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==Fuck sacred ground policy==
==Fuck sacred ground policy==

This subject is covered in a few different policies, really. Those of us that are here were condemned to the city prison of Malton by the authority outside, and therefore should know better than to live under the heel of a new set of tyrants. If the sheeple are too docile to stand against the trivial "rules" set by self important and self appointed shepards then so be it. The sheeple can foolow while PHOBIA stands tall screaming in the face of all of Maltons tyrants, "Fuck you and your Sacred Ground Policy!"
This subject is covered in a few different policies, really. Those of us that are here were condemned to the city prison of Malton by the authority outside, and therefore should know better than to live under the heel of a new set of tyrants. If the sheeple are too docile to stand against the trivial "rules" set by self important and self appointed shepards then so be it. The sheeple can follow while PHOBIA stands tall screaming in the face of all of Maltons tyrants, "Fuck you and your Sacred Ground Policy!"

==Granny Face Kick Policy==
==Granny Face Kick Policy==

Revision as of 08:49, 18 December 2010

Physical Hindrance Offensive Benefitting Intransigent Anarchy
Abbreviation: PHOBIA
Group Numbers: Founded 2-25-08
Leadership: Mr Watt
Goals: Spreading confusion and death to the citizens of Malton
Recruitment Policy: Pkers/Gkers

ADD PHOBIA as your group name in the in-game settings. Apply to forums for group involvement.

Contact: Contact Them here Or just use the Discussion page.



What is PHOBIA?

PHOBIA is a group of sociopaths, deviants, and serial killers that have been brought together by the disaster in Malton. It is said that they get a kind of sick pleasure out of creating fear in the humans that are struggling to survive. What twisted circumstances of fate could allow such a diabolical and unholy gathering of souless monsters? God only knows.

Leaders and the leadership role.

Although it is said that Mr Watt, a remorseless serial killer and sexual predator, was the one to bring this group of animals together, they do not have a dictorial arrangment. There seems to be a type of group consensus when going after other groups. All reports do indicate that they typically operate as independants until a large force is deemed necesary to deal with a problem affecting individual members.

Brief History

Research into where these lunatics came from in the first place has uncovered some startling revelations. A majority of the members were tenants of the State Corrections Facility for the Criminally Insane. This facility is not located in Malton. As a part of the seemingly endless number of incredibly improbable disasters to simultaneously befall Malton, the three mini-vans that were being used to transport the men and women from a reseach center back to their abode at the Correction facility happened to be traveling through the center of town when the outbreak first occured. Due to the irresponsible nature of the reporting that took place in those first few hours of the outbreak the citizenry was incited into a state of panicked hysteria. The chaos that followed did much to bring any vehicular transportation to a complete standstill. It did not take long for the fast growing horde to get their teeth into everyone in those vans. Unfortunately, as things started to get under relative control, revive teams moved in and did what they were trained to do. You can imagine the strain put on the psyche of those already deranged people as they were snapped back to the hellish nightmare that now passed for reality in Malton. The revive crews, along with the other support personnel didn't stand a chance.

Thinking of joining?

Then you must be as crazy as they!! How could you actually contemplate associating with a group of diseased spirits such as they? If you really are villianous scum then do as you will. Simply add PHOBIA as your Group in the in-game settings. Really, thats all you need to do. Membership Dues are a can of Cheese Whiz.

Ask for addmittance to the forums and you can have it. Activity on the forums is currently low, but the forums are available for members.

Current PHOBIA Members

  • Mr Watt
  • Gus the Gasman
  • Platehead
  • Necrocleanse
  • Others. Due to the fact that any PKer can add PHOBIA to their in-game group name and that entry to group forums is not mandatory, it is difficult to gather reliable numbers on group size.

Links to individual histories.

Mr Watt


PK #350

PHOBIA recorded kill number three hundred and fifty with the violent slaughter of Sister Rita, the leader of MERCY. After a few choice taunts and a head shot that sent the nuns body into inglorious, twitching death throws the PHOBIA member was presented with the award of a half full can of cheese whiz and a bottle of Mad Dog 20/20. Being that it was a special occasion the hibachi was fired up and Rita flank steaks were had by all. Congratulations PHOBIA.

Witt Tower Massacre

Due to the diligent work of one of the Witt Tower Boys a promise of mayhem is made. Beginning May 19th and running through ????--User:Mr Watt/Sig 23:45, 20 May 2009 (BST)

Witt Death count=26
Phobia Death Count=0

Massacre Ends

June 9th, 2009 PHOBIA members decide that 25-0 is a good record for their first declared war. Feeling exalted with all the carnage they unleashed plans are being drawn up for a move through the burbs to quench their special thirst.--Mr Watt 17:28, 9 June 2009 (BST)

Edit: Pyro, the leader of WTB, was seen outside his suburb while one of our members was en route to resupply. Since this went against his bold statement that he and his dont abandon their suburbs, he was killed. So the count is actually 26-0. Now, the massacre is over. Until we think they have had time sufficient to train their skills.


December 13th

Mr Watt, having finally reached spiritual nirvana was seen moving off to deal with some "slanderous sonsuhbitches".

October 2010

Fleeing several Worldwide law agencies and independant mercenary groups for the hienous crimes commited during his year out of Malton, Mr Watt decides that the only place left for him that represents any kind of safety is, ironically enough, inside the zombie infested confines of the city of the damned.


Having escaped from Malton only to be conscripted into the Army to fight several worldwide manaces Mr Watt has officially been declared free of the Malton quarentine.

July 22nd

After spending a month circumnavigating the city of Malton the various members split off in seperate directions to fullfill some individual desires. A group event is planned for the end of the month.

June 15th

With Mr Watts brutal slaying today of Willard J Higgins and David Icke Rock, PHOBIAs PK count hit 300. Break out the good glasses, its time for a short celebration.

June 9th

After completely dominating a short war with the Witt Tower Boys, PHOBIA tires of the easy prey and decides to move to more exciting pastures. Some have talked of a move East. Others think North. We will clean and reload our weapons and maybe the way will be shown to us.

May 25th

Two new members join the ranks of PHOBIA. The claws of the beast become just a little sharper.

May 20

While spreading the word of anarchy through the language of violence in Buttonville and to "the randoms" in particular, several group members have found a small huddling mass of fresh meat that has distracted them like a dying mouse distracts the contented cat. The randoms can enjoy a short reprieve.

May 9th

Mr Watt and newly enrolled member Gus the Gasman went out for a night on the town. After slamming down a couple of burgers and playfully commiting some acts of battery on a few residents they stumbled into a den of some truely worthless looking individuals. Mr Watt decided to set a good example for the young recruit, Gus quickly followed suit. They spent several minutes posing for photos during and after the bloody massacre they had commited.

May 2009

PHOBIA notices the insignificant little people calling themselves the randoms. The decision is made to randomly execute its members. It is delicious. Choosing a group named the randoms to be the first non-random objects of their blood lust gives them an immensely sick pleasure.

April 2009


Founder Mr Watt decides to stop playing mind games and start playing better games. He takes PHOBIA into the ranks of the openly PKer ranks.

February 2008

PHOBIA is Born

Policies Observed

Killer.jpg Player Killer Group
"One kills a man, one is an assassin; one kills millions, one is a conqueror; one kills everybody, one is a god."

This Group is a PKer Group and supports the act of Player Killing.

Wikikillcount.jpg PHOBIA Kill Count
PHOBIA Members have PKed 356 survivors.
Killsacredground.PNG Fuck 'Sacred Ground' Policy!
This User or Group couldn't give a shit about Sacred Ground Policy & acknowledges that all Cemeteries in the city of Malton are considered fair game for evil fuckers.
54-1-.gif Granny face kick Policy
PHOBIA supports kicking grandmas in the face.

108 Culling the herd Policy
PHOBIA Believes members of herds should be converted to the horde.
108 Vulgar Display of Power
PHOBIA supports the use of overkill tactics.
Wikirevive.jpg Random Revive Policy
We strongly urge survivors to use revive needles in a completely random fashion.
Gun.jpg Trigger Happy
This user has guns. Do not cross them.
Wikiretaliation.jpg Retaliation Policy
PHOBIA supports a policy of escalating devestation when retaliating.
Nobrain.png Ban Stupidity
This user or group does not tolerate stupid people.
Wikibaricade.jpg Baricades Policy
PHOBIA supports a policy of feeding sleeping survivors to zeds and/or locking people out in the street.
150 Killer or Opportunist
PHOBIA members are equal opportunity killers.
Penguin-slap.gif WARNING!
PHOBIA knows how to lay the smack down.
Hat.jpg Honor Among Thieves
This user or group supports the Honor Among Thieves Policy & finds that PKing is more fun when only innocents suffer.

Policies Explained

Player Killer Group

This seems to be a rather obvious policy to explain. We, as individuals and as a group believe that the majority of the living residents of Malton bejave in such a brainless follower type manner that adding them to the numbers of the Zed population is no real loss for either themselves or the general surviving population. Plus, it preserves Maltons dwindling resources for us.

PHOBIA Kill Count

Why track something as morbid as the number of survivors that we have brutally hacked, chopped, pummeled, shot, dismembered, disemboweled, decapitated, lit on fire, cooked, and eaten? Is it our way of thumbing our noses at the establishment? Or a bad upbringing, "mama never loved me, papas got a wicked hook." sort of thing? Perhaps we have been so desensitized to violence by society in general and the zombie outbreak in particular that the act of killing can be made into a kind of game.

Fuck sacred ground policy

This subject is covered in a few different policies, really. Those of us that are here were condemned to the city prison of Malton by the authority outside, and therefore should know better than to live under the heel of a new set of tyrants. If the sheeple are too docile to stand against the trivial "rules" set by self important and self appointed shepards then so be it. The sheeple can follow while PHOBIA stands tall screaming in the face of all of Maltons tyrants, "Fuck you and your Sacred Ground Policy!"

Granny Face Kick Policy

This is a great policy, in my humble opinion. With punching bags and like materials being nearly impossible to find in Malton, it just makes sence to train our Kung Fu kicks on the elderly. The benefit of using Grannies is that they usually have really weak bones so you know they'll break before you wil.

Culling the Herd Policy

Herd mentality is disgusting. People running around bleeting and repeating the same boring crap over and over. Tyler Durden was right about making people think about how magic it is to be alive. We have been blessed here in Malton in that the lesson can be given in a vastly more powerful way than mere threats of death. Perhaps the gift of a headshot will shock the docility out of a few of the sheeple long enough to awaken them to the great possibilities presented by this unique blessing of near immortality.

Vulgar Display of Power

If a fly is pestering around why use a flyswatter when theres a perfectly good flame thrower available? Deer hunting with a rifle when theres an Abrams tank idling in the road? No way! If its worth killing its worth vaporizing.

Random Revive Policy

Quit being so stingy with the needles. Got a couple of Zeds in the building with you? Just use the 20APs to drop em and rebarricade down to the last AP. You'll be fine. Jeesh.

Trigger Happy

We are trigger happy. Enough said.

Retaliation Policy

You slap me I shoot you; You shoot me I kill you; you kill me I kill you and your mama, your sisters and brothers and all your friends and grind you all up into sausage and feed you to the crows.

Ban Stupidity

This means you.

Barricade Policy

Refer to Fuck Sacred Ground Policy.

Killer or opportunist

There is alot that goes into killing and the decision process........sometimes.

Honor among thieves

Every good story has three characters. This little drama that we call Malton has its three main identities: The Sheeple, the PKers, and the Dead. To each their own.