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[[Category:Groups|Suicide Recon]]
[[Category:Groups|Suicide Recon]]
[[Category:Human Groups|Suicide Recon]]
[[Category:Survivor Groups]]


Latest revision as of 15:05, 13 March 2009

Suicide Recon
Abbreviation: IISRII
Group Numbers: 7
Leadership: Iden DeSeer
Goals: To provide mobile support to besieged survivors, in the form of medical supplies and minor combat forces
Recruitment Policy: Open. Shoot a message to the group leader
Contact: SR founder's page

Welcome to the Lunacy

“We are the lunatics. We are the craziest sons of a bitches out there, those few sorry bastards either brave, stupid, or outright insane enough to walk through the largest of hordes, to go where no sane man would, for the sake of helping those who are without help. We are the one-shot support squad. We are Suicide Recon.” -- Iden DeSeer

Suicide Recon is very much as the name suggests. The group is a small, mobile unit, newly christened by a survivor who has seen multiple poor souls battered and backed to a wall by the roaming hordes, be they feral or organized. While currently lacking any real organization or accomplishment, the few members involved are hopeful of the prospect of aiding those that can be aided, once the group can be gathered together from the farthest reaches of Malton.

Short term goals

The primary goal right now is just to gather the forces, and pull together somewhere in the southern end of Malton, most notably rendezvousing in Lockettside to establish a temporary base.

Once the forces have been gathered and an HQ established, the team will engage in short term, long range combat forays to bolster the experience in dealing with zombies. This will also hopefully lead to a recruitment campaign to bolster unit numbers, which may actually lend credibility to Suicide Recon.

And finally, we want to find ourselves a home, a suburb we can lay claim to as our own. Members are asked to keep their eyes peeled, both for potential allies and recruits, and for a base of operations on the fringes of zombie territory. Preferable is a location not truly “safe”, but not overrun.

Information and policies

Group Policies

PKing – Suicide Recon members will not engage in PKing, with a few exceptions. These exceptions being instances of self defense dealing with both personal threat and threat to llSRll property (barricades, generators, and radio transmitters), or in instances where a PK is witnessed by a member. –exceptions can be made for marked and reported PKers with bounties on their heads-

GKing – No. llSRll is a group meant to aid and defend survivors. GKing is directly contrary to that ideal. GKers will be booted, no exceptions.

Zerging - Members of SR are permitted to have their alternate characters. However, no person may have more than one account in the same unit, and each alt must maintain at least a one suburb space between themselves. Also, only one account can be in a leadership position of any sort at a time.

Spying - This ties in closely with zerging. Alternate characters are not restricted by SR, however, if you have a zombie character, none of the rest of us want to know what this zombie character knows. The same goes for metagame spying. If information is posted publicly (such as on the wiki page for a group) then its open game. However, SR does not condone using alternate accounts or false identities to work oneself into a private forum or other method of gathering otherwise hidden information.

Zombie Squadmates - This ties closely to spying in many regards. Zombie characters are NOT forbidden, however, they are not to be used to work into zombie organizations under false pretenses. Zombie members often will be called upon to scout out areas, however, in addition to providing exterior combat support to sieged survivors, and training partners for newcomers to the ranks.

((will finish later this evening, real life beckons))