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Revision as of 01:42, 5 December 2010 by Radio (talk | contribs)
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October 2010

Goal of the Month: Get to Judgewood[Complete]

10/18/10 In Earletown waiting to be revived manage to kill one of the zombies there.

10/20/10 Heading to Judgewood hopefully I'll get revived once I am there. Just wanna be somewhere safe from all these Pkers and ZKers.

10/22/10 Arrived in Quarlesbank I'm at a Revive Point hopefully noone thinks I am a GKer RKer or PKer. Just want a nice safe place for the time being.

10/23/10 Luckly me I ran into a room and yelled Mrh! not attacking any survivors none of them attacked me and I got a nice little revive. Ahh what a wonderful thing life is. During my stay in Judgewood I'll be staying in Hebson museum cause I'm keeping it Heavily Barricaded and noone normally goes looking in a Museum. Maybe I'll join a group while I'm here or something but I'm definetly not gonna let this stay in Judgewood be permanent.

10/24/10 In a warehouse with some other survivors now I am a member of Judgewood Vector Control I'm gonna keep a eye on the MacCarthy Building for the moment unless told otherwise.

November 2010

First Goal of the Month: Get a Mobile Phone Mast working at The MacCarthy Building[Abandoned] Second Goal of the Month: Get to Calvert Mall [Complete]

11/2/10 Standing wasteand by the Peet Buildig waiting for a revive.

11/6/10 It seems at the moment Judgewood is in Zombie hands. I'm in Quarlesbank right now hope to get a revive then I'll focus on my goal.

11/7/10 At A Factory plan on getting a revive by the one survivor that is inside then grabbing a generator and heading back to Judgewood to complete my goal.

11/14/10 Commited suicide 3 days ago... seems the whole west side is in danger now... I've been relaxing in Jensentown securing doors to buildings to slow low level zombies down. returned to Judgewood and waiting for a revive now.

11/28/10 Abandoned the Goal for this month. Plan on gettin to Calvert Mall so I can pickup a few radio transmitters maybe kill a few zeds and that's it for this month.

December 2010

First Goal of the Month: Get Club Wadman's lights on repaired and caded. Second Goal of the Month: Return to Judgewood

12/5/10 This month is starting off good. I'm in Calvert Mall alive and all that jazz this should be quite a interesting month.