traitor Zombies List

Survivor Tracking Reports

Since it can prove quite difficult to track down a decent meal of fresh brains in survivor-depleted Borehamwood, the Indian/Pakistani Leftovers have set up a page on which to report survivor sightings. The hope is that zombies can, through cooperation and diligence, track down every last survivor in Borehamwood. The I/P L have broken the list up into suburbs for the sake of convenience. This should allow hungry zombies to check the most recent reports for their particular area without being bothered by reports of survivors well out of their reach. While there is a risk of being deceived by false reports, there is also great potential reward to this sort of organization, so all zombies are encouraged to contribute to this effort to rid all of Borehamwood of life. Please remember to date and sign all reports. The list is located here. Old sightings have been moved to the sightings archive to keep the newer info easier to reference. The sightings archive is located here.

List of Headshotters Encountered

Headshotters being considered a particular menace to the horde, the Indian/Pakistani Leftovers have begun a list as of December 11, 2008 to keep track of known offenders. Those who recruit them to the horde are encouraged to note the recruitment with proof on the discussion page. The date and manner of their recruitment will then be noted on the list, with credit given to the recruiter. Please keep the list alphabetical with numeric names at the start. Happy hunting! The list thus far is as follows:

  • 482 zornbies Died between Dec. 12-13 in or near Preller Grove Police Station [540, 27], details unknown, kill unclaimed.
  • Alan I Details unavailable, probably died between Dec. 15-16. Kill unclaimed.
Update The Borehamwood Party Crew are claiming in their announcements that Alan I met his fate on Dec. 16th in Hancox Terrace Police Station [508, 7] in the suburb of Radlett. Good work, BPC!!!
  • AxelVander Last seen outside Dampier Bank [558-22] on March 7, 2009.
  • Circus Midget Killed in a junkyard, 16 minutes before he logged on. Ol' Midget had planned to run a screen for his comrades, but just didn't log on in time. Credit where credit is due - my demise was brought about by the combined efforts of Gargula (id=1388144), Joe's Pizza (id=1391652) - who did the lion's share of the work - and Schof (id=1387907) who dealt the killing blow. Gotta give 'em props, these guys have been chewing on cades for weeks, often with little to show for it. So I say good game to them. Still, if you're a survivor and you happen see any of them around, be sure to give 'em a head shot for me. Now I guess it's my turn to rummage around for...BRA!NZ!!!
  • clients revenge This one needs to die. No other reason than for showing up first in front of Channah Dal Samosa after Malai Kofta died. The killer of this one gets extra kudos.
  • Five Finger Tony Five Finger Tony probably died sometime between January 2-6, most likely between the 5th and 6th, details unavailable, credit for his demise has not been claimed. It is also unclear whether he still has all five fingers.
  • Pathfinder09 Details unavailable, died between February 5-6. Kill unclaimed.
  • R Lockhart Details unavailable, probably died between January 8-9. Kill unclaimed.
  • Stakka Lee Killed by Jessica Restrick on September 12, 2009 in a junkyard [561,42] in Central Borehamwood after Phil Dodds broke in and gave him a couple of good initial smacks upside the head. May have given himself away when he couldn't resist blasting his Eminem cd collection at full volume from his hideout.
  • St0rmmaker Brought down by Sarah L Palin of the group Satan's Slaves between Dec. 14-15 in St. Juan's Hospital [531, 27].
  • Sudamon III Details unavailable, probably died between January 22-23. Kill unclaimed.

Infection Tag List

Victims List


News from March through May 2009 can be found in the archives, here. For news archives from November 2008 through January 2009, go here. Or February 2009 here.

Archive listings: June - Aug.'09|March - May '09|Feb.'09|Nov.'08 - Jan.'09

September 20, 2009 Permanent Wave was killed in a junkyard [543,60] in West Borehamwood by Evader3 on September 20, 2009 with the assistance of Jim Ed and Housemate. Evader3 got another trophy of harman ears, and the zombies all had a tasty snack. "Surf and Turf", as a matter of fact.--Necrofeelinya 23:01, 20 September 2009 (BST)

September 16, 2009 ThePunisher666 was killed in Pulling Bank [567,60] in East Borehamwood on September 15, 2009. HugoRune found and infected him, then 313Killer and Zombie Rottweiler joined in before Uncle Scruff finished him off. His demise was another brutal blow to the ever-dwindling Rambo Ninja Spiderman's Special Dark Watch. Screenshot This followed quickly upon the death of Stakka Lee, who was killed by Jessica Restrick on September 12, 2009 in a junkyard [561,42] in Central Borehamwood after Phil Dodds broke in and gave him a couple of good initial smacks upside the head. He thought he rolled with mad style, but in the end he just got rolled like a drunk. It's the hard knock life for Stakka... or rather, it was. As of this writing, his profile proudly states "Survival time: 318 days, continuous." Keep up the great work, zombies! The harman population is reeling!--Necrofeelinya 16:23, 16 September 2009 (BST)

September 8, 2009 It was a good night in Central Borehamwood as Paul Whensley provided a tasty meal for Joe's Pizza after a bit of tenderizing performed by Kicking Bird inside St Bartholomew's Hospital [553,60]. Well done, zombies! Congratulations on another fine kill!--Necrofeelinya 03:20, 9 September 2009 (BST)