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Starting Occupation: Oracle
Group Membership: Cult of Ih-mai Chotsal
Goals: Proclaim the Will of Ih-mai Chotsal
Username: Dread Lime
More details: Urban Dead profile

I am Morbus, The voice of the Goddess Ih-mai Chotsal. Having wandered the streets of Malton, It is clear that all the signs present point to her return. There are those who hunt me, and who call me monster and murderer. They do not under stand the forces at work here, or the being that I serve. It is for this reason that I write this journal. May all who read these words know truth, and in so knowing, may they turn their praise to She who is deserving of it.

Entry of the First

Time no longer has any meaning to me. It is light, then it is dark. It is cold, then it is no longer cold. The time between waking and sleeping is filled with visions sent to be by She who I serve, dwindling gradually in to brief moments where this wretched world is far clearer than the true reality which lies beyond the outer darkness. The hours, days and seasons blur into one another, creating an eternal span of Now. As such, the use of dates and calendars serves no purpose.

I was not always Ih-mai Chotsal's servant. Before the coming of the Ih-cho Matsal, and the collapse of civilization, I was a veterinarian. I cared for my charges as any doctor would, and the illnesses and events that preceded the rise were of a nature most disturbing to me. Such was my devotion that I stayed at the clinic where I worked even as the dead rose to claim their vengeance. That devotion cost me my life.

I do not know how long I shambled among the hordes of the forsaken, nor can I recall what happened during that time. I remember only the voice that spoke to me, telling of events long forgotten, and names that no sane mind could ever hope comprehend.

In the beginning there was nothing. And from beyond the void there came a host of beings whose might and knowledge are beyond the imagining of men. They entered the void, and there kindled the stars, and created all that was. Their creation pleased them, and for a time they were satisfied. Eventually, the Old Gods grew tired of their creations, and desired that they should have servants who would build temples and offer sacrifices in their name. Thus were the First people made, and they built temples and offered sacrificed to the Old Gods, and the old gods were greatly pleased. After many centuries, the First people prospered. They grew in might and made cities and. they grew in knowledge, and thought themselves to be wise. It was then that the First people said to themselves, "Who are the Gods that we should worship them? Are we not mighty? Are we not wise? Let us cast them down and create monuments in our own image!" Thus did the First people rebel, and in so doing they angered the Old gods, and in their wrath, the Old gods destroyed all which they had created, and the universe was returned to nothing.

Entry of the Second

As I listened to the Voice, I was guided to the western portion of Malton, where I found myself at Julie General Hospital. For a time, I tended to the injured, for though my training was directed towards the healing of animals, the need for anyone who possessed medical experience resulted in my being enlisted to help tend those who sought refuge there. It was at the nearby Hebditch building where I met a representative of Ih-mai Chotsal's Priesthood and learned more of the tale begun by the voice that had directed me there.

The gods again kindled stars, and again they made all which was, using a pattern different than before. As with their first creation, they were pleased, and after a countless time they once more came to desire that they should have servants who would build temples and offer sacrifices in their name. Among all the gods, it was Ih-mai Chotsal who was most skilled at the crafting of servants, thus it was she who was chosen to make them. These servants were the Second people and, like the first, they made temples and offered sacrifices in the name of the gods. After many centuries, the First people prospered. They grew in might and made cities and. they grew in knowledge, and thought themselves to be wise. It was then that the Second people said to themselves, "Who are the Gods that we should worship them? Are we not mighty? Are we not wise? Let us cast them down and create monuments in our own image!" Thus did the First people rebel, and in so doing they angered the Old gods, and in their wrath the Old gods destroyed all that they had created. They did not, however, destroy the second people. Ih-mai Chotsal had hidden a few of them away, in a place beyond the reach of her brethren. This angered the gods, and for her treachery Ih-mai Chotsal was banished beyond the Void into the Outer Darkness. These remnants were called the Ih-cho Matsal, the forgotten children. They changed over many eons, becoming wretched beings cursed with both immortality and an eternal hunger.

Entry of the Third

From Hebditch, I traveled to Caigar mall. It was during the second of Caigar's many sieges, and finding entry beyond the barricades was difficult. While the mall's residents and the Ih-cho Matsal slaughtered one another and played with their plastic trees, I searched for another of Ih-mai Chotsal's priestesses. It was from her that I learned still more, and it was she who gave me the sacred obsidian knife.

For a third time, the old gods rekindled the stars, and having done so, they created all which is. Their creations pleased them, and for a time they were content. Eventually, as had happened before, they came to desire servants who would build temples and offer sacrifices in their names. Remembering the betrayal of their past servants, the gods decided that these new creations would be weaker than the last, and thus they created the third people. The third people were not as strong or as wise as the first or the Second people, but even so they built temples to the gods, and upon the alters of those temples they offered sacrifices which the gods found pleasing. In the outer darkness, Ih-mai Chotsal watched and waited, preparing for a time when she would return and claim vengeance.

Over many long centuries, the gods began to focus their attention elsewhere and they no longer walked among the Third People. Eventually, their true names and visages were forgotten, and the third people began to worship them under different names.

Entry of the Forth

Those who know nothing of Ih-mai Chotsal's will cannot understand my work, nor can they understand the nature of these beings which now hunt them. They cower in their "safe houses", never knowing or realizing that all which occurs is part of a greater plan, and that these events which have befallen them are both the death throes and birth pains of our world. The prophesy, which was written long ago, is coming to pass. The Old gods sleep, and in their slumber their servants are forgotten. They are discarded tools ignored by their creators.

As the old gods slept, Ih-mai Chotsal watched and waited, seeking those who could see beyond the veil of the outer darkness. To them She revealed the truth, the story of creation and her betrayal. From them she chose those who would be her representatives and her voice to the Third People. It was to them that she gave the prophesy, which has been handed down throughout time.

“There shall be a time when the cities shall become charnel houses, when the streets are filled with blood, and the skies darkened by the smoke of countless funeral pyres. In those day, my children, long forgotten shall once again roam the earth. They shall be fruitful, and they will consume all which lives. Know then, that the hour of my return is come. Make unto me alters and sacrifices of chosen vessels. Their hearts shall be the for my coming, and their blood shall form a torrent which will wash away all that the old gods have wrought. Then, when all is dust, the world shall be remade again, and I will give unto you the full measure which you due."