Suburban Brigades

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Surburban Brigade
Abbreviation: The Brigade
Group Numbers: We Need You
Goals: To rid Malton and Krinks of Fascism
Recruitment Policy: All anti-fascist, left winged socialists, communist, anarchist in Malton.
Contact: Group's talk page.

Who Are We?

" Facism is capitalism in decay " - Vladimir Lenin

" If you want to see a picture of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face forever. " George Orwell

Similar to the International Brigades of the Spanish Civil War, the Suburban Brigade has been setup to aid the side of the left wing and anti fascist side in the Battle of Krinks against the Fascist Nationalists.

So we are looking for all anti-fascists or left sided ideologists to come together and take a stand against Fasicism and stamp it out of Malton once and for all.


--Burning The Fire 22:41, 12 March 2010 (UTC)

Who Can Join?

We are accepting both single players and groups. We are not looking for you to join the group, Simply support it and the cause. If you are interested in joining the ranks of the anti-fascist please tell us so in the group talk page. Thank you.

What the Suburban Brigade aim to do

As anti-fascist we know that we can't run into Krinks guns blazing, head shooting every fascist in sight. Although well in our capabilities we aim to:

  • set up a temporary revive location
  • run regular healing trips
  • Maintain the barricading plan
  • refeul generators etc
  • oh and fight the hordes of fascists

Fascism.gif Fascists
This user or group hates fascists and will do everything in their power to feed them to the zombies.