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The title says it all. Work has been hectic since the beginning of the summer and too much so for me to spend even the time I had been spending on the wiki, or even playing the game. I'll be back end of November regularly. Sorry for the sudden disappearance --[[User:Tselita|Tselita]] 19:12, 15 September 2008 (BST)
The title says it all. Work has been hectic since the beginning of the summer and too much so for me to spend even the time I had been spending on the wiki, or even playing the game. I'll be back end of November regularly. Sorry for the sudden disappearance --[[User:Tselita|Tselita]] 19:12, 15 September 2008 (BST)
: Oh no problem, I kinda put the suggestion on hild for a bit....not sure I really like it all that much, it could work, but I'm just not sure how....Anyways, glad you're not dead or anything. Hope to see you by November.
: Oh no problem, I kinda put the suggestion on hild for a bit....not sure I really like it all that much, it could work, but I'm just not sure how....Anyways, glad you're not dead or anything. Hope to see you by November.
::Yep, very alive, very happy with the money I'm making. But very busy. Here though. You deserve cheezburgers.

Revision as of 14:49, 19 September 2008


Hi there, sorry I didn't respond to your post on my user page when you first posted but I've been busy gambling in Atlantic City :) For suggestions, I've made a bunch, yeah, though currently I'm sort of at 'war' with the Goons (they tend to spam/kill/comment to death anything I do) so first bit of advice is don't get too upset if you run across them - if they start going to war with you it's probably because they're just being griefers.

That being said, there are some guidelines for suggestions which you should probably pay attention to:

1) If you're going to make a firearms suggestion, be prepared to get it spammed by people. A lot of people (especially pro-zombie players) hate...hate....hate any suggestion which helps survivors. Firearms suggestions doubly so.

2) If you're going to make a weapons suggestion in general, make sure to have it balanced. Balance is not just 'rarity of finding the weapon.' Usually a good example of balance is 'raises damage, lowers accuracy'. To be honest though, there really aren't many original weapon suggestions left. I sort of realized this after I made a speargun suggestion, and the suggestion which most Goons hate that I made - nailguns :)

3) Check Frequently Made Suggestions. And don't suggest them. If you DO suggest something which is in Frequently Made suggestions, make sure it has some aspect which is original, and explain that in your suggestion.

4) If you get rejected, don't worry. Kevan still sometimes puts in Undecided and Rejected suggestions.

5) Ignore the rudeness. I don't, and it tends to get some of my ideas mired down when they start flame wars.

6) There are certain suggestions you should generally avoid like the plague. Anything which makes Infection more potent. Anything which lets you have 'x-ray vision' (the ability to see in and out of buildings). Anything which raises the amount of AP you can have, or the speed of replenishing the AP. Any 'fully automatic weapon'. Any 'sniper weapon' (weapons which let you shoot outside from inside without putting yourself at risk). Anything which nerfs the ability of FAKs to cure infections. Anything which allows you to attack in a different square than where your character is located. These suggestions will not only be declared dupe, they'll also probably get the ire of some of the less kind people on the wiki.

7) Lastly, be informative. But try to not be -too- wordy (the latter part I sometimes have a problem with doing myself). If you write too little, people will vote kill because there's not enough info. If you write too much, people won't bother reading it all.

8) Use Talk:Suggestions often. Sometimes you wind up getting a bunch of idiots on Talk:Suggestions trolling, but for the most part it's a good place to 'test' your suggestions first, to get constructive criticism and find out if your suggestion is a dupe or not, or where they can give info to make your potential suggestion better.

Hope any of that info helps. Hope to see your suggestions soon. --Tselita 15:14, 11 June 2008 (BST)

Thank you very much for your help Tselita, I will be trying to make my own suggestions soon enough. Thank you for your time to come here and grace my talk page with your presence. =) I look forward to seeing your suggestions as well. Daren Elaine 19:35, 12 June 2008 (BST)
Thanks. I haven't made suggestions in a couple of weeks, though I have been participating on Talk:Suggestions with my suggestion ideas. Main reason is my workload at work got tougher and so I'm saving my suggestions until I can do them one a day or so, once my boss's caseload lightens up a bit (I'm a legal secretary, I do this from work when it's not busy). You'll definitely be seeing more suggestions from me though (though I'm sure most of them will get lots of drama and kill votes from the Malton Globetrotters and their ilk) :). I totally look forward to reading your suggestions as well! --Tselita 00:18, 13 June 2008 (BST)


Good to hear from ya!

Ah! Sir Elaine, good to see you are alive again. We have actually retaken Ethelbert's but only with a small force. At Sixtus huh? Well, patch yourself up and head up if you like. Our conditions are what you would call risky. We have the cades at EHB, lights out and only 8 zeds outside and a small team of 9 survivors.

Ciao for now. --Sazahn 07:27, 26 June 2008 (BST)

Holly Shit!

Daren! About bloody time! Listen, I haven't much time but you got to help Selena! She is a friend of mine. Ask Sazahn about Selena I haven't the time to explain. She is new and blind. Again, ask Sazahn. This is very important, she can be quite useful to us if we get to her in time. *mutters to self* Anyway, I really need you and Sazahn to help her. Good luck. After I get revived over at Vinetown, politics and brandy afterwards. User:Chris Alloy

Dude.....what? What are you.......*Rapid headshake* Uh......Ooookay.....--Daren Elaine 05:40, 1 July 2008 (BST)

Joint Job Effort

Well Sir Elaine, it took me a while to understand what he wanted but it looks like you and I have been hired to deal with a quick kill. I know you aren't my merc or as far as I know you aren't really a merc at all. But he's requested you to help out so looks like we have a job to do. We are to move out to Vinetown (hoping it's not in total ruins) and take down a member of the LUE [Our target]. You don't have to, but just to help out an old friend let's do it. Once he is taken care of, looks like we are hired body guards for one of his friends. Sorry for this being sudden, but her profile link is on my talk page.

Ciao --Sazahn 06:33, 1 July 2008 (BST)

Yep, I'll give you a hand with that. No problem, just like to be filled in first.--Daren Elaine 06:39, 1 July 2008 (BST)
Sir Elaine! She is all the way up in Shuttlebank. Crap, this job is a bit out of my league. You know if we both go up there we will end up going against Extinction? So far, they are a lot more brutal than the RRF and were a big part in the March of the Dead. Are you still up for it?

--Sazahn 07:33, 1 July 2008 (BST)

Why the hell not? It's not like we have only one life to live in this place.......I'll head up there, once the target is done.
Alright, ignore that text message from me and lets move out. I've made it back to Roftwood and I am camping out in the Wedham Library, hopefully you get further then I did. --Sazahn 19:30, 1 July 2008 (BST)
Do you want me to take out the target or head straight to Shuttlebank? I'm currently holed up in a junkyard in Vinetown at the moment, I've been searching for the guy.--Daren Elaine 19:36, 1 July 2008 (BST)
If you cannot find him then head home if you like. I doubt Roftwood is safe anymore from what reports are saying. All your call if you wish to help me up here. --Sazahn 08:32, 3 July 2008 (BST)
Here is the map, our location is to head out to the Lock Boulevard PD in Shuttlebank. I have made a route from our location to her location. The trip will at least take 14 AP. So rest well and we will move out tomorrow. What is your timezone again? Was it eastern or pacific?

Free Running Route.jpg
Pacific, I'll rest up for the move. Is she alive, or in need of resuscitating? And further more, are we going to take the PD, or just get her out?--Daren Elaine 00:32, 4 July 2008 (BST)
We are gonna help, that is her request... Though I have a feeling it has already fallen. Lets both try to move at 6:30pm tomorrow (I am pacific too) tomorrow. She is in need of reviving but leave that to me. I have some spare needles I have been dying to get rid of them. Good luck and God speed. --Sazahn 09:02, 4 July 2008 (BST)
Sir Elaine are you ok? I can't find you. I hope you got out ok. If you need a revive let me know. I will not let you walk among the dead. As we speak I have engaged the zeds in the PD.
2 standing still, 1 is at 25hp. --Sazahn 20:45, 7 July 2008 (BST)
Negative, but I was forced to retreat to seek help for my infection. Unfortunately the nearest functioning hospital was in Millen Hills. I will be returning once I have recovered.--Daren Elaine 01:38, 8 July 2008 (BST)
Sir Elaine, I am heading out. This mission is over as far as I'm concerned. I'm in Bale Mall. I will revive you once you get over here. --Sazahn 23:58, 30 July 2008 (BST)

What goes around comes around

Sure thing comrade, I will be happy to help you out. Just give me a sec since AP is low. --Sazahn 07:46, 3 August 2008 (BST)

Don't bother, already picked one up from a wandering good Samaritan at this point. Sorry to bug you. Call on me anytime if you need anything.
You got it, I'm gonna stock up then head back to meet up with the MMS. --Sazahn 01:59, 4 August 2008 (BST)

I'll be back in a couple of months

The title says it all. Work has been hectic since the beginning of the summer and too much so for me to spend even the time I had been spending on the wiki, or even playing the game. I'll be back end of November regularly. Sorry for the sudden disappearance --Tselita 19:12, 15 September 2008 (BST)

Oh no problem, I kinda put the suggestion on hild for a bit....not sure I really like it all that much, it could work, but I'm just not sure how....Anyways, glad you're not dead or anything. Hope to see you by November.
Yep, very alive, very happy with the money I'm making. But very busy. Here though. You deserve cheezburgers.
Cheezburger.jpg lolcat
This user can haz cheezburger.
Cheezburger2.jpg lolcat plus
This user can haz even bigger cheezburger.