
From The Urban Dead Wiki
Revision as of 22:29, 2 May 2011 by Moodie (talk | contribs)
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Autobiography of my History on UD

I first heard of Urban Dead through the forums of a Diplomacy site, so I checked it out. So I created my first account on 2011-04-13. I now have 2 accounts and try to broadcast the situations of the areas I have been visiting. I'm still learning the basics of the Wiki so I apoligize for any mistakes, and the blandness of my page.

Accounts (In order of Creation)

D Trump

To add this account login to your UD account and click this and add the account.

A consumer "born" on 2011-04-13 at 12:03:05. As of May 2 located in the SE corner of Malton.

I am not a fan of D Trump, I just don't have that good of a skill for creating good names, so I just went ahead and used the first thing that came to mind.

D Trump currently does not have any specific missions, goals, or plans other than surviving to gain XP to buy skills so he can have specific missions, goals, or plans.

For more detailed areas on where D Trump is, please look at building danger/status reports made by this account. Please note that this account is responsible for other character's posts as well.

Moodie the Great

To add this account login to your UD account and click this and add the account.

A consumer "born" on 2011-04-20, at the time: 23:19:20. As of May 1 located on the E side of Malton.

Moodie the Great currently does not have any specific missions, goals, or plans other than surviving to gain XP to buy skills so he can have specific missions, goals, or plans.

For more detailed areas on where Moodie the Great is, please look at building danger/status reports made by this account. Please note that this account is responsible for other character's posts as well.