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Rando (also known as The Random Number Goddess or simply The RNG) is a deity which, according to Her followers oversees the metaphysical fabric of the universe governing random event chains. She is the goddess of fortuity, spontaneity and chaos. In the consideration of Urban Dead, she is thought to govern the Random Number Generator, a part of Her living within the Urban Dead servers as a kind of deus ex machina. Rando is revered by RNG cultist group AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA.


The name Rando (ran • dö) is a dirivative of the English word random, an adjective often used to describe the goddess' chatoic and whimsical nature. It is the short form of her proper title The Random Number Goddess. Some refer to her simply as the RNG though this can lead to confusion by unenlightened inhabitants of Malton. RNG cultists consider phrases such as "Fuck the RNG", or "RNG is being a bitch" to be blasphemous and will often lash out at these curses, much to the bewilderment of witnesses.

A popular depiction of Rando, as described by members of AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA.


Though Rando is a shapeshifter and may assume any number of forms, she is generally depicted as having random characteristics of many other well known deities. She is often described as tentacled, three-breasted, multi-appenaged and having an ass that just won't quit. Most all descriptions include her wielding a large slice of pie.


The RNG is a fickle being. She can shower you with incredible treasures and baubles or promote you instantly to a fearsome and deadly warrior. Your aim will be ever true and your cup will overfloweth. You will be the awe and envy of all of your friends. Meanwhile, though she is silently plotting your doom, waiting until the height of your satisfaction before ripping pride right from your heart. Chaos is natural way of things, however and her whim is not defined by love and hate, favor or spite. Though her tenants seem unforgiving, she is not without a strong sense of fair play. She is known to punish cheaters and award her loyal followers.

RNG Cultism

God in the Machine

See Also