User:TargetReport/Kempsterbank-West Grayside

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~ Kempsterbank ~
~ West Grayside ~

50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59
75 The Dobbs Building a factory a junkyard Club Blackburn Penni Drive Fire Station a warehouse The Jillard Building The Whitenoll Building Burdett Way Police Department Jenys Place 75
76 The Rawle Monument Pattemore Grove Railway Station Mundy Alley wasteland Barnerd Way Police Department Boggis Avenue Julie General Hospital Ebbutt Road a junkyard Rolle Library 76
77 Cridlin Drive Crawford Towers Whittern Towers wasteland a carpark Pipe Plaza Southall Place Firth Alley wasteland The Dike Building 77
78 Cayley Walk Nunn Alley Cheal Lane a warehouse Bant Park Rowson Library Otto Square Styles Bank Wheaton Square St Luke's Church 78
79 Carpendale Bank Cundham Drive Purt Walk Fire Station Keppel Boulevard Club Tremlett Wawer Cinema Alsoop Avenue wasteland Galloway Park a cemetery 79
80 Merryweather Way Fire Station Blackburn Alley Pole Mall Pole Mall Pettman Alley The Bellamy Building Walrand Square Pritchard Boulevard The Peddle Monument Pitt Park 80
81 The Sawday Museum Clapton Stadium Clapton Stadium Pole Mall a carpark Herrick Walk Holly Crescent Police Department The Gready Building Caunt Lane Giles Cinema 81
82 Councell Lane Fire Station Clapton Stadium Clapton Stadium The Younghusband Arms Goodenough Boulevard MacKie Street The Copeland Building Marchia Auto Repair Lihou Auto Repair The Asling Monument 82
83 The Wilson Museum St. Timothy's Church a cemetery Woolly Crescent Stitch Row Barter Road Fire Station Bunstone Alley London Drive Beare Library Alloway Street 83
84 Gass Plaza Railway Station Club Haidon The Paice Museum Cullen Way wasteland The Topleaf Building Dampney Grove Police Department Mowlam Bank Dimmock Auto Repair Wiltshire Towers 84
50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59
Repaired Ruined Lit Repaired No update in last 24h Lit Status unknown Status Unknown
Acourt Library EHB Acourt Library VHB Acourt Library HB Acourt Library VSB
Acourt Library QSB Acourt Library Lightly 'caded Acourt Library Loosely 'caded Acourt Library Doors