Malton Marshals

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Malton Marshals
Malton Marshal Badge
Abbreviation: MM
Group Numbers: Stats Page
Leadership: Council Liaison: FortKnox
Goals: To Claim Justice For Those Slain Unjustly
Recruitment Policy: Join the Malton Marshals!
Contact: MM Forum or Discord

Welcome to the Malton Marshals!

After the outbreak in the summer of 2005, the city of Malton descended into madness. Some individuals gathered into groups to protect each other and their territory. Others decided they couldn't bear with the constant fear and took their own lives, only to rise again as zombies. Yet amongst all this violence and death there was a third group of people, those who devoted themselves to the slaying of their fellow humans. Nobody is sure why these people have chosen the path they did, but the citizens of Malton have had enough and are now fighting back.

Mpd.png Report PKers!
Don't let them get away with murder! Register them on the Rogues Gallery. (Dead Link)
Revive.gif Revivification Requests
Undead? Want to breathe again?
Make a Revivification Request! (Dead Link)

Goals & Guidelines

Originally a subbranch of the MPD, the Malton Marshals are currently a core group of the Department of Emergency Management with the sole purpose of hunting down PKers and bringing them to justice. Operating under the policy umbrella of the DEM, they are held to a high standard and are expected to behave professionally at all times. The Marshals operate only from the Rogues Gallery, nowhere else. Additionally, the Marshals are mandated to go after any PK'er that has PK'ed a member of the DEM. Outside of that, we hunt high bounty PK'ers.

The Malton Marshals are permitted to go in to any suburb and any building in order to claim their bounty. Once hunted, each pk'er is told he has a warrant/bounty, given a link to the appropriate rogue gallery page, then the bounty is collected and the bounty claim is reported to RG. Other guidelines are under the same standard as the rest of the DEM. Help survivors if they are in need, barricade as needed, and clear buildings of zombies if survivors are present. The Malton Marshals are first and foremost bounty hunters, but they are still protectors of law-abiding Malton citizens.

Joining the Malton Marshals

Join the Mashals now!

We are currently accepting all classes for consideration as bounty hunters. The current restrictions are that you don't kill indiscriminately, that you are willing to work within the DEM Policies, and that you can be meticulous with your paperwork. Every claimed bounty needs to be recorded with a screenshot of the kill; the only exception to this rule is if you are a zombie and kill a live PKer. We accept all levels, but all pk'ers must go through the DEM Academy before being released to hunt throughout the city. If you are interested in joining the Malton Marshals, register a Brainstock account and post here. We'll need a link to your profile and what time zone you are in.


The Malton Marshals work in close coordination with other DEM groups. Apart from the MM Council Liaison holding a seat on the DEM Council, the Malton Marshals are of uniform rank.

Generally, unless responding to a specific request for aid, the Marshals are tasked specifically with dealing with PKers as their top priority. The rest of the DEM is often encouraged to avoid PKers as much as possible. Marshals are in contact with local DEM command primarily so that they know where the trouble spots are and can be made aware of operations they could accidentally disrupt. Local command should only call upon a Marshals aid in acute emergencies or when it involves PKer activity.

Mpd.png PK Reporting
This User or Group supports PK Reporting. Don't let Player Killers get away with murder. Report them on the Rogues Gallery.

Merits and Ribbons

The Department of Emergency Management has a series of DEM Merits and Ribbons it issues to members who display mastery over key skills. The ribbons can be claimed by any member with the profficiency of the skills entailed. Summary of these ribbons and the means to claim them can be found on the DEM Merits and Ribbons page.

DEM Ribbons and Merits 3D.jpg

DEM Groups & Other Group Affiliations

Being a core group of the DEM, the MM is affiliated with all groups that are affiliated or allied with the Department of Emergency Management.

Join the wiki list

Malton Marshals, please show your support by adding the Marshals Member Template to your user page. This also adds you to the wiki list of Marshals Members. Put this in your userpage:


Then you will appear on the list and get a category at the bottom of your userpage.

Marshals.png Malton Marshals
ExampleUser is a member of the MM.

DEM Badge.jpg Department of Emergency Management DEM Badge.jpg

DEM Recruitment | The Academy | Contact Information
Malton Fire Department CoC | Malton Police Department CoC | Malton Forensics Unit CoC
Malton Marshals | Malton Civil Defense Unit

Strategic Partners: Black Berets | FANNY | Fortress | Knights Templar | U.S. ARMY INFANTRY

UBP | Sacred Ground Policy | Pay It Forward | RESCUE | River Tactics | No Random Revives

Request a revive | DIAL 112 (contact the DEM) | Join the DEM Contact the DEM on Discord