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Records of radiotraffic on the 26.20 frequency. All times are GMT+1.


  • 26.20 MHz: "Gooood morning, Fort Feral!!" (yesterday)
  • 26.20 MHz: "This is WTRF radio, online & feelin' fine!" (yesterday)
  • 26.20 MHz: "In breaking news today, harman group The Fortress.." (yesterday)
  • 26.20 MHz: "... plans to pull out of Fort Feral." (yesterday)
  • 26.20 MHz: "When interviewed by WTRF, their reps had this to say:" (yesterday)
  • 26.20 MHz: "** The Fortress cannot continue to defend the fort.**" (yesterday)
  • 26.20 MHz: "** Continued PKings and friction with the Cannonball Crew.." (yesterday)
  • 26.20 MHz: "... have made this impossible**" (yesterday)
  • 26.20 MHz: "** CC members continue to PK to enforce their cade policy**" (yesterday)
  • 26.20 MHz: "**Just yesterday we lost several good members in the gates**" (yesterday)
  • 26.20 MHz: "** Until the CC halts their posturing control..." (yesterday)
  • 26.20 MHz: "... The Fortress will be unable to help defend Perryn**" (yesterday)
  • 26.20 MHz: "Contacted for comment, the zeds outside Perryn said:" (yesterday)
  • 26.20 MHz: "** Running away, aye?**" (yesterday)
  • 26.20 MHz: "** Can you all please wear the cheerleader skirts ..." (yesterday)
  • 26.20 MHz: "** ... while you run? It's cute ***" (yesterday)
  • 26.20 MHz: "Another zed commented: **GRAGHHBRAINZBRAINZ!!**" (yesterday)
  • 26.20 MHz: "Repeat - in breaking news, the Fortress are leaving Perryn" (yesterday)
  • 26.20 MHz: "Analysts believe the ferocity of the WTRF taunting has taken" (yesterday)
  • 26.20 MHz: "... them completely by surprise." (yesterday)
  • 26.20 MHz: "WTRF representatives had this to say:" (yesterday)
  • 26.20 MHz: "NYAH! Empty headed animal food trough wipers!" (yesterday)
  • 26.20 MHz: "Following this, a cow was launched from the WTRF radio van.." (yesterday)
  • 26.20 MHz: "... over the walls and into Fort Feral." (yesterday)
  • 26.20 MHz: "Important announcement from the Cannonball Crew!" (yesterday)
  • 26.20 MHz: "On the heels of our rule to prevent movement" (yesterday)
  • 26.20 MHz: "in the Fort and our new rule" (yesterday)
  • 26.20 MHz: "to limit communication among defenders" (yesterday)
  • 26.20 MHz: "we come at you with today’s new CC law!" (yesterday)
  • 26.20 MHz: "You will be required to obey this or be KILLED:" (yesterday)
  • 26.20 MHz: "Every fort defender must wear CC standard uniform" (yesterday)
  • 26.20 MHz: "Which consists of:" (yesterday)
  • 26.20 MHz: "Fort Perryn dog tags, black shirt, black trenchcoat," (yesterday)
  • 26.20 MHz: "black trousers with easy access ‘backdoor’" (yesterday)
  • 26.20 MHz: "and black stiletto heels." (yesterday)
  • 26.20 MHz: "Anyone observed not wearing the standard uniform" (yesterday)
  • 26.20 MHz: "by 20:00 GMT TODAY will be labeled a zombie spy" (yesterday)
  • 26.20 MHz: "and immediately shot and killed, as per CC protocol." (yesterday)
  • 26.20 MHz: "Good day brave defenders!" (yesterday)
  • 26.20 MHz: "Indigo Tango Sherlock to the Sherwel Building: inbound," (yesterday)
  • 26.20 MHz: "Squad Alpha Niner to Indigo Tango Sherlock: I told you:" (yesterday)
  • 26.20 MHz: "DONT CALL ME BY MY PLAYER NAME!" (yesterday)
  • 26.20 MHz: "Observe proper radio protocol...roger that!" (yesterday)
  • 26.20 MHz: "All hands needed in the gatehouse NOW!" (yesterday)
  • 26.20 MHz: "Scratch that last help request" (yesterday)
  • 26.20 MHz: "Gatehouse secured back to EHB" (yesterday)
  • 26.20 MHz: "Greetings brave fort defenders!" (yesterday)
  • 26.20 MHz: "The following is a message from CC Command:" (yesterday)
  • 26.20 MHz: "A new rule will be instituted, effective immediately" (yesterday)
  • 26.20 MHz: "No more FAK’s are allowed on fort premises" (yesterday)
  • 26.20 MHz: "They just take up precious room in your inventory" (yesterday)
  • 26.20 MHz: "needed for copious supply of ammo and Jergens lotion" (yesterday)
  • 26.20 MHz: "Anyone caught with a FAK in their possession" (yesterday)
  • 26.20 MHz: "will be killed and dumped as per CC protocol." (yesterday)
  • 26.20 MHz: "You WILL obey our laws, as you have no mind of your own" (yesterday)
  • 26.20 MHz: "This is CC Command. Good day." (yesterday)
  • 26.20 MHz: "Hey, hey. This is Jet Set Radio. Broadcasting from the city," (yesterday)
  • 26.20 MHz: "giving you the lowdown on the ho-down." (yesterday)
  • 26.20 MHz: "Those cool cat Fortress are holding Fort Feral strong, while" (yesterday)
  • 26.20 MHz: "those wild Feral undead, tried to get up with slander," (yesterday)
  • 26.20 MHz: "and lies. But they gotta boogie if they mean it." (yesterday)
  • 26.20 MHz: "Thats all you survivalist cats out there." (yesterday)
  • 26.20 MHz: "Stay tuned to Jet Set Radio with me, DJ 25 2 life." (yesterday)
  • <a href="profile.cgi?id=1260633">John Cussack</a> said "sounds good, see you there" (yesterday)
  • 26.20 MHz: "Urgent bulletin just in!" (yesterday)
  • 26.20 MHz: "Soda Pop is a neener-head." (yesterday)
  • 26.20 MHz: "Repeat: Soda Pop is a neener-head." (yesterday)
  • 26.20 MHz: "*Squeak*" (yesterday)
  • 26.20 MHz: "Fred Fast couldn't last," (yesterday)
  • 26.20 MHz: "His brains were splattered in a blast" (yesterday)
  • 26.20 MHz: "If you see our dear friend fred" (yesterday)
  • 26.20 MHz: "I'm sure you'll notice that he's dead." (yesterday)
  • 26.20 MHz: "1 zed outside the barracks--kill & dump." (yesterday)
  • 26.20 MHz: "Goddammit, keep the armoury at VSB!" (19 hours and 20 minutes ago)
  • 26.20 MHz: "Let me get this straight, you've decided to give up liberty" (18 hours and 56 minutes ago)
  • 26.20 MHz: "for a fleeting, very false sense of security? Everyone in" (18 hours and 56 minutes ago)
  • 26.20 MHz: "that Fort is a fool for following such bull..." *static* ".... Your" (18 hours and 55 minutes ago)
  • 26.20 MHz: "barricades don't hold back the hordes when they come. You" (18 hours and 55 minutes ago)
  • 26.20 MHz: "just sit there, waiting to die, when other richer lands are" (18 hours and 55 minutes ago)
  • 26.20 MHz: "within your grasp." (18 hours and 55 minutes ago)
  • 26.20 MHz: "The bull has kept us alive, traitor. Hope I never find you" (18 hours and 54 minutes ago)
  • 26.20 MHz: "We have held. Ignore the zed lies and follow the FPDF guidel" (18 hours and 54 minutes ago)
  • 26.20 MHz: "1 zed outside infirmary, 80 outside gatehouse" (17 hours and 45 minutes ago)
  • 26.20 MHz: "" (10 hours and 53 minutes ago)
  • 26.20 MHz: "This is WTRF radio, reporting from Miltown." (3 hours and 19 minutes ago)
  • 26.20 MHz: "The Cannonball Crew continues to" (3 hours and 19 minutes ago)
  • 26.20 MHz: "undermine the survivor cause by" (3 hours and 18 minutes ago)
  • 26.20 MHz: "eliminating all sources of communication." (3 hours and 18 minutes ago)
  • 26.20 MHz: "First they took your access to free movement" (3 hours and 18 minutes ago)
  • 26.20 MHz: "Now they take your access to free speech." (3 hours and 18 minutes ago)
  • 26.20 MHz: "But their fascist efforts will only succeed in making" (3 hours and 18 minutes ago)
  • 26.20 MHz: "the city’s populace hate them more." (3 hours and 18 minutes ago)
  • 26.20 MHz: "We will NOT be silenced!" (3 hours and 18 minutes ago)
  • 26.20 MHz: "Malton demands the truth and WTRF will deliver!" (3 hours and 17 minutes ago)
  • 26.20 MHz: "WTRF: the source for TRUTH in Malton." (3 hours and 17 minutes ago)
  • 26.20 MHz: "Fort Perryn is breached! Two zeds inside, low cades! Help!" (3 hours and 14 minutes ago)
  • 26.20 MHz: "Oh, so now I'm a traitor for speaking the truth. Pointing to" (2 hours and 13 minutes ago)
  • 26.20 MHz: "the lies of those in power. Look at yourself. Look at how" (2 hours and 12 minutes ago)
  • 26.20 MHz: "far you've fallen. Threatening those who disagree with you." (2 hours and 11 minutes ago)
  • 26.20 MHz: "You're no better than a Pker. Frankly, I'm waiting to see" (2 hours and 11 minutes ago)
  • 26.20 MHz: "how long it takes before Ft. Perryn descends into civil war." (2 hours and 10 minutes ago)


  • 26.20 MHz: "All defenders, to the gatehouse. De-cading it= death..." (yesterday)
  • 26.20 MHz: "" (20 hours and 58 minutes ago)
  • 26.20 MHz: "thiszombie12345 id=1111241 is a GKer - do NOT revive" (exactly 17 hours ago)
  • 26.20 MHz: "Any leftsit minded people heading towards Dakerstown," (14 hours and 34 minutes ago)
  • 26.20 MHz: "wda is a pk'er" (14 hours and 33 minutes ago)
  • 26.20 MHz: "Please help the revolutionary war there." (14 hours and 33 minutes ago)
  • 26.20 MHz: "ATTENTION: Fascists overlords of Ft. Perryn. To all who have" (1 hour and 30 minutes ago)
  • 26.20 MHz: "called me a traitor for no reason, know that I walk among" (1 hour and 29 minutes ago)
  • 26.20 MHz: "you now. To all who have threatened to kill me, you PKer's" (1 hour and 29 minutes ago)
  • 26.20 MHz: "are all the same and will be dealt with accordingly. The" (1 hour and 28 minutes ago)
  • 26.20 MHz: "new security policies of your Fort are a lie, as you will" (1 hour and 28 minutes ago)
  • 26.20 MHz: "soon learn. You've chosen a location which has failed to" (1 hour and 28 minutes ago)
  • 26.20 MHz: "stand against the Zombie hordes at least three times since" (1 hour and 27 minutes ago)
  • 26.20 MHz: "the walls went up. What makes you think that this time will" (1 hour and 27 minutes ago)
  • 26.20 MHz: "be any different. Mobility, not walls, are what save us here" (1 hour and 27 minutes ago)
  • 26.20 MHz: "in Malton. In any event, know that I walk among you. If you" (1 hour and 26 minutes ago)
  • 26.20 MHz: "hate me so much for breaking your vaunted rules, kill me." (1 hour and 26 minutes ago)
  • 26.20 MHz: "Better yet, since you don't know who I am, kill the person" (1 hour and 25 minutes ago)
  • 26.20 MHz: "next to you, it's all the same to a fascist movement, right?" (1 hour and 25 minutes ago)
  • 26.20 MHz: "Mark my words, all who stay inside the Fort will die." (1 hour and 24 minutes ago)
  • 26.20 MHz: "Not by my hand, but by the clawing, rotting hands of the Zed" (1 hour and 24 minutes ago)
  • 26.20 MHz: "hordes, who even now scratch at your miserable barricades." (1 hour and 24 minutes ago)
  • 26.20 MHz: "Your mistake is a strategic one and it will cost you dearly." (1 hour and 23 minutes ago)
  • 26.20 MHz: "The sad part is that you save your strength from the one" (1 hour and 22 minutes ago)
  • 26.20 MHz: "place which could benefit from it, Whittenside." (1 hour and 22 minutes ago)
  • 26.20 MHz: "That's right, forts weren't meant to be Citadels or Keeps" (1 hour and 21 minutes ago)
  • 26.20 MHz: "safeguarding their occupants. They are best used as Forward" (1 hour and 21 minutes ago)
  • 26.20 MHz: "Bases of Operation, projecting force into the region." (1 hour and 20 minutes ago)
  • 26.20 MHz: "But you dunderheads have your heads so far up your rectums" (1 hour and 20 minutes ago)
  • 26.20 MHz: "you can't see that." (1 hour and 19 minutes ago)
  • 26.20 MHz: "Okay, so maybe you're right. What strategy would you" (35 minutes ago)
  • 26.20 MHz: "suggest, specifically? My ears are open." (34 minutes ago)


    26.20 MHz: "Beware - The TRF is ever present." (2 days ago)
  • 26.20 MHz: "Feel free to take the knowledge of this in a ominous way." (2 days ago)
  • 26.20 MHz: "Gabba gabba gabba gabbagabang!!" (2 days ago)
  • 26.20 MHz: "Ah ahm hra habbah zambah, har ahr har!" (2 days ago)
  • 26.20 MHz: "Hello to the harmanz in Fort Feral!" (2 days ago)
  • 26.20 MHz: "And an extra special hello to Soda Pop!" (2 days ago)
  • 26.20 MHz: "This is Zombie Mandrill talkin' atcha" (2 days ago)
  • 26.20 MHz: "BTW, I got a laugh out of your posting me on your board" (2 days ago)
  • 26.20 MHz: "How do I know that when it's restricted?" (2 days ago)
  • 26.20 MHz: "Let's just say..... Har har har har.... :D" (2 days ago)
  • 26.20 MHz: "" (2 days ago)
  • 26.20 MHz: "Well folks. It seems that people want to spread hate." (yesterday)
  • 26.20 MHz: "But I was thinking that we all need to hear something fun." (yesterday)
  • 26.20 MHz: "I've got a little number; goes something like this." (yesterday)
  • 26.20 MHz: "(Do you feel that?)" (yesterday)
  • 26.20 MHz: "(Oh ..." *static* "....)" (yesterday)
  • 26.20 MHz: "Ooh ah ah ah ah" (yesterday) ...and again.
  • 26.20 MHz: "Drowing in my sea of loathing" (yesterday)
  • 26.20 MHz: "Spammers will be subjected to Pking via newspaper. Survivors" (yesterday)
  • 26.20 MHz: "will be slapped again." (yesterday)
  • 26.20 MHz: "Jack Handy, id=631712, is a radio spammer." (yesterday)
  • 26.20 MHz: "(Will you give it to me?" (yesterday)
  • 26.20 MHz: "Repeat, JacKhANDY spams the radio. Consider taking your syri" (yesterday)
  • 26.20 MHz: "nges elsewhere. Revive someone useful." (yesterday)
  • 26.20 MHz: "Get up, come on get down with the sickness." (yesterday)
  • 26.20 MHz: "If you're a Pker, consider getting idiots like him and savin" (yesterday)
  • 26.20 MHz: "g our collective sanity. ID= 631712" (yesterday)
  • 26.20 MHz: "You mother get up, come on get down with the sickness." (yesterday)
  • 26.20 MHz: "repeat id=631712 is a spammer." (yesterday)
  • 26.20 MHz: "So, TerminalFailure, do you advokate the PKing of all the BS" (yesterday)
  • 26.20 MHz: "the BS political groups that spam here every single day?" (yesterday)
  • 26.20 MHz: "Cade, not spam! Remember, if the gatehouse falls, we will lo" (yesterday)
  • 26.20 MHz: "se the fort. And no, as they advocate useful actions." (yesterday)
  • 26.20 MHz: "CC ROCKS! versus CC EATS YOUR BABIES vs Feral Undead" (yesterday)
  • 26.20 MHz: "I'm sure as hell not the only one that's sick of it." (yesterday)
  • 26.20 MHz: "Just do it this way: you don't like the opposing IC group?" (yesterday)
  • 26.20 MHz: "Then just ..." *static* "...ING DEAL WITH IT." (yesterday)
  • 26.20 MHz: "You arn't King of the Fort or some such BS, nor does anyone" (yesterday)
  • 26.20 MHz: "care. We all just wish you'd stop with your political broad" (yesterday)
  • 26.20 MHz: "casts, your hourly barricade plans, and your attempted sland" (yesterday)
  • 26.20 MHz: "er of other people based on a freaking game." (yesterday)
  • 26.20 MHz: "You can't even kill eachother permanently, so just wtf!?" (yesterday)
  • 26.20 MHz: "As for spamming... the day you use the radio for something" (yesterday)
  • 26.20 MHz: "useful is the day that you can claim something else is spam." (yesterday)
  • 26.20 MHz: "" (21 hours and 50 minutes ago)
  • 26.20 MHz: "" (6 hours and 5 minutes ago)
  • 26.20 MHz: "" (6 hours and 5 minutes ago)


  • 26.20 MHz: "ft. Perryn is starting to go under. Need all the back up we" (2 days ago)
  • 26.20 MHz: "can get" (2 days ago)
  • 26.20 MHz: "Believe nothing!" (2 days ago)
  • 26.20 MHz: "Believe everything!" (2 days ago)
  • 26.20 MHz: "Who just left the building? Will they return shortly?" (2 days ago)
  • 26.20 MHz: "Trust no-one." (2 days ago)
  • 26.20 MHz: "Except me." (2 days ago)
  • 26.20 MHz: "I'm here to help." (2 days ago)
  • 26.20 MHz: "How's that static defense working out now, Ft. Perryn?" (yesterday)
  • 26.20 MHz: "Now do you see why I said it would fail?" (yesterday)
  • 26.20 MHz: "There is no ground in Malton valuable enough to die over." (yesterday)
  • 26.20 MHz: "Mobility, river tactics, guerrilla warfare tactics are the" (yesterday)
  • 26.20 MHz: "path to survival and victory in Malton. Overbarricading" (yesterday)
  • 26.20 MHz: "yourselves into that fort is what got you into your current" (yesterday)
  • 26.20 MHz: "mess. In the future, leave the Gatehouse and everything else" (yesterday)
  • 26.20 MHz: "at Very Strongly barricaded to improve mobility through the" (yesterday)
  • 26.20 MHz: "fort, buildings and neighborhood. Besides, the Malls are" (yesterday)
  • 26.20 MHz: "better places to resupply and rearm than the Forts anyway." (yesterday)
  • 26.20 MHz: "I was there at several sieges of Giddings Mall, which" (yesterday)
  • 26.20 MHz: "incidentally, the Zeds needed a buff in order to break the" (yesterday)
  • 26.20 MHz: "Great January, 2008 Siege of Giddings. Other than that we" (yesterday)
  • 26.20 MHz: "would have held off a 300 Zed horde indefinitely." (yesterday)
  • 26.20 MHz: "So let me know when your tactics at Ft. Perryn are as" (yesterday)
  • 26.20 MHz: "successful as that. Until then, you might want to think" (yesterday)
  • 26.20 MHz: "about trying something new, as the Zeds chew on your brains." (yesterday)
  • 26.20 MHz: "" (yesterday)
  • 26.20 MHz: "Hello from WTRF radio!!" (22 hours and 23 minutes ago)
  • 26.20 MHz: "The Cannonball Crew reports that the..." (22 hours and 23 minutes ago)
  • 26.20 MHz: "Fort Feral EHB defense plan has been a 100% success again!" (22 hours and 22 minutes ago)
  • 26.20 MHz: "This is WTRF radio, reporting from Miltown." (19 hours and 47 minutes ago)
  • 26.20 MHz: "It’s a sad day at the station today" (19 hours and 47 minutes ago)
  • 26.20 MHz: "as we mourn the loss of Fort Perryn" (19 hours and 47 minutes ago)
  • 26.20 MHz: "and all of its inhabitants." (19 hours and 47 minutes ago)
  • 26.20 MHz: "There’s nothing left now but scraps of trenchcoats." (19 hours and 46 minutes ago)
  • 26.20 MHz: "Since the EHB barricade plan has proved to be" (19 hours and 46 minutes ago)
  • 26.20 MHz: "an epic fail, the world eagerly awaits the next" (19 hours and 46 minutes ago)
  • 26.20 MHz: "fascist orders from CC high command." (19 hours and 46 minutes ago)
  • 26.20 MHz: "We need you Cannonball Crew!" (19 hours and 46 minutes ago)
  • 26.20 MHz: "You know we can’t think for ourselves!" (19 hours and 45 minutes ago)
  • 26.20 MHz: "Attention, rally point for Perryn regroup is Banton Cinema!" (17 hours and 28 minutes ago)
  • 26.20 MHz: "We need generators bad, and fuel so come prepared!" (17 hours and 28 minutes ago)
  • 26.20 MHz: "PKers and GKers are rampant here trying to foil our plans" (17 hours and 27 minutes ago)
  • 26.20 MHz: "Report all GK at Banton Cinema. We need a radio there" (17 hours and 27 minutes ago)
  • 26.20 MHz: "and a generator with fuel." (17 hours and 27 minutes ago)
  • 26.20 MHz: "Again, rally point for Perryn at Banton Cinema" (17 hours and 26 minutes ago)
  • 26.20 MHz: "Bring radio, generators and fuel" (17 hours and 26 minutes ago)
  • 26.20 MHz: "Kill all GKers trying to keep the fort down!" (17 hours and 26 minutes ago)
  • 26.20 MHz: "Zombies are already trying to overtake Banton Cinema" (17 hours and 25 minutes ago)
  • 26.20 MHz: "We need help there immediately!" (17 hours and 25 minutes ago)
  • 26.20 MHz: "Helloooo.... is anyone left alive in Whittenside?" (17 hours and 23 minutes ago)
  • 26.20 MHz: "Yes, we are rallyinh in Banton Cinema in Whittenside" (17 hours and 23 minutes ago)
  • 26.20 MHz: "We need generator, radio and fuel. And chicks..." (17 hours and 22 minutes ago)
  • 26.20 MHz: "we are just a bunch of guys hudled together in a dark cinema" (17 hours and 21 minutes ago)
  • 26.20 MHz: "we need chicks bad..." (17 hours and 21 minutes ago)