User:A Helpful Little Gnome/ChurchLS

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St. Augustine's Church
You are the Stranger. You have 32 Hit Points and 1 Experience Point. You have ? Action Points remaining.

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You are inside St. Augustine's Church, a centuries-old dilapidated structure. Faded mosaics touch most surfaces, and the strutted ceiling looks like it wants to fall in. Countless human bones adorn the floor. There is a pool of fresh blood on the floor.

Somebody has etched finis coronat opus : the end crowns the work onto a wall.

There is a dead body here. It's R. E. Venante.

You look around, and at the same time, you search the area. You must be getting efficient, with all these similar actions.

Your visual scan of the area reveals bones upon more bones, but you already knew that. There must be dozens dead here. Besides that, there is rotting benches, melted candles all around, and a particular odour you don't very much like. There is also a somewhat unhinged door off to the side.

Otherwise, there didn't seem like anything around worth searching thoroughly, apart from your kill, so you go straight to loot the dead guy. Upon doing so, you find his knife to be worse than yours (aside, your own knife has a certain sentimental value) and a note.

Oh, and you also reloaded your pistol, in which previously had four bullets (before you used them all) so there is no need for an inconvenience of what to do with your pistol if it had only one bullet left. You can't really afford to discard it, even if it is one bullet, and exchanging that magazine for a full one may lead to a hazard if you neglect to remember that that particular magazine isn't full. Although, one bullet is hardly useless. (It could be for suicide).

Possible actions:
Examine the note Check the door
You carry a knife, a journal, a bloodied radio and a flare gun. You have a pistol (15) and two spare magazines inside your vest pouches. You are wearing a tactical vest, blue jeans, a white T-shirt and a pair of shoes.

User:A Helpful Little Gnome