User:A Helpful Little Gnome/ChurchNote

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St. Augustine's Church
You are the Stranger. You have 32 Hit Points and 1 Experience Point. You have ? Action Points remaining.

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You are inside St. Augustine's Church, a centuries-old dilapidated structure. Faded mosaics touch most surfaces, and the strutted ceiling looks like it wants to fall in. Countless human bones adorn the floor. There is a pool of fresh blood on the floor.

Somebody has etched finis coronat opus : the end crowns the work onto a wall.

There is a dead body here. It's R. E. Venante.

You examine the note. It's matted, ripped, and comes in fragments. You decide to summarize it for yourself. Apparently, your dead guy here, R. E. Venante, had once been a priest of this church when the apocalypse happened. With the big heavy doors, this place naturally served as a safe house, and he took people by the many. And so, this went on for a while.

Then he went crazy and dug up some graves, bringing the remains in. He then spouted nonsense (he used 'enlightened logic' here) and freaked out most of his charge. Those who weren't so distraught agreed with what he said.

So R. E. Venante and four others locked in as many as they could (those who didn't escape) and killed them. This was called 'relief' or 'revelation.' Apparently, like you, he wasn't so persuasive, thus force was needed.

You're not quite sure what happened after that, water damage has wreaked the writing, but you can suppose he took any survivor who walked by with promise of safety which he soon broke. Along the way, his four buddies probably got what was coming to them. Sometime after that, you came along.

Well, that was dandy. It was nice that you managed to fill in the missing parts by yourself. You must speak his crazy.

Possible actions:
Check the door
You carry a knife, a journal, a bloodied radio and a flare gun. You have a pistol (15) and two spare magazines inside your vest pouches. You are wearing a tactical vest, blue jeans, a white T-shirt and a pair of shoes.

User:A Helpful Little Gnome