The Wake/Log

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Revision as of 22:07, 23 September 2009 by Misanthropy (talk | contribs)
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Main PageBrad's PassingBrad GloreAthair BasSpacer oneThe Log

You are inside the Doran Arms, an abandoned pub. The building has been extremely heavily barricaded. Also here are many familiar faces, putting aside their differences to mourn a great man's passing.

A portable generator has been set up here. It is running, and powering a radio transmitter that's currently set to 26.11 MHz. The bar has been decorated with three fire-damaged paintings, a torn painting, a historical tapestry, three print of a tapestries, a faded tapestry and three African paintings.

Somebody has spraypainted Athair Bas/Space One's wake. Please no killing till it is over. onto a wall.

Since your last turn:
  • toothdecay said "I've sent the message to all the Spartans. Hopefully, a few of them will start coming down starting today."
  • scorHPOTD said "I am the cineraryone, captaincleanoff alt. i am here to pay my respects to spacer/athair. I miss my friend, and I am drunk right now. not in game either. real life hammered. My other characters, Cin and the captain will be here soon. I have never zerged, as I hate it, but it is warranted at this time. we have talked pantomime. You know who I am. I mis my friend........ I really miss my friend. one thing we have in common is kids and our age. and he and i have been playing this game since UD came out. I am devastated by this, I miss you spacer, it was the, well, the ride and partnership of a lifetime. FUCK THIS!!"
  • Daze Jericho said "Worry not friends, I come in peace. If anyone needs revives I have 3 syringes. Just let me know here or on the LoD forums."
  • scorHPOTD said "Cineraryone will be here within 24 hours and will need a revive right outside of this building. he is a zombie and stranded due to AP in scarletwood"
  • Psychotic Pantomime said "I'm so glad you are here as well Toothdecay. I hope all the Spartans can attend. He really loved the group. There are a few revives needed outside right now. Sly is out there - id=1431445 and Iwitness guy - id=1041498 I am AP'd for now. if anyone can manage it ... I think we will be busy reviving the next few days till Sat."
  • Criminally Insane said "$^)_O to have harkened the sun to rise....The light blinds me$)^&&"
  • xl Smokey lx said "This area has already been establised... please go elsewhere"
  • Riastrad said "Failte, gach duine. Go raibh maith agat faoi choinne teacht anseo. Welcome, everyone. Thanks you all for coming here."
  • Psychotic Pantomime said "Smokey..we will be here till sat to honor a good friend that has died in real life., like it or not. You are surrounded by the best of the best players killers in the game. I would suggest you become sociable. I really need to learn Gaelic Riastrad. I'm coming for some private lessons."
  • xl Smokey lx said "This area has already been established... please go elsewhere. Regardless of who has passed, you can't just take over someone's area because you can; its called respect. All I am asking is that you move over to another building. You went over our spraypaint too..."
  • Riastrad said "Please show some respect, Smokey."
  • xl Smokey lx said "If you had asked I would not have minded, not one bit"
  • David Sly said "Look here you little shit. Someone died in real life. Your severe case of unwarranted self importance is seriously trying my patience. Does it bother you that we picked an Irish Pub to honor an Irish American friend of ours?"
  • Riastrad said "You are outnumbered by the number of people who wish to pay their respect. Since the official wake doesn't start for another day, please either stop complaining about our desire to honour our friend Athair, or you'll find yourself a tribute to his hobby. That hobby, of course, being murder."
  • Psychotic Pantomime said "We'll give you back your building Sat. For now its been picked because it has an Irish name..this person died in REAL LIFE. You can continue your gaming then. This is a memorial service. I'm sorry but you will will have to co-operate"
  • David Sly said "You talk about respect, but you obviously don't know the meaning of the word. Show a little human decency and compassion. We're gathered here to honor a friend, not to cause trouble. We'll be gone by Saturday. And we have no intent of harming you. If I believed in a higher deity I would swear to it that if you ruined my friend's wake I will go out of my way to make you eat your trenchcoat on a daily basis."
  • Riastrad said "Ardú slainté, daoine. Ar Athair, ar Spacer, ar ár chara."
  • xl Smokey lx said "I couldn't give a shit if I died.. lol... I'm a level 1. Second of all I dont give a flying fuck about your friend who died in real life. As much as I would like to show you respect I cant since you just came in here and took over our block without our con"
  • David Sly said "Sunday. I stand corrected. We'll be gone by Sunday. The wake starts Saturday. *points to Daze* Do you see him Smokey? He hunts the majority of us that have gathered here. He's here to pay his respects and for that he's earned mine."
  • xl Smokey lx said "FOR THE PUMA"
  • David Sly said "I apologize for my outburst. But honestly, it was justified."
  • Riastrad said "Wow. What an absolute tosser."
  • Psychotic Pantomime said "did someone kill him"
  • Riastrad said "No, he left before I had the chance to."
  • Psychotic Pantomime said "that was an incredible act of the most evil. Amazing some people can be so cold"
  • Riastrad said "Sly and I grabbed his profile. When the wake is over on Monday night/Tuesday morning, I'm going to find him and kill him. Over and over and over."
  • Psychotic Pantomime said "I'm totally apd now. this is my last sentence. That guy better now ruin the wake. We may have to keep tossing him. FFS there's always some asshat ready to be a jerk"
  • Noelani Kiele said "I had the pleasure of taking a few shots at Spacer and being killed by Athair. Scraped myself up for a revive to come give him a nod. I'm sorry for your and UD's loss. Didn't know him well, which is especially unfortunate now. Take care, guys."
  • Criminally Insane said "@$)^+Smokey is a dead man. I'll find him prewake, for the posterity of Athair's memory$)^@"
  • iWitness Photo Guy said "I am here to document things -pulls out his camera- feel free to start anytime..."
  • toothdecay said "Well, that was a rather rude start to the wake. However, I'm sure that won't happen again. Something tells me that Mr. Smokey, just made the worst mistake of his life."
  • Criminally Insane said "$^)@Cometh not between the dragon and his wrath- King Lear. I'll be a dragon for Brad and his memory#$)&"
  • Jack Officer said "I'm very sorry to hear about your friend. I didn't know him but it still sucks. Rock on in his honor!"
  • scorHPOTD said "I am going to find smokey very soon and pop his guts like a tick. Hello everyone."
  • Captain Cleanoff said "I bet that little smokey fucker bailed up to the mall in S. Blythville. where is the nearest hospital. I can go on a fak run. people are looking a little f;d up in here, especially our brother Chris Field. Acherontia Styx could use a revive. he is right outside of Doran here."
  • Psychotic Pantomime said "I've had Smokey taken care of. None of you need to worry now of his return. He will be very busy. The closest hospital that may be up is Edward General Hospital 14, 83 to the west. I can heal chris enough to get him to half at least. Is Mambarang one of us?"
  • Perzeus said "RIP Athair, we shall never forget him!"
  • Psychotic Pantomime said "Acherontia Styx has been revived. I am out of syringes now and down to emerg fak. I need to save my AP for speaking tomorrow. I pass the revive torch on to others. Please keep them going."
  • Heather Locklear said "Hello. As a representative of the Heathers, I would like to offer my condolences."
  • Pvt Mitchell Armand said "hey, has anyone got a FAK"
  • Captain Cleanoff said "Nice to see a heathers show up. :)"
  • Acherontia Styx said "yup, thanks. you revived the right guy. thanks"
  • Noelani Kiele said "*Pats* Anything I can do, David. If my camping here helps in some way, here is where I'll camp. Worthy cause."
  • LOLosaurus said "boo"
  • Chris Field said "Thanks much for the FAKing Cleanoff. Some noob tried to make a name for himself and failed miserably before I came here."
  • Captain Cleanoff said "Thanks for the heals Chris and daze."
  • David Sly said "Donald and another zombie are face planted outside. I went on a supply run."
  • Captain Cleanoff said "Anyone have fuel on hand in case we run low? :("
  • Jack Officer said "The night before my mother's funeral, me and my brother had a wake of sorts and drank a lot, cried some, and i remember listening to this song."
  • cineraryone said "Well, I finally made it. hello all. I was Spacerones comrade since the very beginning of Urban Dead. I am at a loss right now. just happy to have this character here to honor him."
  • A zombie brought down the last of the barricades.
  • cineraryone said "I have 2 syringes on standby for any stragglers on their way to the wake."
  • A zombie destroyed the generator.
  • Captain Cleanoff began to rebuild the barricades, using a chair.
  • David Sly said "bumbleflop, you're unaligned, and it's policy for Legends to not to attack zombies. I don't recognize you but we're gathered here to pay our respects to a friend of ours who's died in the real world."
  • Captain Cleanoff said "WTF zed, this is a memorial and wake for someone who died IN REAL LIFE that played this game. have some respect and leave."
  • David Sly said "You're welcome to stay, but we would request that you don't kill anyone. In fact if I'm not mistaken other zombies might be showing up to pay their respects."
  • Captain Cleanoff said "he already infected me the fucker"
  • David Sly said "He might not meta-game Captain. bumble might not know. *shrugs* Light him up then."
  • Psychotic Pantomime killed a zombie.
  • Psychotic Pantomime said "I'm in no mood right now"
  • David Sly said "None of us are. And honestly after you've been told that you're in a wake for someone that's died, you should put aside your role playing. Especially since he was a level 43 and therefore didn't even need the xp. You ok Captain? I have 7 ap. I might be able to make it to a hospital and back to fetch you a Fak. I'm sorry it's taken this long to acknowledge Mrs. Locklear, but we are honored to have a Heather at the wake. I've had a run in with you girls with another alt when he was a fledgling. I don't think you'd remember him, but then and now you're a classy bunch."
  • Psychotic Pantomime said "I dont kill zeds..I kill ignorant's ..he deserved to die. He just happened to be undead. He was not deserving of any mercy"
  • Captain Cleanoff said "Yeah, i am okay. it just pissed me off that he kept attacking me after i informed him of the deal here. i got some shots in. thanks for finishing him off. Thanks for the heal Marlea. I am in no mood for any of this shit."
  • David Sly said "Panty's the one who offed him. I only got to shoot at him twice and I missed once. First shot took him down to 4 hps. I don't have the patience for people like him or Smokey."
  • Psychotic Pantomime said "I had already had him down to 36 by the time you said light em up then Sly., Not something I wanted do. Anyways..I need to save my AP now for tomorrow.. Wake will be starting. I'll try to get some heals arranged in here for all of you that got infected"
  • Chris Field said "Currently aping up, but I have plenty of FAKs for tomorrow"
  • Criminally Insane said "O to have hearkened the early sun to rise! Woe to me for short sight, for it blinds my eyes! Glor-e had, Glor-e lost... We two once similar in past, a bond shared in the blackest days The winds of friendship emancipated me from the haze. Softly, softly whispering portents of brighter morrows! The proverbial door swings open, a figure steps in. Pleasureless, for what we owe to the wages of sin. Our old debts are demanded with no regard for our future! The trying times have past yet we cannot forget them. Who's name shall never be forgotten? That which belongs to him, laid to rest with heartache. Stir not, to never wake! Ah, to dream of Eternity... A man. A friend. A mentor. A Legend. My friend, forever in my mind your kindness is burned! Athair, for you I shed my symbols, for such paltry things do not deserve the honor of remembering you. To Brad Glore, a Dark Guardian and personal savior"
  • Pvt Mitchell Armand said "*coughs* *hugs my knees*"
  • Cthulhu In Lingerie said "Greetings to everyone, I'll be representing AU10 on this memorial. Hi Psychotic Pantomine. Thank you for the heal, Charles."
  • Noelani Kiele installed a generator in the building.
  • Psychotic Pantomime said "I want to thank everyone for being here. Today is the day that we celebrate the Life of Brad Glore. He died Sept 11, 2009 and today we begin to share stories of his life and the our personal experiences. Brad was an Irish American and took much pride in his heritage and we are giving him a traditional Irish Wake as best as can be online. An essential part of any wake is the telling of stories about an individual, and a celebration of the individual's life. Most of you knew him as Athair Bas or Spacer one. It is in this way that the person may be remembered with a smile, and their life retold for in a uniquely Irish way of passing into the afterlife. We love you Brad, you were a true Legend, friend and gentleman. NEX! AN IRISH FUNERAL PRAYER: Death is nothing at all. It does not count. I have only slipped away into the next room. Everything remains as it was. The old life that we lived so fondly together is untouched, unchanged. Whatever we were to each other, that we are still. Call me by the old familiar name. Speak of me in the easy way which you always used. Put no sorrow in your tone. Laugh as we always laughed at the little jokes that we enjoyed together." Play, smile, think of me, pray for me."
  • Noelani Kiele said "Whew, heavier than it looked. Not sure what the point in taking the other out was. He temporarily interrupted the search for a wake...Clearly not Irish. My kingdom for fuel.."
  • Psychotic Pantomime said "Let my name be ever the household word that it always was. Let it be spoken without effort. Life means all that it ever meant. It is the same as it ever was. There is unbroken continuity. Why should I be out of mind because I am out of sight? I am but waiting for you, for an interval, somewhere very near, just around the corner. All is well. Nothing is hurt; nothing is lost. One brief moment and all will be as it was before. How we shall laugh at the trouble of parting, when we meet again. This now officially opens the Wake, please feel free to join in a laugh, smile, recall! *Cheers!* To Brad! We will meet again and when we do, it will be good."
  • Cthulhu In Lingerie said "Cheers!"
  • Noelani Kiele said "Slán go foill, Brad. Le meas. Sorry to interrupt, PP, I didn't refresh in time."
  • Psychotic Pantomime said "Nellie! *great big hugs* I am so glad you are here. Some of you may not know but I am also a member of RRF, AU10 and I love them as I love my Legends. It's ok Noelani, I really appreciate you helping out. Ty very much. When I have Ap'd up I will post some stories on how Brad became a Legend. The Spartans are here as well to represent Spacer one's life with them as well."
  • Cthulhu In Lingerie said "*hugs Psychotic right back* aww wouldn't dare miss something like this for a team member."
  • Ashley Valentine said "Hello people, sorry I'm late. Well, looks like I missed it. I just want to say that Althair was an awesome guy. He didn't deserve to die, as clichéd as it is, and he's left a girlfriend and children behind. Our thoughts are, I'm sure, with them in this time of need. Hoho, Athair. Dearie me, misspelling things in important speeches. Whoops. He would have probably liked that, though. So, I'm sure this has all already been done, but nevertheless: here's to Athair. Maniac, and one swell guy. You'll be missed."
  • Perzeus said "Athair was a great guy, who always supported about everyone! He was always quick to make new friends and I believe that was one of his best qualities! May he rest in peace!"
  • Chris Field said "PP that prayer was absolutely beautiful, to say the least. Couldn't have said it better myself"
  • Criminally Insane said "A toast, to Athair Bas! When I first joined up with the Legends, I had never thought I'd run into someone as special as Athair Bas. I was having personal problems, but he was the one who stepped up to help me when I needed it most. I had always hoped I could repay the debt. *Clinks glass against cardboard box helmet* *throws glass against wall* And one for you, buddy *dumps a drink on the floor* Life is a terminal's a shame we can't choose our cure. May tears be shed and smiles be had after. Cue the music!"
  • toothdecay said "I remember Spacer One submitting his kills on the Spartan forum. They were always honorable. Some, we're just plain funny. I remember getting a kick out of this one"
  • headless gunner said "Hey guys! I'm very sorry to hear of the loss of Athair. This is the first I've ever heard of a UD player dying in real life. I very much appreciate the invitation and am honored to be here to celebrate his life."
  • Donald Crane said "*holds aloft a shotglass full of a dark, smokey liquid and with a blue flame burning atop* Here's to Athair Bas. If Robin Hood was the Prince of Thieves, then Athair was a Prince amongst Psychopaths. Here here! *pounds back the shot, spilling part of it on his mask and it momentarily alights*"
  • Pvt Mitchell Armand said "*gazes at the wall with a detached expression* *sips a drink slowly* *cleans my pistol*" i dont like killing, it disturbs me"
  • dave138 said "Thanks for the revive Sly"
  • David Sly "No problem man. I'm having a really hard time coming up with what to say. It's always been hard for me to explain my feelings. I met Athair when I had joined the Legends in Dulston. I had been playing the game for 2 months at the time and Sly was a month old. I was pretty much a newb in every conceivable sense of that word. But I was willing to learn, and had a head on my shoulders. Athair never once treated me like I was dumb or belittled me for being new and inexperienced. I was a level 5 when I joined the Legends and he always made a point to encourage me. On a personal level when we spoke he was always pleasant and was a really great guy. He'd go out of his way to offer any help he could. Be it wiki stuff, making sigs (mine on LoD was made by him) or just listening. He had two leaves of absences since I was a Legend, and I never got to know him like I would have liked. I blame myself for that, as I'm shy and I didn't want to bother him. Although he always made time for you if you wanted to speak to him. I wish I would have been able to be more outgoing and get to know him better. Athair was a great guy, and he'll definitely be missed. I hope that I can help be there for those closer to him, especially his family. Because he was always there for us when we needed him. He truly was a great man. Athair, we miss you buddy. But we know you're watching over us, like you always did when you were here."
  • Pvt Mitchell Armand said "he sounds like a great guy"
  • dave138 said "Thanks Marlea"
  • Psychotic Pantomime said "Brad loved ICP and one of his pictures on the forum is him with his clown make-up. Freaking awesome! So I am dedicating these next two songs to his UD personalities. Serial killing and his weapon of choice. An AXE! and He's the one who got me liking ICP. :D He's probably up there axing the shit out of some poor fool who got in his way. That guy is going to have heaven wrapped around his baby finger by the time we meet up. He's setting up house for the rest of us."
  • cineraryone said "I am at a loss of what to say. Not only did i lose a friend in spacerone with whom I have played this game with since UD came out, I also lost my father today. I had a eulogy set up, but now at this point all i can say is what the fuck. I'm.....done"
  • Criminally Insane said "Athair was one of the best...he taught me everything I know about being a Legend...and a decent human being."
  • tarev said "*looks around* Well, this was a bad idea *runs away frantically*"
  • Daze Jericho said "My really only remembrance of Athair was when he dueled Ottari up in Dulston. I had an alt and was just starting out. That's actually how I first heard about you guys. Anyways, I just remember him defeating Ottari in one on one combat quite handily, yet also gracefully. Pity I never was able to cross swords with him, or get to know him. I take my leave of the stories with this, Athair's immortalization in comics! May his axe stay forever sharp!"
  • Psychotic Pantomime said " cineraryone I will be contacting you personally ...I'm soooooo sorry. I'm so lost for words right now myself...I WILL be contacting you and make sure you have a shoulder. I can't write anything that could console you here, it needs to be done in person"
  • Criminally Insane said "#$^)I'm shattering a faygo with Violent J and 2 Dope on October 6th during their concert. It's an over sized faygo bottle about 7' tall. It has Brad Glore, Spacerone, and Athair Bas written on it. My confidant is going to video tape it. Wicked clowns take care of our own...Can't nobody kill a click-clack clown. If you think he's really dead, you're severely mislead. And Pantie, I bet Brad is turning heaven into a Murder Go Round as we speak. Some scream Juggalo only when it's convenient, and no they don't mean it. Athair is up there killin' those punks$)@&_"
  • Angel Wolf said "(moved) My prayers have already been raised for your friend and all who loved him. Would it have pleased him to off a BH'r at his memorial? If anyone wants to take shots at me in memory of him, please feel free to do so. Maximum respect."
  • Cthulhu In Lingerie said "Its always a stoping moment in a social net work for a game when a member dies, indeed the most of the community when a game is so social and meta."
  • David Sly said "If you knew him and you respected him then you are welcome here. The answer to your offer is no. No violence will be committed here out of respect to Athair. Considering how much of a class act he was he would have welcomed you here if he could Angel Wolf"
  • Cthulhu In Lingerie said "I'm not part of LoD but a similar event has happen to me on different gaming groups, twice I'm sad to say. It makes always makes you stop and think of the finality of it all, especially so if you've met the person RL."
  • David Sly said "Even if you didn't know him, but want to express your condolences you are still welcome here Angel Wolf. Your status as a character is irrelevant. If this wake was for one of H.A. instead of Athair I would be there to support Sable and to express my condolences."
  • Cthulhu In Lingerie said "Its not so important to think of something grand to say, but to just say something, anything. So here's my condolences over the loss of a community and group member."
  • David Sly said "I apologize for interrupting you Cthulhu. I didn't know you were going to speak, but I felt the need to reassure Angel Wolf that he is indeed welcome here."
  • Cthulhu In Lingerie said "That's quite alright."
  • headless gunner said "I very much appreciate the invitation and am honored to be here to celebrate his life. I wish I had known Athair as well as the rest of you guys. I really feel for his kids who lost their dad. Being a dad myself it hurts thinking of kids having to grow up without their old man around, especially a cool one. I feel closer to a lot of my UD friends than I ever usually say. When I've been down there are those here who have really cheered me up. It sounds like Athair was that sort of guy and I feel like I have lost out not getting to know him better."
  • Shirley Q Liquor said "RIP Athair. May you find peace."
  • Chris Field said "CI imagine how the Saints will react when they get to heaven!"
  • Criminally Insane said "$:I imagine those Saints'll literally (figuratively) take a crap on themselves. I'm a wicked clown and I'd think twice before going there with Athair leading the way@$)^"
  • Officer Nin said "Oh, damn, looked like I missed the celebration of something? Any beer left? *chuckles*"
  • Spitin Mybeers said "I admit that I didn't know Brad, but being close by I thought it would be remiss of me to not drop in and pay my respects. I'm deeply sorry that those of you who knew him have lost a friend. May he rest in peace."
  • AlvaroMesa19 said "my condolences I Haven't the same words of your language but yes same feelings please sorry if I cant made a better to explain my self but...Rest in peace. Athair Bas"
  • petite fille said "May your home always be too small to hold all your friends. Here's to you, Spacer One. Cheers!"
  • 27'zombies said "*with respectfully lowered voice* Hi mates, I'm sorry for being a bit late... Anyway, thanks for the revival, Shirley! Anyone got a FAK left? I'm still infected..."
  • AegisTyra said "Woe is me, O Hector; woe, indeed, that to share a common lot we were born, you at Troy in the house of Priam, and her at Thebes under the wooded mountain of Plakos in the house of Eetion who brought her up when you were both but as a child. You go now to the house of Hades under the secret ways of the Earth. You leave her, a sorrowing widow, in your house, and the infant, of whom you and her are the parents, but an infant. Now that you are gone, O Hector, you can do nothing for her, nor her for you. I long for the eye of my army, a man who was good both as a prophet and at fighting with the spear."
  • Criminally Insane said "$#&)Alas, Athair Bas cannot rest from travel; he had drunk life to the lees! All times he has enjoy'd greatly, have suffered greatly, both with those that loved him, and alone; on shore, and when thro' scudding drifts the rainy Hyades vext the dim sea. He has become a name. He is a part of all that he has met. How dull is it to pause, to make an end, to rust unburnish'd, not to shine in use! As tho' to breathe were life. Athair will live forever, breathless as the newborn babe$^*)#"
  • Pvt Mitchell Armand said "can i ask, what happened to Athair?"
  • Ashley Valentine said "He had an artificial heart valve that decided to 'give up', at failure of better words, Mitchell Armand. Medical teams attempted to resuscitate him for two hours, to no avail."
  • DennisZotorman said "Good evening, i've jus come to pay my respects, i was sorry to hear about the lost your friend in brainstock forum, unfortunately i never knew Spacer, please accept my sincere condolences. few faces i recognize in here, cheers everyone to spacer xxx"
  • Noelani Kiele said "When the character of a man is not clear to you, look at his friends. I've spent the last couple of days with his friends, so I have no doubt Brad earned the sense of loss even those of us who didn't know him feel. Because my encounters with him in-game were both brief and violent, I can't offer any personal stories. I can, however, offer an Irish blessing of the fallen. Do not stand at my grave and weep, I am not there. I do not sleep. I am the thousand winds that blow. I am the diamond glints on snow. I am the sunlight on ripened grain. I am the gentle autumn rain. When you waken in the morning's hush, I am the swift uplifting rush. Of gentle birds in circling flight, I am the soft star that shines at night. Do not stand at my grave and cry - I am not there. I did not die. Slán agus beannacht leat, Brad. Thank you for letting Angel and I take part in this. *Hands the talking stick back to someone better qualified.*"
  • Daze Jericho said "Well, fare thee well all. Until next we meet!"
  • Franz Molotov said "Hello friends. I only have this to say; Love is stronger than death even though it can't stop death from happening, but no matter how hard death tries it can't separate people from love. It can't take away our memories either. In the end, life is stronger than death. When you were born, you cried and the world rejoiced. Live your life in a manner so that when you die the world cries and you rejoice. Good night Dear Friends"
  • Angel Wolf said "Thank you Mr. Sly. When Noelani issued the cease-fire and explained why, my heart just about broke. Had to come. All I have to do is look around this room to see what a great man is being honored here. The evidence is in the lives he touched. In you."
  • Noelani Kiele said "*Snags Angel for a hug*"
  • Criminally Insane said "@$^)TO ATHAIR! *fills cardboard box with ale, then puts on head* Glug glug glug. Heh, he was the best of the worst of our motley crue. He will be remembered forever, I know it. I just remembered something *Passes a hockey mask with CI scribbled on the back around the room* Sign it...last person better emote mounting it on that wall@$)^"
  • Scarlet Git said "I never got to know Brad, but I still mourn his loss *raises glass* Brother mine, Halls up high awaits you, come eternal life Stricken down, o Brother, this was your day Rest you now, we will meet again". Flames, your pyre, reaching high in the night. Sound the horn of bronze, it is time the God of Warriors to call. It is told in ancient tales Great halls awaits a fallen Brother. So rise and stand, my Brother, whole again a man. Walk down those golden aisles in halls up high, take your seat, raise your cup for eternal life."
  • Heather Locklear said "The Heathers wish to express their condolences - it is very sad to see this happen to someone who had so much ahead of him. Our thoughts also go to the LoD group, who knew him best. Please continue to carry on in his name. And thank you for the welcome, David - I'm not sure I remember you, but I hope our previous encounters were not too messy."
  • Zekkuzu said "Sorry I'm late. Troublesome time I'm having IRL. I didn't know Athair very well. But I bet he was awesome. Rest in peace, man."
  • Rajko said "Hi guys, skyvia hee sorry im late had to come from dulston. My condolences to Athair even though i did not know him all too well"
  • DennisZotorman said "how nice to see so many kind words being said. having lost my father at the start of the year it's nice to see so many kind things being said about loved ones it means a lot, plus another friend of mine died of cancer last week only in his early 40's, so it seems all so much closer than one would hope a a young age"
  • Franz Molotov said "I feel for you Dennis. I've been surrounded by loss this year myself. Two of my close friends lost their parents to cancer, another is watching his father pass. My girlfriends father is awaiting the results of a biopsy to see if he has the big C and so is my stepmother. This happened and .... it was really heart wrenching. I didn't know CI as well as I should have, but I just needed to come here and pay my respects and offer my love to those who did know him well. After all, we are all part of the same human family. I just want all of you to know that you are not alone and that love will always triumph. It is love that gives us eternal life. Not in this world, where our fragile and fleshy vessels are subject to age, disease, and misfortune, but in the hearts of everyone. Those we lose continue to help us and guide us from that most sacred of places deep within ourselves. When we love another and grow a new friendship, the ones we lost are the sunshine and the rain that nurture that seed of human interaction and allow it to bloom into something beautiful. Thank you all for listening. * Picks up the hockey mask and signs it. Continues to pass it amongst the crowd*"
  • Pvt Mitchell Armand said "*signs the hockey mask* *passes it to the next person*"
  • Rajko said "*signs the hockey mask and passes it along* Franz that was a very heart warming speech :)"
  • Daze Jericho said "I thought this was over on Saturday night? Oh well, revived Ash."
  • Runemasteryx said "Hello all, I am here for the wake"
  • Pvt Mitchell Armand said "*shivers and stares at a wall*"
  • Runemasteryx said "I formed the Streltsy, and I knew him when he joined. I followed him into LoD, but never completed my appernticeship due to work issues, I talked to him on MSN, and he was a great guy. Beyond awesome on so many levels, he will be missed, and from me, the United Voices of Malton, we wish him farewell, and miss him dearly"
  • Officer Nin said "Where's your Barhah now? *chuckle*"
  • Cthulhu In Lingerie said "No barhah today here. You can have a FAK though."
  • 27'zombies said "*takes the mask un-confidently; looks around; nods and signs the mask; passes it to the next one*"
  • Criminally Insane said "@#^)What's 27? I thought I'd never see you again after I left TBOTR! I meant to ask what's good....pardon my level of intoxication@$)^"
  • Ashley Valentine said "*signs the hockey mask*. And on this note I must depart. It's been my pleasure staying here with like-minded fellows, but other things await. Do him proud, everyone. I know I will. :) Take care, tata."
  • Criminally Insane said "@$^)Adios ms, Valentine. Thank you for attending%*)#"
  • AegisTyra said "*signs the mask* Likewise. I have business further north with my favourite zergs. Zeus Saviour, spare those who march into the fire of Hades. Beneath His mighty aegis, we all must so advance. *salutes*"
  • Psychotic Pantomime said "My apologies for not being here as much as I would have liked. As always RL tugs me away from you all. I want to say this gathering has been a heart warming experience as well as full of grief for me. Athair and I were very close. He used to make me laugh about the stupidest stuff I swear! He could make my frown turn upside down in about 3 mins. The last time I talked to him was in MSN. The last tow words we ever spoke to each other was I love you to each other. It was a deep love of friendship not of romance, but something more lasting and bonding. He was a lifer friend for me. My life will always be richer for having him in it. Even though it was brief I will always remember the good times we had and look back fondly with memories of him. We all have made strong bonds with people through playing Urban Dead. Far beyond the role playing. Each of us I am sure has more than a few special friends here. This wake is a reminder of Athair's life and maybe an eye opener as well to many of us about how we affect each others lives and influences. I want to thank ALL of you for taking the time to be here. He really deserved to be remembered in a special way. There are many people to thank for making it a peaceful and safe wake as well. Some of the groups involved in maintaining peace and neutrality are: RRF: Gore Corps - Team America-AU10, The Saints, Team XTreme, HA, Feral Undead, CGR, The Spartans, and many many individual players! Including Bounty Hunters from all over Malton. Thank-you all so very much for everything you have done for Brad. Legends of Darkness thanks you **SIGNS THE MASK AND PASSES IT TO THE NEXT PERSON** Tonight the neutral agreement ends and I cannot guarantee anyone's safety after midnight BST. Also..before I forget..Anime Sucks alt IWitness guy has also been here to SS the event and we have SS everyday capturing the Wake. When we have gathered all information and organized everything, there will be a memorial Wiki created and all can go there to view the whole event if you missed some of it or know someone who wants to see it. Thank-you again for all the people screen shotting as well. We'll see you all in game my friends. Legends will be just around the corner everywhere you look! :) *Cheers Brad!* It is NOT GOODBYE. But, See you later! *HUGS & Love* PS..if I forgot to thanks can whip me later. I sort of like that."
  • Runemasteryx said "Yeah. He was a great guy. No, more than a great guy. he was a legend. I would also like to thank every one here. Having everyone here, in a game, to commemorate an awesome person we met through a game just shows what a great community we have."
  • toothdecay said "Brad will always have a place in our hearts. We were lucky enough to have him join our ranks and I was lucky enough to know him as a person. He was just such an unbelievable guy. I will make sure all future Spartans will know and remember him. He will be the greatest example they will ever have to play the game the way it was meant to be played. For fun."
  • Runemasteryx said "We have Legends of Darkness, Feral Undead, Creedy Guerrilla Raiders, a guy who likes pony's, H.A, Team Extreme, a spartan, a heather (looking stylish as ever), Panties, all sorts, all here for this great guy"
  • toothdecay said "Cheers to you, Brad! We will always remember you, Celebrated, not mourned. HERE HERE!"
  • Runemasteryx said "*Cheers in celebration of a wonderful life, and is saddened by the passing of such a wonderful guy*"
  • AlvaroMesa19 said "Can I sign the mask?I**SIGNS THE MASK AND PASSES IT TO THE NEXT PERSON** Well The only I can do for help..."
  • headless gunner said "*signs Franz hockey mask.* Very nice eulogies guys. I think Brad would have been honored. I certainly would if it were me. It is good to see so many of Maltons' finest here. Tis a very nice wake. Pantie should get some thanks for putting such a fine service together. Good job man!"
  • Delta Nitroxs LP said "dont touch DP again man lol"
  • hashissiin said "Fucking idiot Delta Nitroxs LP, stop that!"
  • Delta Nitroxs LP killed hashissiin.
  • headless gunner said "Oi Vai. Take that crap next door guys. Not in here."
  • Psychotic Pantomime said "I've taken care of it. He's been corrected. Hey HG, it's all good now. :)"
  • headless gunner said "You made that kill 5 seconds before I could say what I said Pantie. Another few seconds and he would have been mine. :("
  • Psychotic Pantomime said "Lets just try to keep the last little bit peaceful. *crosses fingers*"
  • headless gunner said "Good job though. I'll get Hash a revive."
  • Psychotic Pantomime said "I explained to him the errors of his way. Thanks for the back-up :D Just to let everyone know, it's past midnight BST now. The wake has officially ended. Thank-you again for all that you have done and participating, saying goodbye and sharing your stories. We'll see you all somewhere in Malton. feel free to come by and say hello on LoD forum anytime. I will be staying here till the building is almost clear in case there are last minute comments. Till we meet again my friends..~Pantomine out ~"
  • David Sly said "*takes the mask and signs it, offering it around* I'll be staying as well for the same reason. I'd like to thank everyone for coming."
  • toothdecay said "*takes the mask and signs it* Goodnight buddy. Thank you. For everything."
  • headless gunner said "Thanks again for putting this shindig on Pantie. It was a nice gesture."
  • Ash Brimstone said "While I did not know him, I think Brad would be honored by all here showing their respect for such a person. All of you here, show he was a valued member of the community. He, as well as all of you, should feel blessed to know one another. To Brad, I have not met you, but, am honored to be around all those that have shared joy with you."
  • Angel Wolf said "(signs the mask humbly, if offered. Claps his hands together and shows his palms) Fair winds fair travels, my friends."
  • AlvaroMesa19 said "Delta Nitroxs LP ashole...Leave me take care about Him and sorry please say soorry to Hashissin and please not take to much personal...I need to clean delta shit again...Bye and sorry."
  • Shirley Q Liquor said "*takes the mask and signs her name to the list of those paying respect to a fallen friend.* I'm sure he's smiling down at us now. Few of us knew him in RL but we all respected him here in Malton."
  • Spitin Mybeers said "*takes mask, quietly signs it and passes it solemnly onto the next person*"
  • Chris Field said "I wasn't sure what to say, but all of you have said it best. This wake illustrated how significant Brad was not only to UD, but to those who had the immense pleasure of knowing him. So long Athair. There will never be another, but we can hope there many more like you. *signs mask, passes to next person* Wish I could FAK further, but that was my last one. Should I do a FAK run tomorrow?"
  • Psychotic Pantomime said "I'd like everyone to gear up as best as possible. Who has a burb status? I've only moved out of the building once, and that was just to the NT. NT was DWO, unlit 5 survivors and 8 zeds. Lets get a report going in forum on building status's on forum. The building is open season now. The peace most likely won't last long. Be on your guard. theres 15 of us here *awesome face* *looks proudly at my Legends* Head out and find a safe building , gear up and report your locations. I'm staying with Cin/Cleanoff until I hear from him or he fades.
  • 27'zombies said "*Places his dark red flower on the bar, nods to the surrounding people, tips at his robe's hood; slowly walks to the door and leaves the building*"
  • Cthulhu In Lingerie said "*signs the mask and passes it on* I'll divide up my last FAK's before I go, I wont need them. I'm glad I could attend this wake. Hope to see you around AU10 Psychotic once wer're out of alt range. And anyone that doesnt know, we dont use info gained while breathing, when planning our own strikes. Alright, that was my last FAK, I'll be seeing you all around, and I'll give you a hug if I regodnize you. Ta everyone *window dives*"
  • dave138 said "Jim Morrisons Corpse is in SW corner of Mall. Didn't we have a problem with him before? Comrades, it has been an honor to sit with you all remembering this man. Comrades....good travels, happy hunting. I'll see you all hopefully very soon."
  • Runemasteryx said "Thank you all, Panties, is thev requirement for Legends 7 screenshotted kills? If so I might wander over to the nearest mall for all 7"
  • Heather Locklear said "Rumor is that the fall line of Manolo Blahniks is available at the mall, so I'm off. Best wishes to the LoD, do call us sometime, loves. Ta ta for now! *hugs and kisses*"
  • Officer Nin said "Cheer, mate. I'm a one eyed cyclops. *chuckles*"
  • DennisZotorman said "thanks Franz, lets all hope for some happy news to come *signs mask and passes it on to the next in line* its heart warming to read all the lovely things and to see so many pay respect thoud of thought to feel so much love from all these known pkers. lets pray for happier times, joy and love and more fun in malton. it's weird to feel safe around so many red names, but i do, there's lots of love in here today"
  • toothdecay said "Well the Spartans have payed their respects individually, and now as a group. It's time for us to head out. Thank you all for being here and making this possible. Goodnight."
  • Fred Costello said "It is regrettable that my entry into this discourse has been so post-poned, but nonetheless, I shall offer up a few words. Brad/Athair/Spacer, as has been said by others, was indeed a hell of a man. As David commented regarding his entry into the LoD, Athair was nothing but welcoming and supportive upon my entry into the group as well. While others did their part in aiding my induction into the group, it stands all the same that Brad passed on incomparable wisdom and knowledge, and played a unique part in shaping the player that I am today, however occasionally sparse that has become due to outside circumstances. So in parting, my friends, I offer yet another bit of Irishness, this time a toast with which I offer offer my humble respects to our fallen comrade and to all of our brethren far and wide. *Cough* Ahem. Friends may come and friends may go; friendships peter out, ya know. But we'll be friends through thick and thin, peter out, and peter in. Brad, may you find peace in your travels. We'll see you in the next life, my friend. *Takes up the mask, signs it, and places it on the wall to await the signature of any who remain*"
  • Noelani Kiele said "H.A was honored to be invited. I'm thankful we were able to get to know him through the eyes of his friends. *Signs the mask on her way out* Take care, all."
  • Sergeant Barnes said "Im here on behalf of wesker41 of CGR who could not make it. May Athair rest in peace, he will be deeply missed. My condolences to those he left behind in LoD"
  • hashissiin said "Rest in peace, Athair..."
  • Sergeant Barnes said "*takes the mask and signs it three times* Sergeant Barnes: Let us not mourn his passing, but celebrate his life. Wesker41: Rest in Peace Brother. CGR. The Demon of Razgriz: May his spirit live on for ever, and his soul rest in the house of the lord. Philosophe Knights. And with that Gentlemen, I am off. See you all around Malton, thanks for having me."
  • Ash Brimstone said "Just a FYI all Thompson Mall is almost gone 2 corners are toast."
  • dave138 said "SW corner of mall no zeds. 32 in NW 3 or 4 in other corners."
  • Franz Molotov said "I thank all of you for a lovely time, but I must be off. The Resistance waits for no man...."
  • Texas William said "Oh, shit, the mall's gone! Anyone give a FAK for an infected?"
  • Peace Pipe said "Hello, ladies and gentlemen. Some of you probably know me better with a different Mask on, so to speak, but DT couldn't be here in person. I knew Athair only a bit, on the PKA forums and a bit on the PK forums. He will stick in my mind as a PKer who knew what he wanted. He didn't waffle around like so many other PKers tend to (myself included). When he said he wanted to see moderately-sized steams of blood running through the Streets of Dulston, he said so. He was a great deal more honest with the people he spoke to than many people can claim to be. I didn't know him as Spacer, but I do know the standard the Spartans hold their members to, and that says a great deal about him."
  • JonPB said "I never knew Athair Bas, but I would like to express my condolences. God bless his family and friends."