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===My Journal===
===My Journal===
''I'm still in Tompson Mall, but I think I'm going to leave tommorow.  Despite the large number of zombies, there's nothing to do...obviously I'm not the only one at the mall with a DNA Extractor.  The security is nice, but sitting around in a crowded mall with nothing to do isn't exactly a great way to pass the time.  Might as well have an exciting zombie apocalypse. haha
''I'm still in Tompson Mall, but I think I'm going to leave tommorow.  Despite the large number of zombies, there's nothing to do...obviously I'm not the only one at the mall with a DNA Extractor.  The security is nice, but sitting around in a crowded mall with nothing to do isn't exactly a great way to pass the time.  Might as well have an exciting zombie apocalypse.

<blockquote>--[[User:HardRAWKR|HardRAWKR]] 23:42, 2 February 2010 (UTC)</blockquote>
<blockquote>--[[User:HardRAWKR|HardRAWKR]] 23:42, 2 February 2010 (UTC)</blockquote>

Revision as of 04:36, 3 February 2010

Red Mage.gif Roleplaying Notice
Notice: This User or Group enjoys the RPG aspect of MMORPGs, the category of games that Urban Dead falls into. As such, there is probably quite a bit of roleplaying and/or creative writing on this page and in said User/Group's in-game actions. In other words, if you think the difference between IC and OOC is "One has an 'I' and the other has two 'O's," buzz off.

My characters

Here are my in-game characters. Italicized text is "in character".


My primary character; a human Scientist.

"A scrawny young man. He is jumpy and shivers even if it is not cold. His eyes are sad and longing, but by the look on his face he is obviously paranoid and quick to judge. A tattoo on his arm reads 'PLEASE REVIVE'."

My Story

I was a new employee of NecroTech, a lab assistant, when the outbreak first started and I was just out of college. A few days before the outbreak, I remember overhearing a scientist talking to the lab director. He seemed scared, and was saying something about a dangerous experiment. I kept it to myself, but I kept an open eye from then on.

When the outbreak first started, I stopped coming to work for several days, fearing that the experiment I heard about had something to do with it. Once I got the courage to come back, I returned to a lab in ruins. There was no one there, but there was broken glass everywhere and chemical stains marked the floors. A single trail of blood led from the door to the far wall, where there was a bloody mess all over the wall. Driven by fear, I searched the lab for clues as to what happened, and anything that could help me. When I didn't find anything, I decided I should leave, so I tried to leave.

Unfortunately, when I opened the door to the hall I heard a loud groan from down the hall and saw one of the scientists. A zombie was eating his legs, but he was still conscious. I stood in fear, unable to move. He yelled at me to hide when he saw me, before falling to the ground, and then rising up again. He now had a ferocious hunger in his eyes. Adrenaline taking over, I ran down the hall. I hid inside one of the rooms. There was a large, metal vessel in the room that looked a bit like a coffin. I didn't know what it was, but I decided to take my chances and hide in it.

Inside the vessel it was comfortable, but also quite cold. I was reluctant to close the door at first, unsure if I would be able to get back out, but when I heard the zombies coming I hastily shut the door. It immediately got a lot colder and I heard a hydraulic hiss coming from all around.

I woke up a few weeks ago when the vessel was knocked over by zombies pounding on the wall oustide the building. I found a portable machine in the room I was in, which I have since been informed is a DNA Extractor. Apparently it's been almost five years, and the city's gone into quarantine. By the way things look now, I almost wish I had been killed back there in the lab...but since I'm stuck here I might as well make the best of it. I've learned how to operate the DNA Extractor and I had another survivor tattoo "PLEASE REVIVE" onto my arm just in case I ever end up a zombie. I hope it never comes to that.

My Journal

I'm still in Tompson Mall, but I think I'm going to leave tommorow. Despite the large number of zombies, there's nothing to do...obviously I'm not the only one at the mall with a DNA Extractor. The security is nice, but sitting around in a crowded mall with nothing to do isn't exactly a great way to pass the time. Might as well have an exciting zombie apocalypse.

--HardRAWKR 23:42, 2 February 2010 (UTC)

I made it to Tompson Mall and stayed the night. Most of the zombies had gone by the time I got there, so I didn't see much action, but it was a safe place to stay. A few other survivors had First-Aid Kits they were willing to share, so I'm back up to full strength. Tommorow I'll get out and do some more DNA scanning. It seems like that's all I've done since I woke up...
Oh well, things are looking up for the moment. I guess that's really the best I can ask for.

--HardRAWKR 21:49, 1 February 2010 (UTC)

Malton has gone completely insane since I was in that machine. Since my last journal I was killed twice. Luckilly I managed to get revived much quicker, but it still sucks. I may have been wrong about what I said about dying. I'm beginning to numb to it.
I think I'm going to head towards Tompson Mall. Apparantly it's under siege-maybe I can get some combat experience.

--HardRAWKR 01:38, 31 January 2010 (UTC)

Oh the irony! Just after my last journal I got stuck outside Josaphat General Hospital in the middle of a zombie attack and I was killed. I waited at the cemetery for nearly a week for a revive, and finally today someone came and revived me. It really gets on my nerves when people overbarricade buildings so no one else can get in. Even knowing free running it can be incredibly difficult to find an entry point.
Right now I'm resting, waiting to get my strength back, but tommorow I'll head back inside the hospital. With all of the zombies around I should have plenty to do for the next few days taking DNA samples. Mostly I'm just hoping I don't get killed again.

--HardRAWKR 01:30, 26 January 2010 (UTC)

Well since waking up, I've been killed and revived twice. I've learned how to diagnose certain illnesses and how to free run from building to building. Right now I'm at the border between Lockettside and Dartside, and I'm stuck outside. Zombies seem to have taken quite a few of the nearby buildings, and the rest are so heavily barricaded I can't get in. Hopefully I can get inside before a zombie finds me. I'm genuinely afraid to die, even though I've already been a zombie twice. It doesn't get any less scary.

--HardRAWKR 02:12, 21 January 2010 (UTC)


My second character; a zombie.

"He still wears some shredded clothing, but no pants, revealing intestines spilling from his abdomen. What skin is left is a pale blue color. Brandings run up and down his arms containing what appears to be musical notation."


TheOpportunists s.png The Opportunists
This user or group supports opportunistic behavior.

My third character. He is a dual nature character, currently a human.

"He wears a military uniform with large patches missing from it. His hair is thin and stiff, and smells like blood. His gait is unsteady, but deliberate at the same time. He appears somewhat confused."

My Story

So...I'm stuck in Malton, not much else to say about it. I was a soldier...joined the army to get out of school. Clearly that was a mistake. Now, instead of sitting in a classroom bored out of my mind I'm zombie fodder in this hellhole. Fucking military doesn't know when to stop throwing people at a lost cause. I'd waste my time "learning" any day over this.

Anyway, I was sent here just before the city went into full quarantine. My unit was supposed to scout out safe areas to help find a good evacuation route. I can't say we were much help, but I doubt they cared. But they only called it an evacuation maintain a good public image. The "evacuation" was a joke.

About a week after we arrived, we were staying the night in an abandoned parking garage. We had yet to see any "undead" (the military didn't like to call them "zombies") and a few of us, myself included, were beginning to think the outbreak was just a hoax. I had gone to take a leak in the stairwell, and the rest of my unit was asleep. As I was heading back, I heard a faint groan coming from down the stairs. I took out my flare gun (they didn't give scouts real guns), and went to see what it was. You'll never guess what I found coming up the stairs.

So I freaked out. There was only one of them, but that was enough to scare me. I shot a flare at it. It didn't hit, but it was disoriented. And then I ran. I didn't bother to warn my unit. Once you see one of those things, getting your ass safe is the only priority. I can only assume they got killed.

So I've been on my own ever since. When the evacuation started I considered trying to get out, but I felt too guilty for leaving my unit. I guess I stayed to punish myself. The guilt is gone now, but it took a long time. My main priority now is survival, and so far I'm doing pretty good. I have yet to die, at least. But apparently death isn't even permanent anymore, courtesy of NecroTech. To be honest though, I don't even care what I am, zombie or human. I'm so pissed off at humanity that I think that if I were to become a zombie I'd just stay that way. Wreaking havoc on poor, frightened humans sounds pretty amusing. Life, death, I'll take what I can get.

Fuck I'm messed up.