The Dommett Museum
The Dommett Museum Last status update Dec 2020 |
The Dommett Museum
South Blythville [20,77]
Basic Info:
The Dommett Museum
The Dommett Museum (20, 77) is a Skeleton Museum located in the suburb of South Blythville.
Outside: "You are standing outside the Dommett Museum, a four-storey grey-stone building surrounded by a large paved plaza."
Inside: "You are inside the Dommett Museum, its extensive collection of skeletons now thick with dust. One room of the museum has been cleared, for the display of three skulls and a lizard skeleton."
Barricade Policy
According to the South Blythville Barricade Plan, this building should be kept at Extremely Heavily Barricaded (EHB) at all times. Entry for survivors through the adjacent Lutterell Place School which is to be kept at VSB.
Current Status
May 11, 2012: Safe, extremely heavily barricaded, a zombie outside.
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