Bela Lugosi Fan Klub

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Bela Lugosi Fan Klub
Abbreviation: BLFK
Group Numbers: 10...and rising
Leadership: Some shambling critters.
Goals: To pay Bela proper respect at His cinema.
Recruitment Policy: If you know, you know.
Contact: A mystery.

A small group of zombies who were drawn, for no clear reason, to the hapless suburb of Dunningwood.

Rumours that the BLFK is the result of a tour bus full of goths crashing into a Dunningwood horror movie convention sometime before the outbreak has not yet been confirmed.

See also Dunningwood SWAT for the human perspective of Dunningwood.


11th November 2015 Near a decade after they first lurched all over Malton trying to locate the cinema where the One True Dracula film was playing, a few of the Klub are vaguely active again. Accounts long dormant are pressed into service once more, passwords long forgotten are found, and someone spends their time filling the generator so the projector can keep running to an audience of the living dead.

Nice to be back.

Harrah Zambah! Grahn zanamah! Grahn zghar mahn!

Harrah Harman! Harman hang rahn grahn zanamah? Grahn zgharah mahn ag grahn zanamah!

10th August 2006 The blood flows through Dunningwood. The flesh fills our mouths.

28th May 2006: A couple of great pages for movie lovers:

Cinema Status

Now Playing

Bela's moves can easily be tracked as these pages are updated.

4th May 2006: Bela Lugosi in Dracula playing at the Caines Cinema [93,30] in Paynterton.

23rd April 2006: We know what we must do and where we must go.

11th April 2006: He's out there, somewhere. Bela is showing on a cinema screen somewere near you. And the Bela Lugosi Fan Klub are scouring the city to find him.

22nd March 2006: The BLFK had spread out all over the city in the past two months. Some were following the Mall Tour '06 and the seige of Caiger Mall, others had embarked on a protracted tour of every cinema in the city. A Cathedral and Mansion tour was proposed, but didn't get much support. When rumours reached the BLFK that breathers in their old home suburb were so complacent as to be sleeping in the open, the enraged horde started lurching back to the north east corner of the city.Familiar groans start to echo around the area.

24th January 2006: The Mall Tour '06 dropped in over the previous weekend. BLFK members claim the last handful of kills and Treweeke Mall is declared free of human infestation at approximately 10:00 PM EST today. Still plenty of brains in nearby PDs, Hospitals, and Necrotech buildings for anybody who is still hungry.

17th January 2006: After puttering around Pescodside for a week or so, the BLFK are drawn inexorably toward the large concentration of fresh brains in and around Treweeke Mall in Dulston. They discover that the Drunken Dead are also in the area having heard rumours of an unopened bottle of 30 year old single malt. The two groups hit the mall repeatedly. The queues at nearby revive points start getting longer...

4th January 2006: The BLFK return from their holiday in Dulston to discover that Dunningwood is much the same desolate wasteland that it was when they left. After a few days of shambling around looking for something to do they move on to Pescodside. Disappointed by the total lack of cinemas showing Bela films in this deprived suburb they set about eating brains instead. Fortunately, the suburb seems to have plenty of those.

10th November 2005: After assistance from the Minions of the Apocalypse in devastating Dunningwood, the BLFK have moved on to fresh woods and pastures new in Dulston. Mostly because Dunningwood seemed to be a breather-free zone.

4th November 2005: Skarin Row PD, and all Dunningwood, fell to the zombie horde over November 3rd to 4th 2005, when a mass migration of roaming brain-biters swept through the area. Bela's horde is still roaming the 'burb, smashing their way into every building and dragging the few terrified survivors down into undeath.

October 2005: The BLFK attempted to storm Skarin Row PD (90,22) on October 7th, but were swiftly dispatched by the alert denizens, having been severely hampered by zombie hunters on the way in. The BLFK maintained a siege for weeks, and broke in regularly with the massacre on unlucky October 13th being a notable high point.
