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Transcript of Patricia Tanaka's Video Diary

Day One – 25/02/2008

  • Introduction to camera:

“My name is Patricia Tanaka, today is Monday the twenty-fifth of February, two thousand and eight. I am stood in front of St. Benedict’s Hospital in west Monroeville. The official story of why the town has been quarantined is well known, but rumours of the reality were rife and so I’m here to document the situation and find out whether there is any truth to the rumours of infection and cannibalism in the once anonymous town of Monroeville.”

  • Shot of Lit Building with voice over:

“The hospital has been brought to working order by some remaining citizens, a jury-rigged generator powering some lights and the most essential parts of the building such as the intensive care units”

  • Shot of Graffiti with voice over:

“Walls in the hospital are covered with notices of the missing and graffiti pertaining to help, such as aim for the head or barricade all doors. Some however blames the government, aliens, even the wrath of god for our plight.”

  • Shots of Survivors with voice over:

“Despite all the government press releases of an efficient and complete evacuation you can see the number of civilians in this one hosptial alone. This explains why so many people around the country have been unable to contact their loved ones. Stories of attacks I’m hearing are all piece-meal and confused, those brought in with injuries are often in shock and unable to talk”

  • Long shot of Lone Zombie with voice over:

“I’m out on the streets of west Monroeville. It’s midday and extremely quiet, a few survivors running from one building to the next. Over by that crashed car you can see a girl, she looks to be in her teens. As I zoom in you can see however that she is covered in blood - now she’s turning towards me. God, most of her face is gone, her eye is missing. (sound of retching off-camera). Sorry, I didn’t think. (Camera switches off, then back on the girl) It - I can’t think of that thing as a girl - has noticed me, it’s limping towards me. (zombie moans) It’s making plaintive sounds, it wants something, I have to believe that it wants me. How can it walk? It’s reaching out to me. It’s loud, I should leave, the sound could bring more.”

  • Cemetery with voice over:

“After that encounter you just witnessed, I decided my investigation must included the origins of these, these things, these undead. To this end I am standing in a graveyard. The plots look undisturbed. This leads me to two conclusions, either the buried dead are too weak to break free of their coffins or only the recently deceased have returned to some semblance of life.”

  • Interview with Survivors:
    • Patricia Tanaka (voice over scene setting): I’m here at Hartloff Street Police Department with a number of survivors. These fine officers decided to stay and protect those left behind during the evacuation. There are many such fine people here in Monroeville and they deserve the admiration of everyone.
    • Patricia Tanaka: So, Officer Thompson, you’ve been here since it began. D you know how it started?
    • Officer Thompson: Well, the first I heard was of the attack in the south of town, a woman bit some guy and then it took five guys to pin her down, two of them got bit too. The woman was psychotic, covered in blood. I heard once she was restrained in the cells they found her neck had been bitten clean through and she was ice cold to the touch - The news got all around town in hours. Then more reports came over the rest of the day and next thing we knew CDC was quarantining the city and we were told to clear out.
    • Patricia Tanaka: Why did you stay?
    • Officer Thompson: Well... I got my family on one of the last buses and came back to the station to find more and more people turning up. There was no way we’d all get out before the deadline so I figured we could hold up and try to last out this whole mess.
    • Patricia Tanaka: Is there anyone you’d like to pass a message on to?
    • Officer Thompson: Just that I love you Mel and daddy will see you guys soon...

(sharp noise and strange light cast)

    • Patricia Tanaka: What was that?
  • Cut to shaky view of Flare with voice over:

“You’re seeing a distant flare illuminate the streets of Monroeville, why it has been fired, whether as a call for help or perhaps some other more obscure reason we cannot tell.”

Day Two – 26/02/2008

  • Close up on Fresh Corpse with voice over:

“It’s day two in Monroeville. Bodies are being left in the street as people begin to fear their eventual resurrection. This body, left in the gutter, appears to be of a man who has died recently from attack and then suffered cannibalism. The duration until the dead walk once again has not been confirmed yet with stories varying from a matter of minutes to days. I feel scared stood this close”

  • Radio Transmitter with voice over:

“Attempts are being made at communication with the outside world. This transmitter has been linked to a generator in Schurtz Lane Police Department. The operator has tried in vain to contact the military but can only pick up other survivors in the city itself, it’s possible external communication is being jammed somehow. Some co-ordination of groups is now occurring, but most messages are garbled nonsense, warnings of judgement day or worse - misinformation.”

Day Three – 27/02/2008

  • Long shot of Zombie Group with voice over:

“This is day three of the outbreak in Monroeville and I'm standing outside of the Lidkay Hotel in the centre of town. As you can see, a small group of zombies are hammering on the door of the hotel, trying desperately to gain access to the survivors inside. Whether this is instinctive behaviour or some kind of retained knowledge is difficult to determine. Survivors have told that individual zombies are easy to kill, but when there are groups people tend to avoid attacking them – does this mean the zombies also have the retained knowledge that there is safety in numbers? If so, what else might they remember?”

  • Tracking shot around Mall of Barricading with voice over:

“Here in Miracle Mill Mall I heard the disturbing answer to that question. Reports of zombies opening doors, turning keys and other actions which have allowed them into buildings. Therefore as you can see, some have taken it upon themselves to barricade doors and windows. Most barricades will allow survivors entry and block zombies, but some are so complete that entry can only be made by climbing in through upper floor windows. This has lead to survivors becoming trapped in the streets outside. Look!”

  • Segue into powered Safehouse clip with voice over:

“Wow! As you can see, the power just came on! That noise you can hear is a portable generator running in that sports store over there. It’s amazing how much safer you feel with light. Having the constant threat of darkened spaces eliminated is palpable.”

Day Six – 01/03/2008

  • Shot applying First Aid – to camera:

“It’s now day six of the outbreak in Monroeville, I’m with Officer Menez of Zeliak Way Police Department. He's been mauled by a zombie and I’m helping bandage him up and clean his wounds. You can’t remain detached here in Monroeville, although the threat from the zombies seems low at present, the atmosphere of mutual assistance remains strong.”

  • Clips of Debra’s Dorm with voice over:

“This is Dederick Dormitory, part of Monroeville’s university. We are in the room of a young student named Debra. You can see the panic which took hold during the evacuation as people packed their most prized belongings, whether personal or valuable into a bag and left the rest, the easily replaced. I hope she made it out in time.”

  • Pan to show extent of The Woods with voice over:

”Outside the dormitory the woods stretch out beyond Monroeville. In this winter twilight they look old, dark, impenetrable, even malignant. Maybe beyond them the quarantine barriers are not fully in place. I’ve had enough of Monroeville. I’m going to see if I can make it out. The world should see this footage.”

Day Nine – 04/03/2008

  • Ridley’s Pool – Voice over:

“I’ve spent the last three days searching the outskirts of Monroeville hopelessly for a way out. The most interesting location is Hamilton Mansion, home of the Ridley family. It is the scene of a determined and lengthy zombie attack, the worst I’ve seen yet, here the hallway is covered in blood, but worst of all was the pool - it’s water is filled with bloody debris.”

Day Ten – 05/03/2008

  • Shots of Parkdale Hospital with voice over:

“I'm now in Parkdale hospital in the suburb of Newtown. I had read an interview previously in a discarded copy of the Monroeville Enquirer of the research work being carried out here in tissue re-generation. I had thought to find evidence that these trials may have caused the outbreaks. Instead I found this. A blood-stained wheelchair in the ER and signs of a vicious struggle.”

Day Eleven – 05/03/2008

  • Tracking shot of Samuel’s Barn with voice over:

“The area within the quarantine zone includes a large area of farmland. Here at this barn, there are signs of yet more zombie attack, with bloodstains throughout and this chalkboard covered in blood. If this is the state outside of the city I dread to think how they are faring within now”

Day Fifteen – 10/03/2008

  • Shots of Corpse Pile with voice over:

“I’m stood outside Saint Hilary’s Hospital in south Monroeville. It’s, god, the 10th of March, fifteen days since the outbreak began. There’s a large pile of bodies here, rotting in the low spring sun. The stench is awful. The hospital seems to have attracted the undead to it and they must have been busy trying to keep them out. As I suspected, things in town have grown more dangerous after the early days.

  • Tracking shot of Zombie Slaying with voice over:

“The situation inside the hospital is tense, a survivor, someone mentioned his name, Jim Genaro, is tackling a zombie as we speak. Watch his teeth! Someone help him out! Thankfully you can see the zombie is down, although given time he might get up once again, so the body is being dumped out of an upstairs window to fall onto the others outside you just saw.”

  • Clip showing the Barricades Fall with voice over:

“What you are hearing is the pounding on the doors and windows by the undead outside. There are unceasing, the blind battering constant. I’ve seen them pound with broken hands, bloody stumps and even makeshift clubs, they do not get tired, they do not give up until they can get in. (Grinding noise) There! The side door, one’s broken in! Once inside you see they head straight for the nearest survivor with hopes of attacking them. This looks futile to stay now. Good luck guys I’m out of here!

Day Twenty-One – 16/03/2008

  • Shots of Building in Ruin with voice over:

“I ran out of that hospital six days ago now. I’ve headed back into central Monroeville. Life has become an endless drudge of running, hiding and scavenging for what you need. Things are much worse in town, some buildings now are falling into ruin. Burnt down purposefully or otherwise they make parts of the city no-go zones as there is no shelter for survivors.”

  • Clip about safest places to stay becomes Zombie Attack – voice over:

“I tend to sleep in Police Departments, although they seem to attract zombies like hospitals and malls. At least they’re usually full of survivors with guns, who know how to use them, unlike me, Kelsay Row is the name of th… Oh shit, help! Oh god, Oh god, get it off me! Yaaaahhh, Aahhh! It bit me! Help! Shit! Get a bandage!!! *static* ”

Day Twenty-Three – 18/03/2008

  • Pan over central Monroeville through Binoculars with voice over:

“That attack was two days ago and my arm hurts like a bitch but I’m still here, which is more than most get to say. The view you’re seeing is Miracle Mile Mall in central Monroeville, I’m filing through one half of a pair of binoculars. The Mall is lit, barricaded and you van see why survivors tend to congregate there. Beyond is the quarantine zone, all razor wire, concrete walls and minefields - so the warning signs say. Past that is the rest of Monroeville, I can see some movement out there but whether it’s normal life, the military or more zombies, it’s impossible to say. Maybe the outbreak wasn’t just here, maybe this diary, this evidence is all for nothing.”

Day Twenty-Four – 19/03/2008

  • Shots from above of Zombie Horde with voice over:

“It’s March nineteenth. 24 days we’ve all been stuck here. Now something new. You’re looking down at the lower floor of Monroeville Mall, the eastern end. The volume of zombies outside became too much. They have finally broken past the barricades and flooded in. People are doing what they can to contain them here but the ground is littered with the corpses of survivors and zombies alike, only now both will rise to swell the numbers of undead. The things seem more organised, as though the Mall wasn’t just a memory, more like a target.”

  • Clip of zombie Murder with voice over:

“The break in at Monroeville Mall has become too great. The mall has attracted an enormous number of zombies, now… Oh shit, that guy’s just fallen. Get up! He’s twisted his ankle. The zombies are all over him, Oh shit, look at all that blood. That’s it, no more, I’m not filming anymore of this shit.”