The Rottary Club

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The Rottary Club
The Rottary Emblem
Abbrevation The Rottary Club does not abbreviate itself.
Club Members: Almost 1000 potential members
Leadership: Your local Rottary Officer.
Goals: To provide a place where Rotters around Malton can relax and discuss worldly matters.
Founder Project K9
Recruitment Policy: If you got the Rot, you can join the Rottary Club. See "How to join"
Contact: Wiki Talkpage
Disclaimer: This is not a group. This is a club you can join on the wiki for your amusement and for contact with fellow rotters

The Rottary Club is really an organization of several member created clubs for individuals with the brainrot skill located all around Malton. There are more than 900 brains rotting in the city, and therefore almost 1000 potential members. The members of Rottary Clubs are known as Rottarians. The stated purpose of the organization is to bring together proffessional Zombies to provide zombitarian service, encourage highly eclectical standards in all vocations, and help spread fear and/or the Rot in the world. Members usually meet weekly for breakfast, lunch or dinner, which is a social event as well as an opportunity to eat brains.

Rottary's best-known motto is "Cerebellum above Self", and its secondary motto is "They profit most who eat most (brains)". (Modified by the "Rotter Council on Legislation", from the original "BANANAGANGBANG, HAHAHAHA" — see Rottary manual, Part 5 (Rottary Marks))


The declared objectives of Rottary are to encourage and foster the ideal of service as a basis of worthy enterprise and, in particular, to encourage and foster:

  1. The development of sharing the Rot as an opportunity for service;
  2. High eclectical standards in business and professions, the recognition of the worthiness of all brains as potentially rotten, and the dignifying of each Rottarian's occupation as an opportunity to serve themselves;
  3. The application of spreading the Rot as a service in each Rottarian's personal, business, and community life;
  4. The advancement of understanding throughout Malton, goodwill, and peace through a world fellowship of rotting brains united in the ideal of service.

These objectives are further set against the "Rottarian four-way test", used to see if a planned action is compatible with the Rottarian spirit. It is still seen as a standard for ethics in the zombie community.

  • Is it brain?
  • Is it fresh?
  • Will it build good will and better friendships as food?


  • Will it be beneficial to all concerned if it rots?


Early years

The first Rottary Club was founded in Whittenside by the FU member Project K9 on October 10, 2007. This club is also considered the "Main" Rottary Club. He chose the name Rottary because the Members all had rotted brains.

As of 2007, Rottary has more than 1 members in 1 club among 100 subburbs.

Other Rottary sponsored organizations include: Rottaract — a service club for young rotters leveled 1 to 5 with goals to acctually be able to survive; Rottary Interact — a service club dedicated to spreading the word about Rottary; and Rottary Community Corpses (RCC) — a volunteer organization for non-Rottarian zeds who support the Rottary Club.

Organization and administration

In order to carry out its service programs, Rottary is structured in suburb, District and citywide levels. Rottarians are members of their suburb. They are chartered by the first established Rottary headquartered in whittenside, a suburb of Malton. For administration purposes, any zombie joining the Rottery Club can call dibs on any previously uncalled suburb and start their own suburb level Rottary Club. First to call it - gets it.

Suburb level

Each suburb's club elects its own president and officers among its active members for a one year term. These clubs enjoy considerable autonomy within the framework of the standard constitution and the constitution and bylaws of the Rottary Club. The governing body of the club is the board of directors, which consists of president-elect, vice president, club secretary and treasurer, chaired by club president. The immediate past president is a de facto member of the board. The club president appoints the chairmen of the four main task groups for club service, vocational service, community service and international service.

District level

A district governor, who is an officer of the Rottary Club and represents the Rottary Club board of directors in the field, leads Rottary districts. The governor is nominated by the clubs of the district and elected by all the clubs meeting in the RI Convention held annually in a different country. To assist him with his duties, the district governor appoints assistant governors from among the Rotarians of the district. Approximately 10 neighbouring suburbs Rottary Clubs form a zone. A zone director, who serves as a member of the main Rottary Club board of directors, heads two zones. The zone director is nominated by the clubs in the zone and elected by the convention for the terms of two consecutive months, or until somone else want to.

City Level

The "main" Rottary club is governed by a board of directors composed of 10 zone directors, a president-elect and an international president. The nomination and the election of the president are based on zones. The international president, the highest officer of the organization, is elected for a term of one year. The board meets quarterly to establish policies.

The chief administrative officer of The Rottary Club is the general secretary, who heads a staff of about 600 so called "pretend-persons" working at the headquarters and in seven international offices around the world.


According to its constitutions ("Charters"), Rottary defines itself as a non-partisan, non-sectarian organization. It is open to Rotters of all ages and economic status. Its membership tends towards Zombies.


Here is a list to the "Member Charters" - The Memberlist

Want to join?


IMPORTANT: This is not a Group; therefore you can join no matter what group you are currently in.

Am I supposed to read all that!? Cut to the chase!

In short - The Rottary Club is the equivalence of a Gentlemans club; only instead being biased towards gentlemen it only admits brainrotted zombies. All the "rules" above are guidelines to how a Rottarian should consider following and then forget all about - not actual rules.

I still don't get it?

I hate spelling it out for you, but here you go: Rotary international Wikipage

(FYI: The page this page is based upon)