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All-Hallow's Eve (Take 3)

Timestamp: Joe Seeback 21:59, 13 September 2006 (BST)
Type: Event
Scope: All of Malton, for one day.
Description: Halloween night is the evening classically reserved for the Living Dead. In order to reflect the fear that would be inspired on such a day in a town overrun with them, I would suggest that the following changes be in effect any time the server time is 31 October (any year). The changes end once the server shows any other date (in other words, once Halloween is over).

In-game justification: Late at night on October 30th, the air above Malton hummed with the buzzing of dozens of military helicopters, dumping orange powder all over the city (Agent Orange) in an apparent attempt to end the outbreak. However, things go horribly wrong; while intended to knock out the zombies, the chemical instead reacts in synergy with their systems and provides them with an incredible burst of speed and power when they are first exposed to it.

I figure now is the time to try to get this peer reviewed in time for Halloween 2006.

1. All zombie movement costs 1 AP (as if the zombie had Lurching Gait, those already with Lurching Gait are unaffected).

2. All zombie attacks against barricades on this night are made with 150% the normal chance of knocking the barricade down.

3. Checks for Headshot flag when a downed zombie stands up are disabled at the beginning of the night (i.e., when the IP reset happens); Headshot is disabled/not available to zombie hunters on October 31; the checks are restored, as is the Headshot ability, when the clock rolls over to November 1. (Basically, zombies don't have to worry about Headshot for this one day, but it comes right back after the day is over).

4. In the face of fighting these "improved zombies," survivors gain 12 XP instead of 10 XP for downing a zed on this night.

Major changes from version 1.0 - (a) removed highly unpopular "number 4" that suggested zombies be given double chance to knock down barricades; over 25% of voters mentioned it as problematic, yet still had about a 50% keep rate, (b) changed rules such that all zombies, not only low-level zombies, gain benefits, (c) added survivor XP benefit when downing a zombie to balance zombie gains, (d) restored Headshot functionality.

Changes from version 2.0 - (a) feedback suggested that zombie ability to knock down barricades be restored; however due to initial unpopularity of doubling chance to knock down barricades, changed instead to 150% of normal chance, (b) replaced Ankle Grab with original suggestion of "Headshot Free" day, (c) reduced survivor XP benefit. I am concerned about replacing the improved barricade takedown chance, though, it seems that anyone who regularly plays survivors is vehemently against anything to weaken barricades in the slightest, and worry that it might be shot down again because of it.

Consequences foreseen: This would make Halloween (All-Hallow's Eve) truly an event in Malton - the coordination and buildup just prior to Halloween - of Zeds figuring out where to rampage, and survivors prepping their strongholds - would certainly make every All-Hallow's Eve an event not to be forgotten in Malton. At once a year, I don't think a shake-up like this is a bad thing, it keeps things fresh.

Moved here for a couple of days so I can work out the kinks. Suggestions on how to continue improving are welcome. Thanks!

--Joe Seeback 21:39, 14 September 2006 (BST)

I think that this is furiously awesome, and would definatly vote keep. --Paradox244 W! TJ! 01:22, 15 September 2006 (BST)

Well, apart from the fact that you stole the name from a Newgrounds game, this is pretty good. Plus, the strongest people aren't affected. --Gold Blade 01:25, 15 September 2006 (BST)

No. Just no. You nerfed it far too much. A maxed out Zombie wouldn't care about this day, so why bother? Restore the "Number 4", but have that only for Zombies that have 6 or 7 skills, so they too get to have fun, if they maxed out all skills. Put back teh Headshot removal, that is the best part of the suggestion, and nobody has a problem with that. Also, get rid of the extra XP for Suriviors, that is far too unbalancing and would turn Oct. 31st into XP FARM DAY!--ShadowScope 02:58, 15 September 2006 (BST)

Agree with ShadowScope. In fact, with this implementation, I would probably deliberately not log on as a zombie for five days. This doesn't really boost zombies all that much, especially if they still can't get through barricades. --Pinpoint 05:05, 15 September 2006 (BST)

Agree with Shadowscope too, the old number 4 should be limited to zombies above level 10 (if restored at all) And put back in the headshot removal. Whilst i dont agree with removing the XP bonus altogther it should be lowered to only a couple of XP extra, as highly doubt it would turn into an XP farm day if it was lowered.--Mr yawn 15:44, 15 September 2006 (BST)

After reviewing the above-suggestions, I have revised to Version 3, please review again and comment on revised version. Thanks! -- Joe Seeback 17:01, 15 September 2006 (BST)

From 25% max to 37.5% is the chance of attacking Barricades. Not as overpowering as 50%, but still would do well. I stil like the original verison better, but at least this is good and would suffice. I also dislike the XP bonus, but I guess if it would get people to approve, so be it. A Keep from me.--ShadowScope 18:05, 15 September 2006 (BST)

The epitome of kick-assery. I sure as hell hope this gets implemented. --Grigori 01:38, 16 September 2006 (BST)

Much better. Maybe a little tweaking on the barricade thing (but only a little) and id vote keep for it.--Mr yawn 07:47, 16 September 2006 (BST)