Mad Craskers
The Mad Craskers were formed by a small group of survivors in September of 2006. They adopted their name from the Craske Museum where they were holed up. Their numbers have steadily grown but their goal remains true; the protection of SE Heytown and its survivor population from unwanted ravaging zombie attacks. The Mad Craskers keep a close watch on SE Heytown with regular patrols, helping to maintain barricades, healing wounded survivors, maintaining a revive point at Mester Square and of course killing zombies.
![]() Click for the Mad Craskers' Area of Operations The Mad Craskers' primary goal is to protect the area known as the Craske Triangle, a small grouping of resource buildings surrounding the Craske Museum. The Triangle consists of Goldney PD directly south and the Usher Building and Cornelius General Hospital to the NW and NE respectively.
The Mad Craskers maintain an evening radio show on WRFC 26.06: Radio Free Craske and broadcasts helpful survivor information, building statuses, news, commentary, and some "light listening". Please set personal radios and transmitters inside the Craske Triangle to this frequency. Our DJs keep the spirits high and the records spinning.
The Mad Craskers maintain Mester Square (77, 35) as our primary revive location. Our dedicated team of revive specialists check the square often and will have you back on your feet and breathing in no time.
Are you interested in joining the Mad Craskers? Good, we’re seeking all like-minded individuals who wish to protect SE Heytown. Characters of all levels and UD experience are welcome. By joining the Mad Craskers you’ll be part of a group which looks out for one another and the support of the entire group. For your part, just list the group in your profile. Then help your fellow survivors and crush the zeds. You can also sign up on our forums here. Use Of Alts In keeping with the basic rules of Urbandead, the Mad Craskers will not allow the use of more than one character within it’s group. We ask that if you join our group to keep all other alts at least a full suburb away from Heytown. Recruitment Page A copy of this advert is maintained at Mad Craskers/Recruit for inclusion in Category:Recruitment. According to the Recruitment page rules, please keep an active Crasker signature on the ad at all times, otherwise a moderator may decide our group is inactive and remove the ad from the recruitment page.
Want to meet the Mad, the Cracked and the mostly drunk members of the Mad Craskers? A full list of our membership can be found here. Mad_Craskers/Members
Craske Building International Playboys Virtua Ultimo Mo Fo's Turbo Allstars Unlimited
Our lager, which art in barrels, hallowed be thy drink. Thy will be drunk, (I will be drunk), at home as in the tavern. Give us this day our foamy head, and forgive us our spillage, as we forgive those who spill against us. And lead us not in to incarceration, and deliver us from hangovers. For thine is the beer, the bitters and the lager, forever and ever. Amen.
'Tsalagi's rousing infomercials:'
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