
From The Urban Dead Wiki
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I study death. Preferably yours, though I have no qualms about mine.
Those that have passed through
This. (the UDGame page design)
Works in progress
UDWiki:Poll section. (borrowing largely from Policy Discussion, plus a little from a precedent. I GIVE PEOPLE FREE REIGN TO EDIT BELOW THIS LINE FOR NOW, to improve this work in progress) Discussion on talk page.


This wiki attempts to be a community project - every user's opinion matters - so, this is the place for polls that concern the community. A poll is a survey (a measuring tool) which determines the current state of a situation, with respect to consensus. It doesn't form consensus. It merely measures it.

Polling Guidelines

Editors considering an article-related poll must remember that polling should be used with care, and should not invoke polls prematurely. Note that polling cannot serve as a substitute for debate and consensus; that no poll is binding on editors who do not agree; and that polling may aggravate rather than resolve existing disputes.

Polls regarding article content may be inconclusive and sometimes highly contentious. In order to have a chance of being productive, editors must appreciate the following:

  1. The ultimate goal of any article discussion is consensus, and a poll is helpful only if it helps editors actually reach true consensus.
  2. For that reason, article polls are never binding, and editors who continue to disagree with a majority opinion may not be shut out from discussions simply because they are in the minority. Similarly, editors who appear to be in the majority have an obligation to continue discussions and attempts to reach true consensus.
  3. For the same reason, article-based polls should not be used prematurely. If it is clear from ongoing discussion that consensus has not been reached, a poll is unlikely to assist in forming consensus and may polarize opinions, preventing or delaying any consensus from forming.
  4. Similarly, if a poll is inconclusive, or if there is disagreement about whether the question itself was unfair, the poll and its results should simply be ignored.
  5. Once responses to a poll have begun, even minor changes to the phrasing of the poll are likely to result in an all out battle over whether the poll itself was fair. Consider proposing poll language several days prior to opening the actual poll to responses, and beginning the poll only once you have consensus on the precise question to be asked.
  6. Essentially, article content is not subject to polling.
  7. The purpose of a poll is to stimulate discussion and consensus. Editors should evaluate the explanations that the participants in a poll offer, and should see if those explanations help to develop their own opinions or suggest compromise. In this context, a few well reasoned opinions may affect a debate much more than several unexplained mere votes for a different course. It's the opinions we're looking for, not a show of hands.
  8. Polls should not be used excessively. If a poll was called on an issue recently, there is usually no reason to call a second poll, even if you think that consensus may have changed or that the first poll was conducted unfairly. If you disagree with the "majority" opinion, simply remember that the poll is not binding and continue discussions. Of course, this is subject to consensus. (A quick poll as per "changed mind", "haven't changed" mind, might occasionally be helpful when you're working on a negotiated consensus... to make sure you're not forgetting people!)
  9. The words "vote" and "voting" have a variety of connotations, but on UDWiki they are they are defined as ballot-casting or majority voting. For that reason, the use of the words "vote" and "voting" are considered incorrect when describing polling. The word "surveying" is closer to what is accomplished during polling. The actual shorthand for poll serveying is simply "Polling".

How to start a poll

To start a poll, you must follow the following steps:

  1. Create a page for that poll.
    This is meant so this page doesn't get lengthy and unreadable. Create this page as a subpage of the UDWiki:Poll page, like UDWiki:Poll/Your Poll.
  2. Write a draft about your poll.
    This draft is not the final text for your poll, it is the general idea of what your poll will be regarding.
  3. Link this page here.
    In the Under Discussion header. Write a few words about what you want to discuss in this poll. Also, add your poll to the tally of polls undergoing discussion at {{Wiki News}}.
  4. Discuss it on the poll's talk page.
    People will be able to elaborate on the written draft, and add their opinions of what should be changed. Consensus must be reached about the nature of the survey before it is started. Allow about a week for this process.
    A deadline for the survey should be considered to help resolve the issue in a timely manner.
  5. Write the final text on your poll.
    Write the final text for your poll based on what was discussed on the poll's talk page.
    Once started, the questions and wording in the survey should not change. If someone feels that the existing survey is seriously flawed, this is typically an indication Step 4 was not completed properly.
  6. Start the poll.
    The poll must then be moved to the Active Polls header here.
    Consider using unique headers for each point in the survey rather than multiple Support or Agree headers. Users are encouraged to show their opinions by saying if they Support, or Oppose these points along with justification of their views. Additional discussion should take place that poll's talk page.
  7. Poll closed!
    Polling closes after a week. Polls are then archived, and it should be announced on Wiki news that polling has closed.


Under Discussion

There are currently no polls under discussion.

Active Polls

There are currently no active polls.

Archived Polls