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[[Category:Philosophe Knights]]
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<font size=18>'''<span style="color: #FFFFFF">rh</span>'''</font>



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So we finally meet. Good to see you Vigilis, It was rude of me to open fire on you like that without greeting you first, and for that I apologize. Overall though, I think that meeting went over quite well, and I look forward to seeing you around Southall in the future. Those meetings for me however will be purely for the sake of this conflict; I believe all my personal affairs dealing with you are settled. Take care now; It was a pleasure making your acquaintance.--{{User:Denver Randleman/sig}} 09:43, 6 February 2009 (UTC)
:Ah, and thus once more you demonstrate the utter trenchy lack of class which your bore of a personality and vulturous group display so embarrassingly and with such grotesque and rotten plumage. --{{User:VI/S}} 01:07, 7 February 2009 (UTC)
::I must say you never cease to amaze Vigilis. I don't believe I have a bore of a personality, and least of all I try to be trenchy, but I will not go into any more detail since those discussion I reserve for people I respect. It truly is a shame, I expected so much more out of you, a legendary Philosophe Knight, and you turn out to be nothing more than a let down. Your statements are without basis, and are made up solely of your opinion. I'm cocky? Coming from the boy that told me to "sod off" before he even knew of me. That is the type of child that I deem cocky, one who is more than confident, since those who are confident still show respect to others. You deemed your abilities so high that common courtesy was beneath you. Besides that, I provide respect to your group time and time again, only to hear nothing but shit about my group come from your mouth, as if it has replaced your ass. I provide my groups calling card, or “black spot” if you will, to all those persons I come across in a manner similar to yours. If they have any questions or comments about our encounter they know where to field them. Call me what you like Vigilis, I do not care, but your hypocrisy is getting to be ridiculous. <blockquote>''Well well well. You're quite far from the MCM, Mr. Pegleg. Did those nurses you were griefing get to be too much for you? This is for being an annoying scumbag. Next time choose less virtuous groups to attack''</blockquote>Scumbag? How classy. I mean coming from a Philosophe Knight I'd expect some Latin or a quote from Voltaire. Besides that, If your going to make a statement about somebody's past actions make sure they did those said actions. Bobby didn't participate in the strike on MCM, and since he recently joined the FoD he hasn't even been in the Greentown area. You sure told him though, and that bit about the nurses, cute Vigilis. I mean how am I being a trenchcoater? See, when one makes a comment for example, if I said "You are a hypocrite" and leave it at that, that comment means nothing. You need examples to back up that comment, so if I said "You are a hypocrite since you preach about the education of ignorant survivors when you yourself are full of ignorance" now we're getting somewhere. I can point out your uneducated comment to Bobby, your constant slander of my group, and the first words you said to me. Give it a shot Vigilis. --{{User:Denver Randleman/sig}} 09:34, 7 February 2009 (UTC)

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:::It seems that assuming you would know what I was talking about when I said "trenchy and classless" was a mistake. Allow me to explain. I'll try to keep this as short as possible, as it seems you've already used up most of our yearly quota of verbiage.
:::A trenchcoater traditionally is someone who takes the "badass survivor" role too far, much to the chagrin of those around him. In the case of PKers, "trenchy" generally refers to a person who takes the "badass murderer" role too far, succumbing to a complete fixation on killing people, with no thought at all for the elegance and import of the instant of murder which is, in fact, the defining line between "strange and alluring" and "annoying prick". The difference between our groups is that mine uses murder as a tool for a noble cause, while these days (it wasn't always like this) the FOD apparently pulls names out of a hat. Thus you have crossed the line. It doesn't matter how cool your kill speeches are, you're still a jerk-off PKer. No offense, of course, is intended. If you want to get a good feel for ''exactly'' what I mean, go sign up on the PKer alliance board and the PKer hub and lurk for a week. Come back here then and tell me which group of people is more likely to receive a pickaxe to the head from strangers passing on the street. Even though Red Rum is devoted to killing large numbers of randomly selected people while delivering as many crude quips as possible, they are still infinitely more likable than the PKers at the alliance. Why? Because they don't take the game that seriously, they're funny, and ''they don't decide to grief a bunch of nurses running a school that is likely the best place for noobies in Malton to be.'' That's your answer. You've allied yourself with [[TZH]]. (TZH! What were you ''thinking??'' They're griefing idiots who like to text-rape people. They're worthless scum and should all be burnt at the stake.) If nothing else, that should show you just why I dislike what your group has become so much.

:::Ah yes, one last thing: You seem to assume that because I don't spew philosophical nothings in Latin and Greek like some demented classical parrot I am therefore "ignorant" and thus a hypocrite. This is stupid, and I advise you to find a better route of attack. At least ''try'' to be a little more original than the endless hordes of bereaved victims of the Knights who pound ceaselessly on our doors screaming "Hypocrites! You have attacked me and therefore you are ignorant, because I don't think of myself as being such, and therefore you are hypocritical and should disband!" The kind of ignorance we target is the kind that spreads itself most virulently, like aversion to learning or the destruction of centers of learning, so shut the fuck up about the Latin. ILLUC IVI, ILLUD FECI. -- {{User:VI/S}}14:56, 7 February 2009 (UTC)

==Code Stealers==
Are inactive last time I checked. In case you didn't know.--[[User_talk:Suicidalangel|<span style="color: DarkMagenta"> dǝǝɥs </span>]] <small><span style="color: Crimson">oʇ </span> [ <span style="color: DarkGreen">ɯɐds:</span>] [ <span style="color: MidnightBlue">sʎɐʍ1ɐ!</span>]</small> 03:53, 11 January 2009 (UTC)

==The Surrealists==
Are [[The Surrealists]] going anywhere? I noticed on their talk page that you were planning to bring the group back. Did that happen? --{{User:Pestolence/Sig}} 23:47, 6 December 2008 (UTC)
:Cool, thanks. --{{User:Pestolence/Sig}} 00:00, 7 December 2008 (UTC)

Alas, getting killed is usually an inconvenience, but a temporary one.  Barricading buildings and doing revives are the circle jobs in UD that I partake in with my survivor alt as well.  Sure, adding another person to the queue can slightly set things back in an area that is in repair.  And more so if that person is doing repairs in the area too.  Nevertheless, that's the beauty of Malton; it's in a constant state of change.  Buildings are constantly being torn down and built up over and over again.  It'd be boring if everything stayed the same.  Thanks for the food for thought, though.  I enjoy looking at things from different perspectives.  --[[User:Fifth Element|Fiffy]] 03:41, 11 November 2008 (UTC)

<font size="+3"><span style="color: #4a4a4a">dear rh</span></font>
Thanks for your kind words of welcome! I'm glad to be 'educating' alongside the Knights.
--{{User:KN/sig}} 17:53, 4 October 2008 (BST)

Well, well, if Murphy's Law isn't true, then nothing is. I've scoured my accounts to find a hidden confirmation or password stashed away somewhere for a rainy day. If you can access member passwords, could you send me mine via If you can't, then we'll have to get inventive. Maybe it's just high-time I ask to join up, and we can really get down to business. Who can say... -- [[User:Bram Russel]] 9 Aug 2008

==PK Page==
No problem... Despite what certain people may think, I want the wiki to be an effective resource, and I'll do my best to make sure [[user:ihateyou|dumbasses]] get whats coming regardless of who's page they screw up. Besides the group I used to be a part of and the PK have had "understandings" in the past. [[User:Conndraka|Conndraka]]<sup>[[Moderation|mod]] [[User_talk:Conndraka|T]][[TBA]] [[Coalition for Fair Tactics|''CFT'']]</sup> 02:27, 26 May 2008 (BST)

I would like to ask for your help in creating a signature identical to yours and DT's. I have been trying on my own, but I seem to be failing horribly. Any help you can provide would be most excellent. -- {{User:BlackReaper/sig}} 03:13, 26 May 2008 (BST)
:My eternal thanks to you VI. -- {{User:BlackReaper/sig}} 23:55, 26 May 2008 (BST)
==The Surrealists==

Yo fo shizzle man up. I'm in Red Rum's IRC right now ( and am occasionally there. I'd be well up for rejoining a restarted Surrealists, especially considering the Flat Earth Society is kinda folding. Then again, I don't need to write essays/ study right now, so I may not be fucking around on UD at all. Dun dun da na doodle dee --[[User:Karloth_vois|K]][ arloth Vois TALK] <sup>[ RR]</sup> 00:52, 29 May 2008 (BST)
:<font size="+2"><span style="color: #C00000">I have burnt all my books</span></font>
:I don't remember writing that. Hrm! Anyways, go right ahead; I'd love to see the group up and surreal and would happily donate the Supreme Court to the cause. If you're after hosting, the Hub will provide space :D I'm sure there is more to write, but I'm not quite awake. --[[User:Karloth_vois|Sir Topaz]] <sup>[[Daily Ruminations|DR]] ♣ [[The Gardeners|GR]]</sup> 11:11, 14 July 2008 (BST)
:<font size="+2"><span style="color: #C00000"></span></font>

== [[flowers of Disease]] ==

:::::::::::<font size="+7"><span style="color: #4a4a4a">6</span></font>

Hey VI we need to talk and soon...
Contact me on my user page or at the FoD forum.--[[User:Roland|Roland]] 04:44, 20 June 2008 (BST)

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'''    [[User:VI|VI]]    '''<br/>
<small>''Citizen Philosopher''</small>
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'''[[Philosophe Knights|Philosophe Knights]]'''<br/>
<small>''Be educated''</small>
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'''[[Royal Society of Malton|Royal Society of Malton]]'''<br/>
<small>''Nullius in Verba''</small>
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'''[ The Record]'''<br/>
<small>''Transcribed personally''</small>

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|style="width:5%; text-align: center; border-top:solid 4px #C00000; border-right:solid 0px"| '''<span style="color: #C00000">grammar</span>'''
|style="width:2%; background-color:#C00000; text-align: center; border-top:solid 4px #C00000; border-left:solid 0px"| <font size="+1">'''<span style="color: #FFFFFF">∴</span>'''</font>
'''   [[User:VI/Policies|Policies]]    '''<br/>
|style="width:5%; text-align: center; border-top:solid 4px #C00000; border-left:solid 0px"| '''<span style="color: #C00000">logic</span>'''
<small>''Advocation of ideas and ideals''</small>  
|style="width:2%; background-color:#C00000; text-align: center; border-top:solid 4px #C00000; border-left:solid 0px"| '''<span style="color: #FFFFFF"><font size="+1">∴</font></span>'''
|style="width:5%; text-align: center; border-top:solid 4px #C00000; border-left:solid 0px"| '''<span style="color: #C00000">rhetoric</span>'''

Latest revision as of 03:51, 23 February 2012

User talk:RH


philosophe knights philosophe knights philosophe knights philosophe knights philosophe knights


dear rh

I have burnt all my books


grammar logic rhetoric