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Revision as of 19:38, 22 June 2011 by Moodie (talk | contribs) (→‎June)
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Suburb of Nixbank
Border Crooketon Mornington
Border Nixbank Wykewood
Border Foulkes Village Ruddlebank
Update Nixbank's Danger Level
View Danger Center

Nixbank's location in Malton

Resource buildings in Nixbank

Latest EMR:
z: 0~i: ***
p: CJun 6

Update EMR

Phone Mast: (4,74)

Club Staley

Maltel-active-small.jpg Update Mast

Known groups in this suburb:
— Survivor Groups —
— Zombie Groups —
  • Only feral zombies...
— Hostile Groups —
  • Only freelance killers...
– Other Groups –

Key buildings in Nixbank:

Malls: none
NecroTech Buildings: 3

(1,75)(7,76) (9,79)

Police Departments: 3
Hospitals: 1
Fire Stations: 1
Bulletin Boards: unknown
Others: Schools 2, Churches 3, Auto Repair 2, Railway Stations 3
Suburb Number: 71

Nixbank is a suburb of Malton, located in the south-west of the city.

With the historic Anglo-Saxon settlement of Foulkes Village to the south, it is unsurprising that Nixbank earned its name from the Old English term "nawiht" meaning "good for nothing, worthless". This bank of the Ruddle River has always been notoriously marshy and treacherous. Tales of travellers being lost in its mud, possibly dragged down by marshmen, were still told to children to keep them awake at night right up until zombies replaced the marsh-dwellers as the bogeymen of choice.

The Ruddle runs from south to north through the suburb, creating a swathe of clay mud, and as a result Nixbank's centre has very few buildings of note among its numerous wastelands and 'car parks' (i.e. more wastelands, with rusting cars abandoned on them). Less than half of the suburb is actually developed, and it has never attracted much interest either from Maltonians or outsiders. Even zombies generally leave it alone. Of chief interest to post-apocalypse survivors are the three NecroTech buildings, three police stations, and the lone hospital to the nrtheast. A central meeting point is Club Staley, situated at the empty heart of the suburb, and allegedly built on top of the marshmen's underwater dwelling. (Some older locals attributed the zombie outreak to the spread of disease-carrying marshmen throughout the city's sewers, but as they have now all been eaten these claims cannot be verified.)

Locations of historic significance include the Castle Library, built inside the walls of a former baronial fort, scientific curiosity the Seaman Museum, and St Patriarch's Church.

Resource Buildings

NecroTech Facilities

The Delay Building (9,79) The Harbord Building (1,75) The Penning Building (7,76)


St. Daniel's Hospital (7,71)

Police Departments

Brandon Way Police Department (1,78) Deakin Alley Police Department (7,72) Page Plaza Police Department (3,77)


A factory (2,79) A factory (9,70)

Auto Repair Shops

Evershed Auto Repair (9,76) Swallow Auto Repair (1,74)


  • None

Bulletin Boards

Revive Points

Building Status Key

Safe Rebuilding Under Attack Under Siege

Ruined In Zombie Hands Pinata Unknown

Nixbank Information Resources


The Nixbank Building Information Center contains status reports and updates on key buildings in the suburb.

View zombie activity and locations in Nixbank from External Military Reports, Scentoral scan data charts and NecroWatch.

Nixbank is in the SW-4 district, which uses the radio frequency 26.14 MHz.

Recent News

Please: recent news at the top (signed & NPOV). Old news can be archived.


The Nixbank TRP's have been cleared. This suburb is ready for rebuilding!

June 19th

Nixbank needs a new spark of life with the whole suburb down. Please come revive the undead, there are about 18 of us alone at Monro Row and the Cemetary 1 south. If we wanted to give up on Nixbank we would have already left.--Wikiuser

June 13th

"... can see around a hundred and fifty on the streets of Nixbank ... a few big groups, but they're spread out ... several buildings with power ... serious collateral damage ... the Harbord Building is being held ... the Penning Building has fallen..." Sukyanti 19:01, 13 June 2011 (BST)

June 10

"... can see maybe fifty on the streets of Nixbank ... a few big groups, but they're spread out ... a lot of buildings with lights on ... only a few buildings damaged ... the Harbord Building is being held ..." OrangeP47 23:26, 10 June 2011 (BST)


May 28th

"... Nixbank is still active, thirty or so on the streets ... mostly just small groups ... a few buildings with lights on ... most of the buildings are ruined ... lights are on in the Penning Building ... the Harbord Building is out of action ..." Sukyanti 19:31, 28 May 2011 (BST)

May 27th

"... Nixbank is still active, thirty or so on the streets ... mostly just small groups ... a few buildings with lights on ... most of the buildings are ruined ... lights are on in the Penning Building ... the Harbord Building is out of action ..." Sukyanti 11:11, 27 May 2011 (BST)

May 26th

"... Nixbank is still active, about forty on the streets ... mostly just small groups ... the Penning Building is the only building with any lights on ... most of the buildings are ruined ... the Harbord Building is out of action ..." Sukyanti 03:07, 26 May 2011 (BST)

May 20th

"... can see about eighty on the streets of Nixbank ... mostly just stragglers, no organised groups ... can't see any signs of life ... the whole suburb's wrecked ... the Harbord Building is out of action ..." Sukyanti 11:16, 20 May 2011 (BST)

25.96 MHz: "... Nixbank is still active, about eighty on the streets ... mostly just small groups ... no lights on down there ... the whole suburb's wrecked ... the Penning Building is out of action ..."
Another broadcast was heard almost 18 hours after the first one. The message is still the same - the suburb is Very Dangerous. -- Kittithaj 22:38, 20 May 2011 (BST)


February 7th

25.96 MHz: "... flying over Nixbank, it's looking empty ... lights are on across the suburb ... infrastructure looks intact ... some survivor activity in the Penning Building ..." (52 minutes ago) -- CNIAngel 07:18, 7 February 2011 (UTC)

February 5th

The great suburb group massacre has been completed for this suburb. As such, Brotherhood of Steel and The Survivor's Republic have been removed from the suburb listing. -- Spiderzed 14:15, 5 February 2011 (UTC)


January 21st

The Great Suburb Group Massacre has commenced. Check your group talk page to confirm what suburbs you are active in.--Nic LesFlics|?| 22:46, 21 January 2011 (UTC)

January 7th

25.96 MHz: "... minimal activity in Nixbank ... a lot of lights on, looks the area's been reclaimed ... infrastructure looks intact ... power's on at the Penning Building ..." --Fiffy 404 OBR RRF 08:46, 7 January 2011 (UTC)

Nixbank Groups

This section is to contain a small bit of info on active groups in the suburb. If a group goes inactive or is forced out they will be removed from this section and the known groups in this suburb list.

The Wraiths

The Wraiths, after recently becoming allies of the Brotherhood of Steel, have agreed to help out by sending a tactical team to Nixbank.

Barricade Plan

This suburb conforms to the Uniform Barricade Policy. The plan can be found at Nixbank Barricade Plan.

Suburb Map

The Malton Suburb of Nixbank
Castle Library Harvey Lane the Woolmonton Arms Clapp Lane the Jeandle Monument St. Patriarch's Church Gawen Avenue Lawrance Way a junkyard a factory
the Rickard Hotel the Seaman Museum a junkyard Waddon Boulevard a carpark Castlehow Boulevard Dolbridge Plaza St. Daniel's Hospital Mellish Towers wasteland
wasteland a warehouse Mapson Towers Chetwind Alley Muttlebury Road wasteland a carpark Deakin Alley Police Department Pyatt Crescent Poddy Street
wasteland wasteland Chenery Cinema Mugford Bank Haggie Square wasteland the Edghill Hotel Club Shelley Meany Avenue Foulkes Place Railway Station
Starcy Library Swallow Auto Repair
a carpark a carpark Club Staley Sambone Lane Prye Walk a warehouse Ripper Bank the Grandfield Monument
Carder Row School the Harbord Building wasteland Heale Drive Bowles Avenue Stelling Lane a warehouse Stewart Road wasteland Rossiter Bank
the Hellard Monument Christopher Lane
Galpin Towers Meacham Way Holmshaw Lane Ennitt Square Grinstead Drive the Penning Building Monro Row
Evershed Auto Repair
the Lord Museum Lindsey Lane Fire Station Sugar Boulevard Page Plaza Police Department the Buskin Building Kensington Alley wasteland St. Eugene's Church
a cemetery Thomson Drive Railway Station
Lafone Alley Brandon Way Police Department Forde Road Forward Plaza Meloney Square Railway Station Fenner Walk Morrel Grove Mullins Avenue Bissell Bank the Lettey Building
the Brower Building wasteland a factory Mapey Avenue St. Ninian's Church Codrington Square School Chicke Bank the Byfield Building Estmond Park the Delay Building