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== '''Brief history''' ==
== '''Brief history''' ==
Taylor was born into small family in the Manhattan bureau of New york, while still young he was considered somewhat of a prodigy, he possessed lightning quick reflexes and an ability to focus no matter what the circumstances. these abilities guaranteed him a spot in military aviation and satiated his quest for more adventure in his life. His first few years in the air force were rather dull and in 5 years he had not flown one Combat air patrol, being restricted only to recon sweeps. When the outbreak in Malton occured however, he volunteered for the low altitude fly bys that were common in the first days. After almost a year of uneventful recons over the city Taylor, callsign "Talon", flew at an "unsafe" altitude of below 100 feet at subsonic speeds for little joy ride until....disaster struck. A fluke rocket propelled grenade narrowly missed a collision with his plane and exploded above it, severing one of the ailerons and causing the plane to spin, Taylor bailed out and landed in an alien enviornment, cut off from any other military forces he uses his Escape and survival training to just keep himslef alive.

== '''Inspiration''' ==
== '''Inspiration''' ==

Revision as of 18:50, 11 April 2010


Brief history

Hawx was born in Boston to a Catholic family of twleve being the youngest of 10 older brothers he was small wiry and fast, he spent most of his childhood outrunning and outsmarting siblings and bullies alike he loved baseball as a kid he was a big fan of the red sox and played little and minor league baseball as a kid. He joined the military at age twenty just to get away form his still large family he was placed in the special forces as a scout and accelled as one. he was sent into malton late. years after the outbreak and was seperated from his team with nothing but his flare gun his binocs and his ability to run like the wind he refused to give in to the elements of the city he found a new group of soldiers to call his comrades and is now a proud member of the Soldiers of Crossman.

In Game descrption

A small, scrawny man stands before you, he puffs his chest out and srikes a defiant pose. He stands in a wirey but firm staure, he wears a constant smirk and talks confidently declaring his statements with a strong boston accent. His eyes glimmer with naive youth and gritting determination of earlier years, his younger years are gone, the immature fun having spirit gone replace by hatred for all things undead. His face now bears many scars of past battles as well as scruff that he sometimes has time to shave if "ol zack aint knockin". He sleeps lightly, learning to keep one ear out to alert him of trouble. He dons a brown sports cap, and a one piece headphone and mic in order to link him to his superiors. He also wears an urban camo (brown, black, and blue) jsacket that replaced his shredded and less practical baseball jersey, he also wears his web gear and camo tactical vest over his red sports t shirt, where he holsters his pistol, a chrome 357 desert eagle he found after he lost his service pistol, and keeps most of his ammo in it. Slung across his back is a sports duffel bag where he keeps his coveted solid oak Louisville slugger, a aharpened fire axe, extra ammo, First aid kits, and other sentimental things. His silver dogtags hang loosely around his neck, all that is left of his service in the military besides his trusty knife. He slings a camo sheathed R700 high power with a tactical 20X scope over his shoulders and holds a shortened customized lever action double barrel shotgun tightly in his gauze covered hands, A large combat knife he jumped with is sheathed at his thigh along with a back up black and brown 1911 .45 ACP pistol for quick use if the need arises. He wears a dark brown and black urban camo pair of cargo pants. Lastly are his new combat boots, scavenged after a stray arty shell took out his prized cleats as well as a urban tiger striped poncho he uses as a cloak. A final note about Hawx, though most of the time it is covered up, he has a tattoo that he got in the military, on his upper back, shoulders, and lower neck is a picture of a red tailed hawk with its wings spread out and engulfed in fire, he usually doesnt let anyone see it but if they do, just like evreything else about him he is proud of it.


If you havent already noticed my character is based directly of the scout from Team Fortress 2 for all of you out there without imaginations this is who I am talking about:


albeit with a little more military influence than the actual character


-the "Cpl" in Hawx ingame name has nothing to do with his actual name, its an abbreviation for the military rank of Corporal

-The name Hawx was born with is John Caesar Hawkes, he never really liked his frist or middle name and has never let anyone except his family use it to adress him he likes to be simply known as "Hawx"

-the misspelling of Hawx name actually came during an error in military administration, he liked the ring to it and changed his legal name to "John Taylor Hawx" while in the military

-Hawx resents the military, hence he tried to put as much distance between himself and his obligations when he dropped, he has since found an actual group of true soldiers, true comrades, true borthers in arms, he will not serve a country that will not be loyal to him instead he will serve a cause that will not desert him.


"Talon" Taylor

Brief history
