LUEshi's Rangers

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Revision as of 01:33, 6 August 2010 by Loup Garou (talk | contribs)
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LUEshi's Rangers
Abbreviation: LR
Group Numbers: Anonymous
Leadership: Unknown
Goals: Hurt the survivor cause
Recruitment Policy: Member of LUElinks
Contact: here

A group of Death Cultists culled from the ranks of LUE and LL-based groups including LUE, Lueshi's Undead, and Lueshi's Survivors combined with combat philosophy derived from the Rangers of Robert Rogers during the French and Indian War.

Just had their coming out party in the North East corner of Caiger.

LUEshi's Rangers are a highly organized group capable of clearing out an entire mall corner within 10 minutes. Identification is sporadic and troublesome at best. The more flagrant and proud members can be seen wearing LUEshi tags and group affiliations whilst the more discreet members will seem harmless until the very moment their shotgun makes a good dent into your stomach.

LUEshi presence is usually made well known by the propaganda squads liberal use of graffiti within short proximity of a strike. It is advisable to leave the immediate neighborhood once LUE tags start appearing in increasing quantity.

Current Members: This will be left blank for obvious reasons. Group members are not consistent they operate with LUEshi, false or anonymous group affiliations.


Decisions are made fairly democratically. Every action is open for discussion and the operating procedures are continually revised in a well-oiled killing machine.


08/04/2010: North East Corner of Caiger. The Rangers displayed their colors and killed the 27 non-Ranger survivors in the corner. Sporadic attacks before and afterward from Johnny-come-lately Rangers put the kill count well into 30s. Caiger's defenders were thrown in to confusion but managed only a small handful of retaliatory kills.

Killer.jpg Player Killer Group
"One kills a man, one is an assassin; one kills millions, one is a conqueror; one kills everybody, one is a god."

This Group is a PKer Group and supports the act of Player Killing.