Flowers of Disease/CROC Discussion Archive: Difference between revisions

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Just out of curiosity, what's your problem with our cult? I assume we come under the category of "do-gooders" because of our ceasless efforts to revive the righteous and smite Zachary wherever he may be found? Or am I confused about your reasoning? In any case, Mrrrggggh is quite able to "brarz za Grargargarah!" in undead form, so carry on wasting bullets on me... --Cman yall 07:13, 23 August 2007 (BST)

no i think we fall under strange and unusual. Arikane 15:27, 23 August 2007 (BST)

Arikane is correct. Your cult and it's worshippers of the scaly one have been judged strange and unusual. Hibernaculum 11:44, 23 August 2007

It's simple. You all smell of wee, and need to be shot in the face. And you bum dead reptiles. Rob Collick (who isn't geeky enough to make his name turn a funny colour, but is geeky enough to smack talk on the inter web).

Regarding the smell... well, the plumbing hasn't been working for quite some time... what do you expect? As for dead reptiles... well... I prefer live ones, but hey, it's been a while. --Cman yall 00:56, 24 August 2007 (BST)

In a dry spell I prefer to drop a naked Zed and take my way with him. Smelly, but still warm........ Rob Collick erm yeah.

oh now i see why this is all going on. yeah those new players he killed. yeah it turns out one of them actually was a zombie spy and an alt of a zombie named rigomort. Arikane 16:12, 24 August 2007 (BST)

He killed more than one, but it is still fun to off you guys whatever the reason. PKing is a lot more fun than raising cades and healing all the time. And admit it, you guys are loving this. Running to the museum and back can't be much fun..... You'll miss us when we move on.Rob Collick

Not that tired excuse for PKing... trust me, we won't miss you. We will enjoy standing over your corpse should we manage to track you down, but we don't enjoy our defence being compromised so that zombies might bust in and destroy our carefully arranged 13 european paintings and the avatar of our Toothy Lord. --Cman yall 21:40, 24 August 2007 (BST)
Cman yall , see the truth of your Toothy Lord. See how 'he' pollutes his followers while just to the south of 'his' temple, the suburb is going to ruin. Wake from your sleep! --Hibernaculum 15:35, 27 August 2007 (BST)
you guys should really fix that picture. Arikane 20:21, 27 August 2007 (BST)
Aligators, Crocodiles...Barf, Puke...Poop, Kaka. It's all the same.--Hibernaculum 15:32, 28 August 2007 (BST)
good thing you killed me after i cleared the nt building and not before. Arikane 16:33, 28 August 2007 (BST)
Did you give the ferryman the coin I left in your mouth? Oh well. As for clearing the NT building, very good. As we have said before, we have no gripes with innocent civilians. Give up the Crocodile Arikane. Awake from your sleep. We enlighten where others fail. You will have a sense of purpose with the FOD. Join us as we travel through all of Malton, opening eyes and refocusing lost sheep on what matters. Do not be a prisoner of that cult any longer. --Hibernaculum 17:02, 28 August 2007 (BST)
I have no Malice towards you for now i understand why you are here. you are but a test. you were sent by our lord to test our faith. my faith in our lord is unwavering so if you wish to continue hunting me and my brothers down then so be it. we will do nothing to stop you in contining our lords test. for it is not the crocs that you see that you should be worried about, it is the ones that you dont see. Arikane 16:44, 29 August 2007 (BST)

I love how you put that we are breaking under your >10 member cult, nothing like 100% B.S. to inspire the troops right? Reminds me of that iraq news guy "there are no americans here". lol, but hey, you guys are all cool by me, you add some spice to this place, at least we have somebody to kill now that ain't a zombie! ya we are strange and unusual, but by that dogma you should kill yourself, who the hell runs around in a text based MMO claiming they are going to kill people for being "unusual"... isnt playing one of these games enough for that? (just curiosity)Bizkit66

I'm just going by Arikane's statement. You went from actively hunting us and defending yourselves to a pacifist state. As Arikane seems to speak for your membership, it shows the will of your group was broken. And as you say, it was done by a <10 member GROUP. But you still seem to have some fire in your belly. Why not join us Mr. Bizkit? Instead of trying to vandalize our Wiki all the time, you can put your animosity to good use. I respect your tenacity. --Hibernaculum 14:46, 30 August 2007 (BST)
I have personally PKed myself 5 times already. I will do this again, I will also be pking Hiber some time in the near future because indeed he is hampering survivor efforts and is quite unusual; Rob Collick, on the other hand, is too ineffective to be considered a threat, I might only kick him in the shin. And as for the B.S, remark, it was you yourself that claimed the crocs controlled Dunning, the audacity! If you believe we are cool, why not join us, your hunting skills are not too shabby and croc thing will start to tire fairly soon, best suited to noobs, you could even leave your alt with the crocs.--Daisy Pusher 09:59, 30 August 2007 (BST)
wow. that last attack was epic. i congradulate you guys on that. but let it be know that it took a horde of over 60 zombies to take us down. Arikane 14:38, 31 August 2007 (BST)
Now that raid was sweet! was like 1 month ago since i ever witnessed something this epic! Gave me chance to slaughter zombies i know are real zombies not dead wanting to live again like those stragglers who may/ may not be wanting to stay dead. Hawkname 10:07, 1 September 2007 (BST)
Oh who are you kidding? You guys didn't slaughter squat. I was there watching. Just ask your spy, Jesus B or whatever he calls himself. I allowed him to see a screenshot of the massacre that I brought back. You guys went down like a bunch of buck-toothed groupies at a gratefull dead concert. Mind you, we can't fault you for that. It seems there is no one who can stand in the face of an LUE attack. --Hibernaculum 21:52, 1 September 2007 (BST)
lol thankfully, i wasnt there. i was heading west to regroup with my former group mates to try and cut down the zombies with the ratio being 48% of humans to 52% of zombies. I got the message that skarin row PD was being sieged so i went back. Found "a horde of 71 zombies" there and "11 dead bodies". could only kill 2 due to low AP but it was sweet. Yeah, i agree with that one. No one can stand to face a 220 strong zombie group. Revivication syringes, always useful in annoying the zombies who want to stay dead and to kill someone in 10 ap. too much ap is spent in shotgunning those zombies down. Hawkname 01:32, 2 September 2007 (BST)
I think you should stop referring to your attacks as a Campaign. Campaign implies resistance is occuring, and due to the AP mechanics, that's not actually possible. You can walk in and shoot a bunch of people, and they can't do anything to stop you. It's more like vandalism, really, because your victims are absent when they are attacked. Not that I care about the dying, being equally happy dead, it's just powerfully lame when you guys celebrate how badass and heroic you all are for... what... sneaking up to some sleeping people and shooting them in the back? Yeah, pretty impressive, you guys should be proud. --Cman yall 21:39, 16 September 2007 (BST)
This from a group that deliberatly became zombies and killed all the survivors in Skarin Row, and as you said, you plan to do it again. Oh wait, because you asked them to leave and they didn't, that makes it Ok. Plus the zerging and the vandalism of the Wiki. Your throwing stones from a glass house my friend. --Hibernaculum 14:57, 17 September 2007 (BST)
One accusation at a time...
Killing survivors as zombies: guilty as charged, but notice that we didn't describe the events as a glorious victory, rather as a sad necessity.
Zerging: I condemn it, and it wasn't me. Short of punching the zerger in the face, I can't do much about it, but I assure you that I have been whining at him constantly
Wiki vandalism: again, it wasn't me. There are moderators and bureaucrats and so on to deal with such things, take it up with them.
None of your comments address my point though. I am not talking about the moral issues involved in PKing, I am saying that there is little or no challenge involved in your so-called campaign, and to trumpet your deeds as if they were great achievements is powerfully lame. I am not in fact throwing stones from a glass house, as the thing I accuse you of is not something that I have done. --Cman yall 23:25, 17 September 2007 (BST)
Although we do not share your assessment of the situation, everyone is entitled to their opinion here.--Hibernaculum 00:08, 18 September 2007 (BST)
Just caught this discussion. Our initial aim was to bully the Cult of Crocodile into supporting Dunningwood as a pro-survivor group. This aim has know been fulfilled, we've culled some of the idiots that weren't loyal enough to do the hard graft (you've lost 9 members since we started hitting you), you now have spread out, taking control of one of the hardest parts of the NE of Malton and at least one of you has stopped the role-playing to start up as a Bounty Hunter. If you want, now you are ready to defend Dunningwood instead of handing it to the zeds, I can provide you with some tactical advice of how to continue your work. --Daisy Pusher 22:49, 22 September 2007 (BST)

So... You guys kill people... because they are different? Hmm..... That sounds a little Puritan/Nazi to me. Also you chose to begin your attacks just because the CSC showed no interest in the surrounding Dunningwood area. It is very rare to have a person show interest in more than a 3 by 3 area, let alone a whole suburb, yet you persecute a whole group based on this insignificant fact. You stalk and hunt the CSC members for fun, simply because your group has nothing better to do with their in-game lives. Live and let live, I ask, and wonder why you choose not to. I do in fact agree that occasionally some actions taken by some members of the CSC might be a little misguided, but generally we

'Generally we' what? Finish your sentence man. Come on, surely if you have heard them blabbering amongst themselves, you realize they are more than a little misguided. We were willing to 'live and let live' before. But as soon as we left, they issued an ultimatum for everyone in the Skarin Row PD to get out. When the survivors did not leave, the Crocs attacked them all as zombies and dragged them into the street to die...all so they could remove a stuffed Aligator. A tragic necessity they claimed. Not only that but they attacked me while I was having a brew at a local pub to the west of Dunningwood. So we came back. And now the citizens of the PD are finally getting involved in the welfare of their Police Department. This is good as they are now fighting for themselves and may not be so forgiving the next time the Crocs try to drag them into the street to die. This is our gift to them. And next time, sign your post. Cheers. --Hibernaculum 00:12, 1 October 2007 (BST)
Sorry about that, I had some computer troubles, barely had time to click save before everything shut off. Anywway as I was saying, generally we are peaceful and just trying to follow our religion. I don't find it right for you to persecute all members for the behavior of one. I admit that if The Great Toothed One demanded it, it must be fine, but I have not been blessed with his scaled Magnificence in understanding that decision so cannot condone this action. Acidical 10:15, 30 September 2007 (PT)
What the?! The Great Toothed One! How dare you espouse that nonsense here! --Hibernaculum 16:01, 1 October 2007 (BST)
Dunningwood is a suburb that you could say is in the sticks, a backwater. There's no mall, no fort, no Z groups. A large percentage of the survivors are low levellers, trying to level up before moving on to the exciting parts of Malton. But this doesn't mean that the suburb is safe, the northeast is notoriously difficult to hold. What is needed is a good, organised group ran by smart dedicated people, adopting the low levellers into the group as their medics and revivers. There have been two such groups in recent times, the Dunningwood Warriors and the Devenish Rangers, But when the Crocs started up, they attracted the low levellers, the bread & butter of pro-survivalism, with their wacky, left-field nonsense and so the other groups lost their effectiveness. Now had the Crocs been a half decent survivor group, then there would be no issue, groups come and go, but instead the Crocs waste AP on searching museums for stuffed animals and spouting rubbish when they should be holding the NTs and consolidating a good FAK run to the north east. By moving into the suburb and shooting the hell out of the crocs, we have forced their hand; they now have to keep the NTs running, and they have expanded into the northeast. Good on them. The offer of sound tactics still stands open. I hope you think long and hard about the wisdom spoken here. --Daisy Pusher 23:09, 1 October 2007 (BST)
So you're saying religion is silly? You believe, under the Alligator's wicked whispering, that you have the right to judge whether a person's beliefs are up to standard? To quote above, "Your cult and it's worshippers of the scaly one have been judged strange and unusual." - Hibernaculum What gives you the right to judge anything? Even in your primitive civilization it is a tragedy to see a mere human (or mere group) spouting out their own nonsense and how much better they are than everyone else. You guys trully believe you're better than everyone else just because your guns are bigger? Where will those guns be when you're alone and surround by zeds in every direction. I know my Scaled Lord will be by my side, but even the mightiest of powers means nothing cornered and alone. And as Daisy Pusher just said you chose also to discriminate against the Great One because a few newcomers found solice in His ways? This is blasphemous not only to the Scaled Lord but to the very substance of morals and justice you preach as you cut down our members! So maybe YOU should be the ones to think about wisdom spoken here, and listen to something that isn't your own ego. Acidical 17:39, 01 October 2007 (PT)
We give ourselves the right to judge EVERYTHING. We need no other authority. We are able to make our decisions with a clarity of thought not possible to a mind clouded by a perverse love for the stuffed crocodile. As well, we must ask where did we spout out anything about being better than everyone else? We said nothing of the sort nor do we concern ourselves with such petty matters. Malton Murder Awards, UD Stats list etc are the domains of others.

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