Mobile Infantry

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Mobile Infantry
Str moin.png
Abbreviation: M.I.
Group Numbers: Classified
Leadership: Sky Marshal Thomas
Goals: Freeing Malton from the bug parasite infestation
Recruitment Policy: See below

The Mobile Infantry is a fledgling Starship Troopers orientated Urban Dead group.

This page is a work-in-progress and further changes will be posted soon.

Would you like to know more?

The Federation believes that there is a direct link between the meteor attack that annihilated Buneos Aires and the zombie infestation in Malton. Some Federation scientists even believe that the zombie plague originated on Klendathu. To ensure the safety of the human race we must meet this threat with our blood, our valor, our very lives to ensure that human civilization, not Insect or Zombie, dominates now and forever.

The Mobile Infantry has taken into account the numerous failed attempts to take Ridleybank, the heart of the Zombie infestation. We will take back the area surrounding Ridleybank one suburb at a time, cleansing and rebuilding Malton street by street and building by building.

Join the Mobile Infantry today. Service means citizenship.

We need:

- Assault troopers, to fight the zombie menace. Firearms and hand-to-hand combat skills are essential.

- Combat Engineers, to fix and build barricades to keep the zombie hordes at bay. Construction skills are essential.

- Medics, to keep our soldiers alive, well and fighting. First aid or diagnosis is needed.

- Military Scientists, to bring our fallen comrades back to life. Lab experience is a must.

- Communications officers, to keep our operations synchronized. Radio operation skills are essential.

- Propaganda officers, to push our recruitment drive through strategic use of spraycans. Tagging skill is essential.

Federal Law

Members of the Mobile Infantry must abide by the following rules:

- Everybody fights, no one quits.

- Except in times of emergency, we will respect and enforce the local barricade policy of each suburb we are occupying.

- Infected troops will report immediately to the nearest graveyard or M.I. designated revivification point.

- Any human who attacks an M.I. member will be added to a 'kill on site' list.

Fighting the enemy.

Your average zombie warrior isn't too smart, but blow off one of its limbs and its still 86% combat effective. Aim for the head and put it down for good.

Federal Net

Would you like to know more? The Federal Net broadcasts over frequency 26.86. Be sure to set your radio to this.