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|title=The Battle of Pitneybank
|date=January 2nd, 2008 - January 31st, 2008
|place=[[Pitneybank]], mainly [[the Farmer Building]], [[The Morrish Building]] and [[Giddings Mall]].
|result=Zombie Victory
|groups1=At Farmer [[TNR]],
[[Malton Rangers]],
[[DEM]] ,
and [[RHVP]]

At Morrish and Giddings
[[The Northern Regiment]],
[[Malton Rangers]],
[[The Hazeldine Committee]],
[[Aardwolf Rangers]],
[[U.S. Army Infantry]],
[[Evil Never Dies]],
[[The Dribbling Beavers]],
[[The Fortress]],
[[151st Brigade]],
[[(To The) Four Winds]],
the [[Dulston Alliance]],
[[Deck of 52]],
[[The Buckrell Arms Troops]],
[[Allied Travellers Organisation]],
[[Dentonside Regulars]],
[[Defenders of the Playground]],
[[Cannonball Crew]],
[[Umbrella Corporation]]
and [[Malton Department of Defense]].
|groups2=[[The Second Big Bash]], officially comprised of: [[Cybele's Shamblers]], [[De-vivification Experts of Malton]], [[Eastonwood Ferals]], [[Extinction]], [[Feral Undead]], [[Infected Swarm]], [[Killer Zombie Tomatoes]], [[Lebende Tote]], [[LUE]], [[Rowcliffe Must Fall]], [[The Minions of the Apocalypse]], [[The Alliance]], [[The Ridleybank Resistance Front]], [[Thulsa Doom's Temple of Set]], [[Undeadites]], and [[Williamsville Horde of Organized Zombies]].
|commander1=[[User:Blanemcc|Blanemcc]], [[User:Redwave|Redwave]], [[user:PadreRomero|Padre Romero]], [[User:Johnny Lunchpail|Johnny Lunchpail]], [[CDF|El Satanno]], [[User:Randomzero|Randomzero]], [[User:Catman03|Booleanearth]], [[User:XxCannon FodderxX|XxCannon FodderxX]], [[User:Laundry_hamper|Laundry_hamper]], [[User:DanceDanceRevolution|DanceDanceRevolution]], [[User:Doctor Sarcoma|Doctor Sarcoma]],[[User:Clint Clintstone|Clint Clintstone]],[[User:Crowbar|Tommy Crowbar]], and [[Cannonball Crew|Deletion]].
|commander2=[[User:DonTickles|DonTickles]], [[User:Brona|Brona]], [[User:Keith Moon|Keith Moon]], [[User:Gogolnik|Gogolnik]], [[User:Captain Grisum|Captain Grisum]], [[User:Brainzombie|Brainzombie]], [[User:Mrhton|Mrhton]], [[User:Plinker|Plinker]], and many others.
|casualties1= substantial survivor casualties
|casualties2= substantial zombie casualties
=The Battle of Pitneybank=
==Prelude: [[First Ruining of Fort Creedy|The Fall of Creedy]] and the Farmer Building==
[[Fort Creedy]], which had held 700 survivors, fell in early January 2008 due to efforts by the [[PKA]], feral zombies and [[The Second Big Bash]] during the [[First Ruining of Fort Creedy]]. After the fort and the surrounding buildings fell, many of the zombies moved on to [[The Farmer Building]].
After the fall of Fort Creedy, there were 80+ survivors inside the Farmer building, with more survivors arriving. The numbers peaked a few hours after the Fort fell, and the building at one point had 150+ zombies outside. Survivors held off several large break-ins in the early hours; but by midday January 3rd, 2008, the Farmer Building fell to a horde numbering some 280+ zombies. Many survivors fled to Giddings Mall and the Morrish Building. The buildings around the Farmer Building had been ransacked, leaving much of south Pitneybank barricadeless and in the hands of feral zombies and the Second Big Bash.
==The Siege of the Morrish building==
After the Farmer Building was ransacked, The Second Big Bash and ferals brought their full force to bear against [[The Morrish Building]], recieving reinforcements from throughout [[Pitneybank]] and the surrounding suburbs. Meanwhile survivors inside Giddings Mall rested, revived, and healed while the Bash was preoccupied. Those survivors inside the Morrish Building and it's two neighboring entry points were still busy barricading and attempting to revive those who had been killed.
Survivors were much more numerous at the Morrish Building than they were at the Farmer Building, and easily equaled or exceeded the numbers of the Big Bash, and thus were able to hold the building for significantly longer.
While the battle concentrated at Morrish, mobile groups from both sides moved to the siege. With what seemed to be a stalemate at the Morrish Building, zombies began targeting nearby resource buildings in an attempt to cut off the supplies for the NT. Both [[Byrne Auto Repair]] and [[Bromley Auto Repair]] were battlegrounds for several days as the zombies and survivors fought for their possession. The battle for Morrish and the two auto repair shops lasted for nearly two weeks.
After some time the zombie forces moved north to take some of the survivor strongholds after the first fall of the auto repair shops; most notably, the MacMillan motel which had been lost and retaken repeatedly throughout the battle. While only slightly important in the larger siege, taking these gave a slight morale boost to the Bash, which encouraged them to move on to Giddings. It also cut off some of the Free-running routes north into [[Spracklingbank]]. Survivors regained control of the auto repairs during this time and the Bash turned it's attention to a bigger target. Entry points were back up and running, giving them a clear gateway to the fighting. However the zombies were far from ready to admit defeat.
In the surrounding revive points the revive process was slowed down due to huge numbers of revive point occupants and large numbers of rotters in the crowds. This slowed the flow of survivors going back to defend the Morrish Building to a mere trickle.
== The Assault on Giddings Mall ==
After the two week assault on the auto repair shops, and Morrish, the Bash changed tactics: Walrond Square was clogged with Rotters to an extent never seen before, and the main force shifted to the northeast corner of Giddings Mall. Survivor casualties due to break-ins were matched by revives, and survivors followed the "cade-dump-heal-kill" protocol for sieges. At this point the survivors outnumbered the zombies and the siege only became slowed considerably.
Break-ins were a very common sight however, with groups of 10-20 zombies getting inside the mall at least 3 times a day throughout the duration of the siege with dozens of 0:00 based attacks. The northern half of Giddings was almost constantly filled with small numbers of zombies trickling through. PKer's inside the Mall provided an additional threat and the dropping Barricades needed constant attention. PKing efforts combined with the numerous small break-ins caused survivor attention to be diverted to the quickly falling barricades of the northern corners.
===The Update===
As time wore on, zombie moral started to decline. DonTickles, a Zombie commander, announced a "crunch time", right before [[Kevan]] added [[News#23rd_January|updates ]] that made maintaining a break-in much easier for the zombies and much harder for the survivors attempting to defend. This provided a substantial morale boost to the Bash, and break-ins at the Giddings Mall grew longer and more deadly as barricading was now considerably more difficult while zombies were standing inside the mall. From this moment, the Survivor's new siege protocol became "dump-kill-cade-heal". The siege had turned into more of an outright battle; instead of two sides fighting over the status of the barricades, they were directly fighting one another for possession of the mall. The battle spread beyond the Northeast corner, with a smaller but still sizable force of zombies (70-80 at any given time) attacking the Southeast corner of the mall. Zombies began to target generators more frequently while PKer & GKer alike would lend a helping hand to the advancing Zombies.
===South Pitneybank during Giddings Mall Siege===
With slightly more than half of the Bash assaulting the mall, several groups of survivors emerged from the Mall, retook the Farmer NT and began clearing Fort Creedy. During the long siege of Giddings before the update, they succeeded in reestablishing the Fort and rebuilding the southern area of Pitneybank. After the update, however, the zombies remaining at Creedy broke through and within days Creedy was again in ruins. The survivors who were still fighting in the fort were quickly killed by a sizable zombie force. The zombies then began another siege of Farmer, which fell on January 27, 2008.
===The Bash's Beachhead and The Fall of Giddings===
After the update, break-ins became more frequent, larger, and longer. Several break-ins allowed more than 50 zombies inside. Survivor defenses rapidly became uncoordinated and while survivors tried to regroup after each attack the zombies invaded the mall in groups of 60-80 at a time. At first, these larger incursions were repulsed by the survivor groups, but on Jan. 29, the zombies gained a large toehold in the southeast corner of the mall. After first breaking into the mall's Northeast corner, the zombies then shifted their focus to the Southeast corner. Making full use of the confusion caused by the shift, the zombies pounded on the southeast corner's barricades. While most of the survivors fought for control of the Northeast corner, even more zombies broke into the less defended Southeast corner, flooding into the mall and killing the few survivors remaining in the Southeast corner. By the next day, over 300 zombies were standing in Southeast Giddings, while survivor numbers in that section had dwindled to less than 50. The Southeast corner was [[Ransack|ransacked]] and [[Ruin|ruined]] in the early hours of January 31, 2008. With this beachhead secured and the doors left open, hundreds of zombies flooded in and the survivors were soon outnumbered by 20:1 as they either fled the mall or were killed by the zombies. By 18:01 GMT of the 31st, the last survivors were either dead or had fled and all corners had been ruined. At this point there were over 500 zombies inside the building. The Bash had taken down Giddings after a month long siege.
[[Image: GiddingsDoomed.jpg|thumb|left| Zombies attack the SE corner.]]
== The Last Stand ==
After the fall of Giddings, the Big Bash quickly turned its attention to [[the Morrish Building]], where the remaining survivors of Giddings Mall had gathered and waited with the Morrish Inhabitants. The battle was short, with zombies bringing down the barricades and several hundred quickly flooding inside on the evening of January 31.
Survivors suffered from a lack of First Aid Kits, ammunition, and a large revive queue from the fall of Giddings. By the end of the night, zombies outnumbered the few remaining survivors 3:1, and as the new month began, the siege of Giddings and Morrish ended.
In the end, the Second Big Bash, which had cut a bloody swath through southern Malton relatively unhindered in the previous months, was stalled for several weeks by an impressive and stubborn survivor defensive effort. The end of the battle was likely the direct cause of the update of zombie abilities. The numbers involved in both sides of the siege were massive, and both survivors and zombies acquitted themselves well. In the end, the siege was considered a success for the Bash, which added the suburb to their tally, and the survivors who rallied to the cause of defense were pushed from their fortifications.
The siege was a rather unique event, being both before and after the updates. Its aftermath led to a number of debates on the subject of survivor tactics.
[[Category:Giddings Mall]]

Revision as of 15:25, 5 August 2012