Shades of malton/Ribbons

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Shades Forum HDU Rover Squad S.R.R.T
About 15

Recruitment Policy

1.We respect any honourable survivor who will co-operate. Quite simply if you can't obey orders no one will obey yours. To get higher with us you need to earn our respect. We do not appreciate any PKers, GKers, zombies, zergers or griefers in the Shades. Your future is in your hands, act wisely.

If you are um.... we'll go boomstick and axe rape you...
2. Post Here

Shades Videos
Shades Promo

Shades Literture

Tales of Wanderer

The Shades


Dr Janjakko

Blaise Coindell

Mac Eldridge

Matthew Giles

Lesley Drake

Maximum Nothing



The Shades of Malton

Ribbons are military decorations which recognize service and personal accomplishments while a member of the Shades (or ally of Shades). Together with military badges, such awards are a means to outwardly display the highlights of a service member's career.

These awards are based on personal honesty. Any OFFICIAL ally of Shades are welcome to add these Ribbons as fitting. BUT NOT TO ADD THEM AS IF THEY WERE ANOTHER GROUPS RIBBONS. PLEASE REMEMBER TO LABEL THEM AS SHADES RIBBONS.


Drill instructor ribbon.gif Drill Instructor Ribbon (Volunteered to help train new recruits)

Nato Ribbon.gif NATO Ribbon (If you are from one of the NATO countries)

Humanitarian service ribbon.gif Humanitarian Service Ribbon (Heard a request for help by a trapped survivor and assisted successfully)

Meritorious service ribbon.gif Meritorious Service Ribbon (Acts regularly in the best interest of other survivors)

Recruiter ribbon.gif Recruiter Ribbon (Recruited at least 2 new active members)

Combat action ribbon.gif Combat Action Ribbon (Killed an enemy zed that was actively attacking them)

Wings.jpg Shades Veteran (Part of original Paratrooper division)

Outstanding volunteer ribbon.gif Military Outstanding Volunteer Service Medal (Joined Shades after Zombie outbreak)

Marine security guard ribbon.gif Security Guard Ribbon (Actively defended HQ against zombie threat, 2+ zeds)

Overseas service ribbon.gif Overseas Service Ribbon (If your character came from a country outside Britain)

National defense ribbon.gif National Defense Ribbon (If your character is from Britain)

Antarctic service ribbon.gif Operation:_______ Ribbon (Took part in our first group assault mission)

Officer Ribbon.gif Officer Ribbon (Was promoted to Officer rank in Shades)

Multinational forces and observer ribbon.gif Multinational Forces And Observer Ribbon (Worked with Allied group for a mission)

Shades Occupation Ribbon.gif Shades Occupation Ribbon (Official Member of Shades of Malton)

HDU Ribbon.gif Home Defense Unit Ribbon Served with the HDU

SRRT Ribbon.gif Special Raid and Rescue Team Served with the SRRT

Rover Ribbon.gif Rover Unit Served with Rover


Weapon Specialist.gif Elite Has all Military Skills

Scientific Breakthrough.gif Scientific Breakthrough Has all Science Skills

Urban Survivalist Award.gif Urban Survivalist Award Has all Civilian Skills

Human Excellence Award.gif Human Excellence Award Has all Human Skills

Navy Pistol.gif Pistol Marksman Advanced Pistol Skill

Navy Rifle.gif Rifle Marksman Advanced Shotgun Skill

Head Surgeon Ribbon.gif Head Surgeon Ribbon Diagnosis and Surgeon Skill

Mall Raider.gif Mall Raider Bargain Hunting Skill

Radioman Ribbon.gif Expert Radioman Radio Operator Skill

NecroNet Access.gif NecroNet Expert NecroNet Access Skill

Knife Expert.gif Melee Expert Knife and Axe Combat Skills

Propaganda Ribbon.gif Propaganda Ribbon Tagging Skill

Expert Engineer.gif Expert Engineer Construction Skill

Expert Marksmanship Ribbon.gif Expert Marksmanship Headshot Skill‎

Obstacle Course Achievement.gif Obstacle Course Achievement Free Running Skill