UDWiki:Administration/Policy Discussion/Altered Ban Lengths

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Few A/VD related policies have passed as Accepted Policies on UDWiki. One of the better ones, Better Vandal Data, comprehensively fixed what many users found was wrong with UDWiki's vandal escalation system, and how it was run. The only community concern it didn't address was the prominence of career vandals who manipulate the de-escalation system our wiki has. One of the suggestions was removing de-escalations altogether. Being rather harsh, there is another option that is a bit more fair to all.

This policy attempts to change the escalation system on A/VD so it is harsher for those subjected to it. This is done by increasing the length of the ban time vandals will be banned by each escalation.

If this policy passes, the following changes will be made to the relevant part of A/G:

Current Escalations System

  • Warning (first)
  • Warning (second)
  • 24 Hours
  • 48 Hours
  • 1 Week
  • 1 Month
  • 1 Month + Permaban Vote


  • Warning (first)
  • Warning (second)
  • 48 Hours
  • 1 Week
  • 1 Fortnight (2 weeks)
  • 1 Month
  • 1 Month + Permaban Vote

Some points of note

Whilst everyone who is banned will be affected by this, Career vandals are the target. They will find themselves in a more difficult boat, since they will have to work harder to work up required edits to work off previous escalations with the unban time they have. Long story short: Short-term de-escalations will be harder to achieve.

Even though the ban times have been increased, you will notice the amount of escalations have remained the same. This means that every user still has the same amount of escalations before they face the potential permaban vote. A user will be banned the same amount of times, just for longer periods. It just makes the bans more difficult to deal with when looking for short-term de-escalations.

All of the numbers above are negotiable. They are just an example of what could be voted into A/G.