The Hardinge Arms

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The Hardinge Arms
No beer!? Damnit!
MR2Di4 (talk) 00:05, 27 August 2022 (UTC)
the Hardinge Arms

Shore Hills [38,54]

wasteland Beable Lane Wing Street
Crawley Auto Repair the Hardinge Arms Wadham Cinema
Chyke Avenue Ayshe Boulevard the Poulter Building

Basic Info:

  • Pubs have no internal descriptions, apart from " abandoned pub."
  • Arms can be barricaded normally.

The Hardinge Arms


One of the most thriving pubs in Shore Hills, the Hardinge Arms is home to the Descript Survivors and some of the craziest drinking parties in the suburb.

Barricade Policy

  • VS+2 when the zombie count is low
  • EHB+2 whenever the zombies are knocking
  • Open whenever the zombies have beat their way inside


With it's prime location next to three police departments (Teek Boulevard, Maul Row, and Burdekin Alley), a hospital (James General), a thriving Necrotech Building (the Poulter building), a cinema (Wadham), and even a school (Butson Boulevard); the Hardinge Arms was a thriving focal point of the eastern Shore Hills/western Galbraith Hills area even before the the outbreak. People stopping at the nearby auto shop (Crawley) would often stop in for a pint, ensuring the Mr. Crawley a return visit. Police records stolen from local sources showed that they would receive at least twenty reports a week of some drunken fool urinating on the Randle Monument while singing pub songs and more than once the nearby Waddam Arms was converted into a drunk tank when the holidays rolled around.

Nowadays, with the zombies crawling about and all, little has changed. People are still beating a path to the door (and then through the door) to get inside. People are still spilling bodily fluids on the glorious Randle Monument, people are still drinking their worries away, and the hospital is as busy as ever.

Current Status

Nov 8, 2009 - Safe, EHB, powered. Party up in tha bar, ya heard? Camo Bathrobe 17:14, 8 November 2009 (UTC)

Jun 29, 2020 - Stopping by on a trek across Malton, safe and EHB. I really need a drink right now... MR2Di4 (talk) 22:15, 29 June 2020 (UTC)