Death Tour '07

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Death Tour '07
Abbreviation: what? 'Death Tour '07', damnit!
Group Numbers: about 3 tourists so far.
Leadership: none
Goals: To tour all the malls, and prove that Death Tourists know how to have more fun in them.
Recruitment Policy: add Death Tour '07 to char profile, arrive at tour area, go crazy


We're now voting on the name because Xyu the dumbass didn't clear it with enough people first. KEEP your profiles as Mall Tour '07 for the time being, and then check back on this page later on. Sorry for any messing around aswell.

/me runs off

Who are you guys?

We are what is about to become of this : Mall Tour '07

The Mall Tour '07 is about to change into something more crazy than Zombies alone could've hoped for. It's turning into this. A Death Tour, with Harmans on our side.

The main thing here is this : We're STILL Touring the malls, there's no change there. Calvert went, Bale went, and now we're carrying on at Stickling, but with Harmans helping us. How much fun will that be? Probably a ton, and we're about to start finding out over the next 24 hours, as Stickling starts to see the beginning of something that's about to rip through the streets of Malton leaving nothing but a trail of madness behind it.

How do I join?

Firstly add this to your profile : Death Tour '07

Secondly : Check the link in the contact section if you want to join one of our attack groups.

Then find out where we are by checking below, and join us as we begin tearing malls to bits and having as much of a laugh as we possibly can.

Where are you now?

Stickling Mall

Seeyou there if you feel like being part of the carnage!